New Line

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Inside B4P, every new line is counted as one character, regardless on which operating system B4P is running on. The character code is ANSI / UNICODE 10 (line feed).

In B4P, the new line can be specified with:

  echo( Hello, new line, World, new line );   // Hello World on 2 rows, plus additional new line
  echo( Hello, chr(10), World, chr(10) );     // New line represented as a character codes
  echo( 'Hello
World&#nl;' );         // New line represented as a character entities
  echo( 'new line' );             // This is just text and not a new line symbol
  echo( code( new line ) );           // Code 10, line feed
  echo( 'Character count: ', new line{} );    // new line contains one character


new line
Character count: 1
Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_New_Line.b4p in Decompress before use.

Loading and Saving Files

B4P is able to load text files containing both "carriage return + line feed" (CR+LF) characters common in Windows systems and "line feed only" (LF) common in UNIX/LINUX/MACOS systems. When saving contents to files, the new line symbol will be automatically saved as line-feed (LF) in UNIX / Linux / MacOS systems and carriage-return + line-feed (CR+LF) character pairs in Windows systems. The legacy Macintosh "carriage return only" (CR) used as line separator is not supported.