Nextion User Manual
For Arduino developers
Nextion Arduino library provides an easy-to-use way to manipulate Nextion serial displays. Users can use the libarry freely, either in commerical projects or open-source prjects, without any additional condiitons.
For more information about the Nextion display project, please visit the wiki。 The wiki provdies all the necessary technical documnets, quick start guide, tutorials, demos, as well as some useful resources.
To get your Nextion display, please visit iMall.
To discuss the project? Request new features? Report a BUG? please visit the Forums
Documentation includes Configuration, Get Started and Reference of Core API , etc.
Online documentation:
Offline documentation: doc/UserManual/index.html
can be open in your browser.(For example, Chrome or the fucking one you like).
Latest source code can be download at
You can clone it by:
git clone
All boards, which has one or more hardware serial, can be supported.
For example:
In configuration file NexConfig.h, you can find two macros below:
Note: the default configuration is for MEGA2560.
If you want to change the default serial to debug or communicate with Nextion , you need to modify the line in configuration file:
#define dbSerial Serial ---> #define dbSerial Serialxxx #define nexSerial Serial2 ---> #define nexSeria Serialxxx
If you want to disable the debug information,you need to modify the line in configuration file:
If your board has only one hardware serial, such as UNO, you should disable dbSerial and redirect nexSerial to Serial(Refer to section:Serial configuration
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