Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 /*
17  * AtomicHashMap --
18  *
19  * A high-performance concurrent hash map with int32 or int64 keys. Supports
20  * insert, find(key), findAt(index), erase(key), size, and more. Memory cannot
21  * be freed or reclaimed by erase. Can grow to a maximum of about 18 times the
22  * initial capacity, but performance degrades linearly with growth. Can also be
23  * used as an object store with unique 32-bit references directly into the
24  * internal storage (retrieved with iterator::getIndex()).
25  *
26  * Advantages:
27  * - High-performance (~2-4x tbb::concurrent_hash_map in heavily
28  * multi-threaded environments).
29  * - Efficient memory usage if initial capacity is not over estimated
30  * (especially for small keys and values).
31  * - Good fragmentation properties (only allocates in large slabs which can
32  * be reused with clear() and never move).
33  * - Can generate unique, long-lived 32-bit references for efficient lookup
34  * (see findAt()).
35  *
36  * Disadvantages:
37  * - Keys must be native int32 or int64, or explicitly converted.
38  * - Must be able to specify unique empty, locked, and erased keys
39  * - Performance degrades linearly as size grows beyond initialization
40  * capacity.
41  * - Max size limit of ~18x initial size (dependent on max load factor).
42  * - Memory is not freed or reclaimed by erase.
43  *
44  * Usage and Operation Details:
45  * Simple performance/memory tradeoff with maxLoadFactor. Higher load factors
46  * give better memory utilization but probe lengths increase, reducing
47  * performance.
48  *
49  * Implementation and Performance Details:
50  * AHArray is a fixed size contiguous block of value_type cells. When
51  * writing a cell, the key is locked while the rest of the record is
52  * written. Once done, the cell is unlocked by setting the key. find()
53  * is completely wait-free and doesn't require any non-relaxed atomic
54  * operations. AHA cannot grow beyond initialization capacity, but is
55  * faster because of reduced data indirection.
56  *
57  * AHMap is a wrapper around AHArray sub-maps that allows growth and provides
58  * an interface closer to the STL UnorderedAssociativeContainer concept. These
59  * sub-maps are allocated on the fly and are processed in series, so the more
60  * there are (from growing past initial capacity), the worse the performance.
61  *
62  * Insert returns false if there is a key collision and throws if the max size
63  * of the map is exceeded.
64  *
65  * Benchmark performance with 8 simultaneous threads processing 1 million
66  * unique <int64, int64> entries on a 4-core, 2.5 GHz machine:
67  *
68  * Load Factor Mem Efficiency usec/Insert usec/Find
69  * 50% 50% 0.19 0.05
70  * 85% 85% 0.20 0.06
71  * 90% 90% 0.23 0.08
72  * 95% 95% 0.27 0.10
73  *
74  * See folly/tests/AtomicHashMapTest.cpp for more benchmarks.
75  *
76  * @author Spencer Ahrens <>
77  * @author Jordan DeLong <>
78  *
79  */
81 #pragma once
84 #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
85 #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
86 #include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
88 #include <atomic>
89 #include <functional>
90 #include <stdexcept>
92 #include <folly/AtomicHashArray.h>
93 #include <folly/CPortability.h>
94 #include <folly/Likely.h>
95 #include <folly/ThreadCachedInt.h>
97 #include <folly/hash/Hash.h>
99 namespace folly {
101 /*
102  * AtomicHashMap provides an interface somewhat similar to the
103  * UnorderedAssociativeContainer concept in C++. This does not
104  * exactly match this concept (or even the basic Container concept),
105  * because of some restrictions imposed by our datastructure.
106  *
107  * Specific differences (there are quite a few):
108  *
109  * - Efficiently thread safe for inserts (main point of this stuff),
110  * wait-free for lookups.
111  *
112  * - You can erase from this container, but the cell containing the key will
113  * not be free or reclaimed.
114  *
115  * - You can erase everything by calling clear() (and you must guarantee only
116  * one thread can be using the container to do that).
117  *
118  * - We aren't DefaultConstructible, CopyConstructible, Assignable, or
119  * EqualityComparable. (Most of these are probably not something
120  * you actually want to do with this anyway.)
121  *
122  * - We don't support the various bucket functions, rehash(),
123  * reserve(), or equal_range(). Also no constructors taking
124  * iterators, although this could change.
125  *
126  * - Several insertion functions, notably operator[], are not
127  * implemented. It is a little too easy to misuse these functions
128  * with this container, where part of the point is that when an
129  * insertion happens for a new key, it will atomically have the
130  * desired value.
