Ad-hoc Operators Overview

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The following table provides a summary of the ad-hoc rules.

Ad-hoc operations on variables and table cells containing or assigned with numerals:

Operator Description Operator Description Operator Description
++ Increment by 1 -- Decrement by 1 ** Syntax error (factor missing)
++ ++ Increment by 2 -- -- Decrement by 2 ** ** "
++ (3) Add 3 -- (3) Subtract 3 **(3) Multiply by 3
++ (-3) Subtract 3 -- (-) Add 3 **(1/3) Divide by 3

Ad-hoc operations on variables and table cells containing or assigned with blank strings '' assumed zero:

Operator Description Operator Description Operator Description
++ Sets to 1 -- Sets to -1 ** Syntax error (factor missing)
++ ++ Sets to 2 -- -- Sets to -2 ** ** "
++ (3) Sets to 3 -- (3) Sets to -3 **(3) 0 Multiplied by 3 = 0
++ (-3) Sets to -3 -- (-) Sets to 3 **(1/3) 0 Multiplied by 3 = 0

Ad-hoc operations on variables and table cells containing or assigned with non-blank strings have no impact, and cause no exceptions.

Ad-hoc operations on variables and table cells containing or assigned with blank dates date('') have no impact, and cause no exceptions.
Note: Table cells do only apply if configured to retrieve dates as dates.

Ad-hoc operations on variables and table cells containing or assigned with dates (e.g. date("2020-01-01") ) are supported.
Note: Table cells do only apply if configured to retrieve dates as dates.

Operator Description Operator Description Operator Description
++ Tomorrow -- Yesterday ** Syntax error (factor missing)
++ ++ Day after tomorrow -- -- 2 days before ** ** "
++ (0.25) Same day -- (0.25) Same day Results in blank date
++ (3) 3 days later -- (3) 3 days before **(0) Results in blank date
++ (3.75) 3 days later (same) -- (3.75) 3 days before (same) **(1) Unchanged date
++ (-7) 1 week before -- (-7) 1 week later **(...) All other values: Exceptions (dates cannot be multiplied)

Ad-hoc operations on variables and table cells containing or assigned with dates and times (e.g. date("2020-01-01 12:45:00")) are supported.
Note: Table cells do only apply if configured to retrieve dates as dates.

Operator Description Operator Description Operator Description
++ Tomorrow -- Yesterday ** Syntax error (factor missing)
++ ++ Day after tomorrow -- -- 2 days before ** ** "
++ (0.25) 6 hours later -- (0.25) 6 hours earlier Results in blank date
++ (3) 3 days later -- (3) 3 days before **(0) Results in blank date
++ (3.75) 3 days + 18 hours later -- (3.75) 3 days + 18 hours before **(1) Unchanged date and time
++ (-7) 1 week before -- (-7) 1 week later **(...) All other values: Exceptions (dates cannot be multiplied)

Ad-hoc operations on variables and table cells containing or assigned with and times (e.g. time("12:45:00")) are supported.
Note: Table cells do only apply if configured to retrieve dates as dates.

Operator Description Operator Description Operator Description
++ Exception (not same day) -- Exception (not same day) ** Syntax error (factor missing)
++ ++ Exception (not same day) -- -- Exception (not same day) ** ** "
++ (0.25) 6 hours later (if same day) -- (0.25) 6 hours earlier (if same day) **(0) Results in blank date
++ (3) Exception (not same day) -- (3) Exception (not same day) **(1) Unchaned time

Ad-hoc operations on variables and table cells containing or assigned with booleans:
Note: Table cells do only apply if configured to retrieve dates as dates.

Operator Description Operator Description Operator Description
++ Sets to true -- Sets to false ** Syntax error (factor missing)
++ ++ Sets to true -- -- Sets to false ** ** "
++ (3) Sets to true -- (3) Sets to false **(0) Sets to false
++ (-1) Sets to false -- (-1) Sets to true **(1) Non-zero: Value unchanged
++ (-3) Sets to false -- (-3) Sets to true **(-1) "

Ad-hoc operations on variables containing parameter sets:
All elements will be affected by this operation, including elements in nested parameter sets. This is a clear difference from all other arithmetic operations where you need to distinguish between regular operators (affects one individual value) and deep operators (affects elements in a parameter set at a specified depth).
Note: No impact on empty cells.

Note: Ad-hoc operations on void values will cause exceptions.