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Customs Clearance


Freight Direct has an “in house” team of licensed customs brokers. They are all trained, experienced and well versed in all facets of New Zealand customs brokerage procedures. We can provide expert advice on all New Zealand import and export laws and regulations.

无缝衔接系统提货 , 代理报关报检 , 国际运输 , 货运代理 , 资深的报关专家坐镇 , 首选捷航 , 报关清关公司 , 报关好选择专业进出口报关。我们资深的报关团

We are active members of CBAFF – NZ Custom Brokers and Freight Forwarders Federation. The professional New Zealand body administering / representing our industry at senior level.

No matter the port of entry into New Zealand we can compile accurate efficient custom clearances of your product up to 5 days prior arrival (via sea) and 2 days prior arrival (air) via our direct electronic link with the New Zealand Customs Dept.

