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Rhapsody IDE supports testing for both conditional connectors and JavaScript connectors. The Connector Testing feature allows you to test the configuration of all conditional connectors originating from a single filter.
You can configure tests with messages to test the conditional connectors, and save them with the configuration of the route, so they can be re-run when, for example, you change the configuration. These tests are independent from the tests for the filter to which the conditions are attached.
The test results display the test, whether the message matched the conditions, the errors thrown when performing the check, and any log entries generated while testing the connector. When testing a conditional connector, the logs are a tracing mechanism that allow you to determine why a particular message is being accepted or rejected.
Conditional Connector Testing Backwards Compatibility
As of Rhapsody 6.2.3, Rhapsody's test framework operates on the basis of tests rather than input test messages as in the case of its predecessors.
You can use an instance of Rhapsody IDE version 6.2.3 or later to test your configuration running on older Rhapsody 6.x engines using the pre-Rhapsody 6.2.3 test framework. Refer to the Rhapsody documentation specific to the version of the engine you are using.
Refer to the following sections for details:
- Managing Conditional Connector Tests
- Running Conditional Connector Tests
- Reviewing Conditional Connector Test Results
In order to manage your tests across your configuration, use the Test Manager.