Basic bump plot

This post explains how to build a basic bump plot with R. It uses the ggbump package, provides reproducible code and explain how input data must be formatted.

For a more advanced usage of ggbump charts, check out how to customize bump plot

Bump plot Data to Viz

Libraries and dataset

The ggbump package provides a geom_bump() function that allows to build ggbump charts.

Install the package with install.packages("ggbump").

The input dataset is simple: we just have 3 groups, with one value per group and per year. Here is how to build it:

# Library

# Create data
year <- rep(2019:2021, 3)
products_sold <- c(
  500, 600, 700,
  550, 650, 600,
  600, 400, 500
store <- c(
  "Store A", "Store A", "Store A",
  "Store B", "Store B", "Store B",
  "Store C", "Store C", "Store C"

# Create the new dataframe
df <- data.frame(
  year = year,
  products_sold = products_sold,
  store = store

Most basic bump plot

Thanks to the geom_bump() function, we can easily build a ggbump chart.

ggplot(df, aes(x = year, y = products_sold, color = store)) +
  geom_bump(size = 2)

Add individual points

It is possible to add individual points to the bump chart. This is done by adding a geom_point() layer.

ggplot(df, aes(x = year, y = products_sold, color = store)) +
  geom_bump(size = 2) +
  geom_point(size = 6)

Going further

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