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Message ID: 6838
Date: Mon Sep 20 18:20:04 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Re: Less useful skills

On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, John Robertson wrote:
> >
> > I've been using instll doubt and actually had it work a couple
> > times. Last night, while I was invisible, I used instill
> > doubt on a dark elf seargant in Nektulos. He gave the
> > standard wood-elves-must-die cry, then said he was hit by 1
> > point of non-melee damage, followed immediately by a message
> > saying I'd kicked him. Then he ran away (due to the skill
> > working). Huh?
> Wow, I am REALLY impressed. I have pressed this button hundreds of times...
> maybe thousands, and NEVER had it work. I *have* experienced the kick thing
> though.

I've had it work twice in combat (once while the mob was
snared, another when it wasn't and my party rightfully berated
me for scaring off the mob), and once on that dark elf. It
doesn't work often, but it does work.

> Never begged, so i can't comment. When you beg from a mage pet... does it
> give you anything?

I have yet to succeed at it, as my skill is only 1. :-) I
did get that 1 point on a failure, so skill gain does not seem
to be success-based. I just thought some of the NPC behavior
I'd seen after begging was odd. Hmm, I have 104 skill points
sitting unused. Maybe I'll dump some into begging...

> I believe that sneak works for other classes (monk and bard) but only rogues
> get the success and failure messages associated with it. Given the bard's
> very low sneak scores, it's possible that you're just failing your sneak all
> the time, rather than the skill not working.

No, I was succeeding. I tested it by seeing how slowly I was
moving. I'm curious how they've implemented it if it's not
based on factions. Maybe it's based on aggro radius?

Another thing I should check is if we can do the hide-sneak
combo that rogues get. I've heard only rogues can do this,
but I have to wonder if people just say that because only
rogues have a high enough hide/sneak cap to pull it off
consistently. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, if a
rogue successfully hides, then successfully sneaks, he can
move while hidden.)

By the way, playing around with these useless skills does make
time on the boat pass more quickly.

John H. Kim