Lantana camara

This is a yellow sage (Lantana camara). This is a very good plant because:

However it is not very winter hardy and is considered an invasive weed in some parts of the world.

You can learn more about this plant here.


This is a montbretia (Crocosmia sp). This is a very good plant because:

This plant is a very popular ornamental in the UK. Flowers can be yellow through orange to red in colour. Some varieties also decorate with their colourful foliage.

You can learn more about this plant here.


This is a fuchsia (Fuchsia sp). This is a very good plant because:

Another popular one in the UK. It comes in many colours and flower shapes. A really versatile ornamental. Varieties with small flowers can be used and shaped as hedges.

You can learn more about this plant here.