Stock Markets - Program

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Obtain S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 listings

The following program example demonstrates downloading some stock market data from a web page and combine both listings in one Excel files. Negative values will appear in red.

Guide-Tutorial-Merging Football teams

Information source: NASDAQ 100 and SP500

The Full Program
include ( Style Library );      // Include this library if you want to use the 'table style ...' functions.
//  Step 1: Download two web pages.
    for all parameters ( {nasdaq100, sp500} , listing[] )
        file download overwrite       ( "" + listing[], listing[] + .html);
        table load            ( listing[],listing[] + .html,  HTML, "Components" );
        table clean           ( listing[], trim spaces );
        table process         ( listing[], ['% Chg'] = smart num( middle( ['% Chg'], '(', ')' )); [Price] = clean num([Price]) );

        table correct headers     ( listing[], "Portfolio%", Weight ); // SP500 uses different terminology
        table rename column headers   ( listing[], Weight, "Weight " + listing[] ); // Weight info is specific to SP and Nasdaq, so add the listing name

//  Step 2: Combine the two tables

    table merge extend columns        ( nasdaq100, sp500, Symbol );
    table rename              ( sp500, stocks );

//  Step 3: Rearrange

    table sort rows               ( stocks, Company );
    table process             ( stocks, ['#'] = row() ); // Number the items
    table rearrange columns           ( stocks, { '#', Company, Symbol, Price, Chg, '% Chg' } );      // Weightings follow afterwards

//  Step 4: Add Style

    table style auto width            ( stocks );
    table style theme         ( stocks, Zebra Vertical Lines, pattern, 2, table, "gridlines, false" );
    table process             ( stocks, // Negative numbers: red; positive numbers: navy blue
    table style cells             ( stocks, { 'Chg', '% Chg' }, { 2: row() }, single, text color, select if ( [Chg]>0, navy, red ) ) );

    table style columns           ( stocks, '% Chg', sheet, number format, "0.00%" ); // Value to show as percent.
    table style table         ( stocks, sheet, freeze rows, 1, autofilter, 0);

//  Step 5: Save the artwork

    table save excel file         ( stocks, "NASDAQ and SP500", Stocks.xlsx );

//  Step 6: Also demonstrate saving results in HTML

    table format numbers            ( stocks, '% Chg', "0.00%" ); // For HTML, the number must be physically reformulated with %-sign
    translate style attributes for html (stocks);
    table save                      ( stocks, "Images\Stock Market Listing.html", HTML );
The Output
Row #: Code Text _______________________________________________________
    1: include ( Support Library );
    2: include ( Utility Library );
    3: include ( Office Library );
    4: include ( Style Library );      // Include this library if you want to use the 'table style ...' functions.
    5: //  Step 1: Download two web pages.
    6:     for all parameters ( {nasdaq100, sp500} , listing[] )
    7:     {
    8:         file download overwrite       ( "" + listing[], listing[] + .html);
    9:         table load            ( listing[],listing[] + .html,  HTML, "Components" );
Calling: table load (nasdaq100,nasdaq100.html,HTML,Components

HTML file, row 218: Expected a number after 'rowspan' / 'colspan' attribute
Syntax error in HTML-coded file being loaded.
Code execution will stop.  Going to interactive mode
Type 'help' for help, 'docs' or 'toc' for online B4P documentation.
Try it yourself: Open GUI_Features_Example_-_Retrieve_stock_market_data.b4p in Decompress before use.

View the generated HTML file with the formatting included:

Test Click on the file name open the file with Excel (.xlsx) :
Stock Market Listing.xlsx, and
Stock Market Listing.html.