B4P requires no variable declarations. Variables are created at their first assignments. The type may change dynamically. It is allowed to assign a number, and later on a value of a different type. This may however be restricted if protection settings are applied.
a[] = 123;
a variable[] = 456;
a variable[] = 789; // redundant spaces collapse to 1 space if not put in quotation marks
"Total Value [€]"[] = 98.95;
b[] = City;
(b[])[] = Milano; // Write access: Don't forget the parentheses in LHS expressions
echo( a[] );
echo( a variable[] );
echo( "Total Value [€]"[] );
echo( b[] ); // City
echo( City[], ' and ', b[][] ); // 2 x Milano
b[] = 555.55; // Contained 'City' before. Assign a number.
echo( b[] ); // 555.55
Milano and Milano