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Message ID: 6909
Date: Wed Sep 22 00:42:39 BST 1999
Author: Donny Dane
Subject: Re: Petiton to replace level 14 song

BIG problem with this one...

Most lore stuff that's around now is NO DROP. Ooops, have to hold it to get
the song to work. Can't hold it cause someone else has it. Can't ID that
for you, sorry...if you can't let me handle it, I can't sing my song on it.
Oh, well...you should have been a bard. Since we are the only ones that can
loot it, then ID it.

Oh, you can take chances with your valuable item...give it to a decaying
skellie, and hope I can loot it. Then rinse and repeat. Oh, this doesn't
work anymore?
Nah, drop it on the ground. NO, not in a bag! Sorry...it's gone...
Oh, okay, you dropped it on the multi-colored ground. Hey, does anyone see
a...oh, that newbie grabbed it and ran...sorry...
Let me kill you in a duel. Then I can loot...oops no...can't loot a NO
Lessee...I think that's all the transfer methods I know of...


17th Song Bard
Solusek Ro Wanderers

-----Original Message-----
From: John.Curry@... <John.Curry@...>
To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 6:23 PM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Petiton to replace level 14 song

>From: John.Curry@...
>Great news. I have never even purchased the 14th level song. I just wrote
>it off as useless. I will have to purchase it and try it out.
>I believe that since this song now has at lease some effect, that they
>probably wont even consider replacing it. If they were to start adding
>and more lore to items, I think that this would fit our class more than
>anything else.
>I imagine sitting in a tavern or at a player congregation point. Examining
>rare items for players and relaying the story to them. It could be really
>cool. Heck, we could do that now and non-bards would never know. I can
>it now, it would be like the psycic hotline *grin*
>Newbie: Hey can you tell me the lore on this minotaur axe.
>Bard: Sure, lets take a look at it.....( rubs the axe on his
>forhead ) Ahhhh.. Its comming to me now... .. this axe belonged to a
>minotaur... oohh a very lonely minotaur... Oh no.. The minotaur's
>parents have split up and now he is very sad... oh wait.. I think.. ermm...
>yes.. the original owner of this Axe is dead!!
>Newbie: Oooohh.. Wow....cool... How did you doooo that.
>Grin Chuckle
>Sevin Tercet 20th Human Minstrel
>on Brell
>-----Original Message-----
>From: RON_TALBOT@...
>Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 4:10 PM
>To: eqbards@onelist.com
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] Petiton to replace level 14 song
>From: RON_TALBOT@...
>Item Subject: [eqbards] Petiton to replace level 14 song
> Gentle Bards,
> I agree with your idea in theory but not on your choice of song to
> replace. Just last night I pulled out several items in my bank that
> had been sitting around and tried the level 14 song on them. To my
> surprise three of them gave me extra info. It seems that any item
> that says illegible or blurred will now give you extra info with the
> song. Nice touch. Don't know when they implemented this but I
> finished 2 quests last night with the help of this song and will
> finish the third when I get to Qeynos. This song is still not a real
> heavyweight but it actually works now and more importantly Verant is
> actively using it so they will not be receptive to removing it.
> Perhaps the level 22 song.
> your suggestions
> 1 and 2 Great ideas!
> 3. They'll never do it but would be nice.
> 4. I seem to have a perpetual taunt stamped on my forehead. <gr> I
> certainly don't need a taunt song.
> 5. see 3 above
> Another great idea they'll never do. A song that acts like the ranger
> track skill.
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: [eqbards] Petiton to replace level 14 song
>Author: Non-HP-g4mntofcr (g4mntofcr@...) at
>Date: 9/21/99 2:03 PM
>From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
>I sent this out about an hour ago but I haven't received it back from the
>list yet so sending it again just in case. Sorry if we end up getting it
>posted twice.
>Fellow bards,
>I came into work today and there were relatively few messages on the list.
>In an effort to jumpstart some discussion, I have the following proposal.
>If enough people on this list thinks its a good idea, lets submit a
>to have the level 14 song replaced. As most of you are aware, the song
>currently has almost no usefulness. All magic items come already
>identified. All you have to do is right click on it. The only situations
>have heard of the song providing any additional information is when it is
>sung while holding a head. The name of the person who the head used to be
>attached to can be discovered. This is only useful if you are turning in
>the head as part of a quest. I am unaware of any other uses for this song.
>I propose that we also provide Verant with some ideas on a song to replace
>it with. The biggest thing to remember here is that the power of the new
>song should be appropriate for a 14th level character. I don't think minor
>versions of any higher level song are likely to get approved. The new song
>should provide a completely new spell efffect. I request that everyone
>submit to this list their idea of what the new 14th level song should be.
>Once we get several good responses, we can all vote on which ones we think
>have the best chance of getting approved. We can then submit the petition
>to Verant with the entire list of suggested new songs ranked in the order
>vote on.
>Here are a couple of ideas that I have:
>1) A combination heal/stamina song that combines Jaxan's and Hymn. The
>power of the song can either be the same as the two original songs or toned
>down versions, perhaps 75% of the original values.
>2) A song that increases agility and/or increases the Dodge skill. The
>amount increased would be similar to the DEX increase you get when you sing
>Chant of Battle. Song would affect the entire party. Equipping an
>instrument, most likely the drum, would increase the effect of the song.
>3) A song that would teleport the bard to the nearest bards guild. This
>song would have to have some serious constraints placed on it in order for
>Verant to even consider adding it. Perhaps only usable in outdoor zones
>dungeons) and/or while not in combat. Should also require a high skill
>level in the instrument that is required to play it. If you miss a note
>fail, the song button grays out for a specified amount of time before you
>can try it again.
>4) A song that has a major taunt effect above and beyond that or normal
>bard songs. Useful in those situations where your casters are getting
>mauled and you can't pull them off with normal means. Also useful if
>someone is close to dying and the mob has frenzied on them.
>5) A song that binds a bard to his current location. I don't think this
>one would ever have a chance of getting approved but we can include it if
>thats what everyone wants.
>These are what I came up with on the fly. Make any modifications to these
>that you like. Submit new ideas if you have one.
>I'm in the Army and will be going out on a field exercise this Thursday for
>the next week. Assuming this message generates a lot of positive response,
>someone else will have to facilitate discussion on this issue until then.
>will write up the petition when I get back next week if we all come to an
>Galtin of E'ci