Bla Bla Bla
The overall aim of B4P is to provide a tool which helps to solve sophisticated problems with multiple, large complex data sets:
You will get to full speed quickly if you have some basic programming experience with a high level programming language or a macro language such as Visual Basic inside Excel. B4P requires no knowledge about object oriented programming and specific algorithms to manage big data (e.g. indexing). The syntax is, even though looking differently from other langauges, incredibly easy to understand and to use. In contrast to other programming langages, much fewer statements and time are needed, no additional libraries need to be installed separately (like Panda for Python) and you experience unparalleled machine performance, forgetting the fact that B4P is an interpreted language.
Intentionally, B4P does not make use of any visual features such as graphical user interfaces. For visualization purposes, powerful
and highly standardized tools such as Microsoft Excel providie all features to do the visualziation, creating all required charts, etc.
to round up you presentation. The philosophy of B4P is to do all data processing first and very rapidly, and creating final Excel files
for visualization purposes.
However, B4P is able to save tables into Excel files, with multiple sheets in one workbook, and, if needed, some formatting and styling already
included (e.g. column widths, fonts, colors, number formats, autofilter, freezing panes, etc.).