Updates and Upgrades

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Update Installations

B4P update installations using the same version of the B4P interpreter can be carried out by starting the same installation program. Typical cases are repeating installations with different settings such as changed locale settings, or including an approved license in order to lift the applicable restrictions.

Start the same installation program (setup) as you have done with the intial installation and choose "M" for local machine (or "U" user specific installation, Windows only) to redo the installation. The installer will automatically check for any existing installations including the following:

  • User-specific settings (for example it contains the chosen browser for the 'docs' function)
  • Locale settings (country and language settings)
  • License information (B4P License File.json)
  • User-specific initialization program(My B4P Init.b4p).

The following example shows an update installation: