Comparison Options

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Comparison options provide further adjustments on the comparison rules. The rules affect the following:

  • String comparisons: Ignoring case and/or blanks
  • Numeric comparisons: Using epsilon as tolerance value.

Comparison Options

Options for String Comparisons

Specify '+' after the comparison operator to ignore upper/lower case checking, and '~' to ignore all blanks. Both symbols may be used where it does not matter if specified as '+~' or the '~+'.

Comparing varieties of ahorns and the F horn (an instrument)
  runtime settings[ epsilon ] = 0.001; // Make comparisons very tolerant for now to show how it works

  // 1st number is on left side of comparison, the others are on the right sides
  numbers[] = { A horn, A Horn, AHorn, A horn, Ahorn, a horn, ahorn, F horn };
  symbols[] = { '=',  '=~',  '=+',  '=+~',  '', // Blanks cause line breaks for better visibility
                '<>', '<>~', '<>+', '<>+~', '',
                '>',   '>~', '>+',  '>+~',  '',
                '>=',  '>=~','>=+', '>=+~', '',
                '<',   '<~', '<+',  '<+~',  '',
                '<=',  '<=~','<=+', '<=+~' };

  table initialize( overview, {numbers[]} + symbols[] );

  table process selected rows( overview, [0]!='',
      for (col[] = 1, col[] < table row width( overview, 0 ), col[]++ )
      // Formulate the coparison expression in a string and use 'compare' to use it. Colon required for this.
      // [0,0] = Current table (overview), column 0, row 0.   [0] = Current table, column 0, current row

          [col[]] = compare ( [0,0], : [0] + [col[],0] );
      } );

  table list( overview );

Output 02

    0 : A horn | A Horn | AHorn | A horn | Ahorn | a horn | ahorn | F horn
    1 : =      | false  | false | true   | false | false  | false | false
    2 : =~     | false  | false | true   | true  | false  | false | false
    3 : =+     | true   | false | true   | false | true   | false | false
    4 : =+~    | true   | true  | true   | true  | true   | true  | false
    5 :        |        |       |        |       |        |       |       
    6 : <>     | true   | true  | false  | true  | true   | true  | true  
    7 : <>~    | true   | true  | false  | false | true   | true  | true  
    8 : <>+    | false  | true  | false  | true  | false  | true  | true  
    9 : <>+~   | false  | false | false  | false | false  | false | true  
   10 :        |        |       |        |       |        |       |       
   11 : >      | true   | false | false  | false | false  | false | false
   12 : >~     | true   | true  | false  | false | false  | false | false
   13 : >+     | false  | false | false  | false | false  | false | false
   14 : >+~    | false  | false | false  | false | false  | false | false
   15 :        |        |       |        |       |        |       |       
   16 : >=     | true   | false | true   | false | false  | false | false
   17 : >=~    | true   | true  | true   | true  | false  | false | false
   18 : >=+    | true   | false | true   | false | true   | false | false
   19 : >=+~   | true   | true  | true   | true  | true   | true  | false
   20 :        |        |       |        |       |        |       |       
   21 : <      | false  | true  | false  | true  | true   | true  | true  
   22 : <~     | false  | false | false  | false | true   | true  | true  
   23 : <+     | false  | true  | false  | true  | false  | true  | true  
   24 : <+~    | false  | false | false  | false | false  | false | true  
   25 :        |        |       |        |       |        |       |       
   26 : <=     | false  | true  | true   | true  | true   | true  | true  
   27 : <=~    | false  | false | true   | true  | true   | true  | true  
   28 : <=+    | true   | true  | true   | true  | true   | true  | true  
   29 : <=+~   | true   | true  | true   | true  | true   | true  | true  

Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_comparison_options.b4p in Decompress before use.

Options for Numeric Comparisons

For numeric comparisons, the plus sign is ignored. However, the '~' sign provides a numeric tolerance of value epsilon. This value is maintained in the system variable run time settings[epsilon] and may be changed to a different meaningful value if needed. Tolerant comparisons make sense for comparing two values which have gone through some calculatons and minor numeric imprecisions may have occurred which should not adversely influence numeric comparisons. The following overview illustrates how the epsilon comparison tolerance is applied for the different operators:
Comparison Options

Simple example of comparisons dealing with minor imperfections from calculations
  a[] = 1.2156;
  b[] = a[] * 1.9123 * 2.591271 / 1.9123 / 2.591271; // Result should be unchanged  ...theoretically.

  echo( a[], ", ", b[] );
  echo( "Epsilon: ", runtime settings[epsilon] );
  echo( "Hard comparison    : ", a[] = b[] );   // Falsely outputting false
  echo( "Tolerant comparison: ", a[] = ~b[] );  // Now it's OK (both values are within epsilon tolerance)

Output 03

1.2156, 1.2156
Epsilon: 0.0000000001
Hard comparison    : false
Tolerant comparison: true
Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_comparison_options_01.b4p in Decompress before use.
Comprehensive overview
  runtime settings[ epsilon ] = 0.001; // Make comparisons very tolerant for now to show how it works

  // 1st number is on left side of comparison, the others are on the right sides
  numbers[] = { 15.0000, 14.9989, 14.9990, 14.9991, 15.0000, 15.0009, 15.0010, 15.0011 };
  symbols[] = { '=', '=~', '<>', '<>~', '>', '>~', '>=', '>=~', '<', '<~', '<=', '<=~' };

  table initialize( overview, {numbers[]} + symbols[] );

  table process( overview,
      for (col[] = 1, col[] < table row width( overview, 0 ), col[]++ )
      // Formulate the coparison expression in a string and use 'compare' to use it. Colon required for this.
      // [0,0] = Current table (overview), column 0, row 0.   [0] = Current table, column 0, current row

          [col[]] = compare ( [0,0], : [0] + str( [col[],0] ) );
      } );

  table list( overview );
    0 : 15.0000 | 14.9989 | 14.9990 | 14.9991 | 15.0000 | 15.0009 | 15.0010 | 15.0011
    1 : =       | false   | false   | false   | true    | false   | false   | false  
    2 : =~      | false   | true    | true    | true    | true    | true    | false  
    3 : <>      | true    | true    | true    | false   | true    | true    | true   
    4 : <>~     | true    | false   | false   | false   | false   | false   | true   
    5 : >       | true    | true    | true    | false   | false   | false   | false  
    6 : >~      | true    | false   | false   | false   | false   | false   | false  
    7 : >=      | true    | true    | true    | true    | false   | false   | false  
    8 : >=~     | true    | true    | true    | true    | true    | true    | false  
    9 : <       | false   | false   | false   | false   | true    | true    | true   
   10 : <~      | false   | false   | false   | false   | false   | false   | true   
   11 : <=      | false   | false   | false   | true    | true    | true    | true   
   12 : <=~     | false   | true    | true    | true    | true    | true    | true   

Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_comparison_options_02.b4p in Decompress before use.