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The void data type typically indicates an invalid value returned from a function or a variable with undefined values. The following table lists few approaches how to obtain a void value intentionally.

Method Description
null() Call the null function
Undefined array member Create an array implicity, e.g. by assigning a[1] = 1; Read-accessing a[0] will return void
Reading JSON data Intermediate nodes carry no values and are void. End nodes with value 'null' are also interpreted as void.

Please try to use void values as little as possible in your B4P programs.

  a[1] = 1;
  echo( a[0] );
  echo( null() );
  echo( type(null()) );
# Invalid Value #
# Invalid Value #
Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_data_types_voids.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.