The LHS Expressions are expressions on the Left-Hand Side of the assignment symbol or assignment operator, as well as on both sides of the transaction operator in transactions which are used to specify a destination in a variable or table.
LHS Expressions are applicable in following cases:
The following are not allowed in RHS expressions:
echo(LHS Examples with variables);
a[] = 10;
a[name] = 'My Name'; // Structure member 'name' added to a[]
a[name,0] = First Name; // Array added to a[name]
a[name,1] = Middle Initial;
a[name,2] = Last Name;
echo(RHS Examples with a table);
table create( List );
[ List: .., 0 ] = { Name, Score }; // Write two values into row 0
[ List: Name, 1 ] = Amy;
[ List: Score, 1 ] = 10;
[ List: Name, 2..] = { Bea, Claus }; // Write two values into column 0, beginning on row 2
[ List: Score, 2 ] = 20;
[ List: Score, -1 ] = 30; // Negative indexing: -1 refers to last entry
table list( List );
LHS Examples with variables
a[] 10 "10" (numeral,full access)
name My Name (softquoted string,full access)
Array [ 0] First Name (softquoted string,full access)
Array [ 1] Middle Initial (softquoted string,full access)
Array [ 2] Last Name (softquoted string,full access)
RHS Examples with a table
0 : Name | Score
1 : Amy | 10
2 : Bea | 20
3 : Claus | 30