Nextion User Manual
For Arduino developers
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 doxygen.hDefine modules in API doc
 NexButton.cppThe implementation of class NexButton
 NexButton.hThe definition of class NexButton
 NexConfig.hOptions for user can be found here
 NexCrop.cppThe implementation of class NexCrop
 NexCrop.hThe definition of class NexCrop
 NexGauge.cppThe implementation of class NexGauge
 NexGauge.hThe definition of class NexGauge
 NexHardware.cppThe implementation of base API for using Nextion
 NexHardware.hThe definition of base API for using Nextion
 NexHotspot.cppThe implementation of class NexHotspot
 NexHotspot.hThe definition of class NexHotspot
 NexObject.cppThe implementation of class NexObject
 NexObject.hThe definition of class NexObject
 NexPage.cppThe implementation of class NexPage
 NexPage.hThe definition of class NexPage
 NexPicture.cppThe implementation of class NexPicture
 NexPicture.hThe definition of class NexPicture
 NexProgressBar.cppThe implementation of class NexProgressBar
 NexProgressBar.hThe definition of class NexProgressBar
 NexSlider.cppThe implementation of class NexSlider
 NexSlider.hThe definition of class NexSlider
 NexText.cppThe implementation of class NexText
 NexText.hThe definition of class NexText
 Nextion.hThe header file including all other header files provided by this library
 NexTouch.cppThe implementation of class NexTouch
 NexTouch.hThe definition of class NexTouch
 NexWaveform.cppThe implementation of class NexWaveform
 NexWaveform.hThe definition of class NexWaveform