This form of transaction picks up a table row and treats it as a 1-level structure with members named by the corresponding header names which will then be
integrated in the destination variable using the rules of the & prefix.
Table access rules: See section on Transactions from Tables to Variables.
Destination variable rules: See section on AND Transactions between variables.
Following actions are applied on the destination variables using this assignment operator:
Destination | Source | Description |
Simple or zero members | Table contents (1 row) | Base variable: Updated with table name if no ^ suffix is specified. |
Structure | Table contents (1 row) | Base variable: See above. The members for which corresponding member positions are already existing in the destination variable will also be transferred. - Existing members will be overwritten - No additional member names will be added. |
Array | Table contents (1 row) | Base variable: See above. Existing array members will be overwritten. - If the destination has more members than the source, then the excess destination members remain unaffected. - If the destination has fewer members than the source, then the remaining members in the source variable will not be copied. |
table initialize( animals,
{ { Name, Leg count, Special ability },
{ Owl, 2, Night vision },
{ Dog, 4, Sensitive nose },
{ Ape, 2 or 4, Relatively smart } } );
structure( animal1[], { Name, Special ability, Skin surface }, { Bat, "On-flight acoustic radar", skin wings } );
array( animal2[], { Rat, "Relatively intelligent", gray hair, not a favorable pet } );
animal1[] = "A kind of flying dog";
animal2[] = "A kind of big mouse";
animal1[] &<== [ animals: .., 1 ]; // Owl with skin wings and night vision
animal2[] &<== [ animals: .., 1 ]; // Owl
see( animal1[] );
see( animal2[] );
animal1[] animals (quoted string,full access)
Name Owl (quoted string,full access)
Skin surface skin wings (softquoted string,full access)
Special ability Night vision (quoted string,full access)
animal2[] animals (quoted string,full access)
Array [ 0] Owl (quoted string,full access)
Array [ 1] 2 "2" (numeral,full access)
Array [ 2] Night vision (quoted string,full access)
Array [ 3] not a favorable pet (softquoted string,full access)
table initialize( animals,
{ { Name, Leg count, Special ability },
{ Owl, 2, Night vision },
{ Dog, 4, Sensitive nose },
{ Ape, 2 or 4, Relatively smart } } );
structure( animal1[], { Name, Special ability, Skin surface }, { Bat, "On-flight acoustic radar", skin wings } );
array( animal2[], { Rat, "Relatively intelligent", gray hair, not a favorable pet } );
animal1[] = "A kind of flying dog";
animal2[] = "A kind of big mouse";
animal1[] &<<= [ animals: .., 1 ]; // Owl
animal2[] &<<= [ animals: .., 1 ]; // Dog
see( animal1[] );
see( animal2[] );
table list( animals ); // Ape left over
animal1[] animals (quoted string,full access)
Name Owl (quoted string,full access)
Skin surface skin wings (softquoted string,full access)
Special ability Night vision (quoted string,full access)
animal2[] animals (quoted string,full access)
Array [ 0] Dog (quoted string,full access)
Array [ 1] 4 "4" (numeral,full access)
Array [ 2] Sensitive nose (quoted string,full access)
Array [ 3] not a favorable pet (softquoted string,full access)
0 : Name | Leg count | Special ability
1 : Ape | 2 or 4 | Relatively smart
table initialize( animals,
{ { Name, Leg count, Special ability },
{ Owl, 2, Night vision },
{ Dog, 4, Sensitive nose },
{ Ape, 2 or 4, Relatively smart } } );
structure( animal1[], { Name, Special ability, Skin surface, Strange habit },
{ Bat, "On-flight acoustic radar", skin wings, hangs while sleeping } );
array( animal2[], { Crab, 10 } );
animal1[] &<=> [ animals: .., 1 ]; // Animal1: Owl with night vision, no info on legs, keeps bat wings and hangs while sleeping
animal2[] &<=>^ [ animals: .., 2 ]; // Animal2: Dog with 4 legs. Circumflex symbol: Do not transfer table name.
see( animal1[] );
see( animal2[] );
table list( animals ); // Contains bat and crab and ape with some info
animal1[] animals (quoted string,full access)
Name Owl (quoted string,full access)
Skin surface skin wings (softquoted string,full access)
Special ability Night vision (quoted string,full access)
Strange habit hangs while sleeping (softquoted string,full access)
animal2[] [Void] (void,full access)
Array [ 0] Dog (quoted string,full access)
Array [ 1] 4 "4" (numeral,full access)
0 : Name | Leg count | Special ability
1 : Bat | 2 | On-flight acoustic radar
2 : Crab | 10 | Sensitive nose
3 : Ape | 2 or 4 | Relatively smart