131  *
132  * - The map has no templated insert() taking an iterator range, but
133  * we do provide an insert(key, value). The latter seems more
134  * frequently useful for this container (to avoid sprinkling
135  * make_pair everywhere), and providing both can lead to some gross
136  * template error messages.
137  *
138  * - The Allocator must not be stateful (a new instance will be spun up for
139  * each allocation), and its allocate() method must take a raw number of
140  * bytes.
141  *
142  * - KeyT must be a 32 bit or 64 bit atomic integer type, and you must
143  * define special 'locked' and 'empty' key values in the ctor
144  *
145  * - We don't take the Hash function object as an instance in the
146  * constructor.
147  *
148  */
150 // Thrown when insertion fails due to running out of space for
151 // submaps.
152 struct FOLLY_EXPORT AtomicHashMapFullError : std::runtime_error {
154  : std::runtime_error("AtomicHashMap is full") {}
155 };
157 template <
158  class KeyT,
159  class ValueT,
160  class HashFcn,
161  class EqualFcn,
162  class Allocator,
163  class ProbeFcn,
164  class KeyConvertFcn>
165 class AtomicHashMap : boost::noncopyable {
166  typedef AtomicHashArray<
167  KeyT,
168  ValueT,
169  HashFcn,
170  EqualFcn,
171  Allocator,
172  ProbeFcn,
173  KeyConvertFcn>
176  public:
177  typedef KeyT key_type;
178  typedef ValueT mapped_type;
179  typedef std::pair<const KeyT, ValueT> value_type;
180  typedef HashFcn hasher;
181  typedef EqualFcn key_equal;
182  typedef KeyConvertFcn key_convert;
183  typedef value_type* pointer;
184  typedef value_type& reference;
185  typedef const value_type& const_reference;
186  typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
187  typedef std::size_t size_type;
188  typedef typename SubMap::Config Config;
190  template <class ContT, class IterVal, class SubIt>
191  struct ahm_iterator;
193  typedef ahm_iterator<
194  const AtomicHashMap,
195  const value_type,
196  typename SubMap::const_iterator>
198  typedef ahm_iterator<AtomicHashMap, value_type, typename SubMap::iterator>
201  public:
202  const float kGrowthFrac_; // How much to grow when we run out of capacity.
204  // The constructor takes a finalSizeEst which is the optimal
205  // number of elements to maximize space utilization and performance,
206  // and a Config object to specify more advanced options.
207  explicit AtomicHashMap(size_t finalSizeEst, const Config& c = Config());
210  const unsigned int numMaps =
211  numMapsAllocated_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
212  FOR_EACH_RANGE (i, 0, numMaps) {
213  SubMap* thisMap = subMaps_[i].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
214  DCHECK(thisMap);
215  SubMap::destroy(thisMap);
216  }
217  }
219  key_equal key_eq() const {
220  return key_equal();
221  }
222  hasher hash_function() const {
223  return hasher();
224  }
226  /*
227  * insert --
228  *
229  * Returns a pair with iterator to the element at r.first and
230  * success. Retrieve the index with ret.first.getIndex().
231  *
232  * Does not overwrite on key collision, but returns an iterator to
233  * the existing element (since this could due to a race with
234  * another thread, it is often important to check this return
235  * value).
236  *
237  * Allocates new sub maps as the existing ones become full. If
238  * all sub maps are full, no element is inserted, and
239  * AtomicHashMapFullError is thrown.
240  */
241  std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& r) {
242  return emplace(r.first, r.second);
243  }
244  std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(key_type k, const mapped_type& v) {
245  return emplace(k, v);
246  }
247  std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(value_type&& r) {
248  return emplace(r.first, std::move(r.second));
249  }
250  std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(key_type k, mapped_type&& v) {
251  return emplace(k, std::move(v));
252  }
254  /*
255  * emplace --
256  *
257  * Same contract as insert(), but performs in-place construction
258  * of the value type using the specified arguments.
259  *
260  * Also, like find(), this method optionally allows 'key_in' to have a type
261  * different from that stored in the table; see find(). If and only if no
262  * equal key is already present, this method converts 'key_in' to a key of
263  * type KeyT using the provided LookupKeyToKeyFcn.
264  */
265  template <
266  typename LookupKeyT = key_type,
267  typename LookupHashFcn = hasher,
268  typename LookupEqualFcn = key_equal,
269  typename LookupKeyToKeyFcn = key_convert,
270  typename... ArgTs>
271  std::pair<iterator, bool> emplace(LookupKeyT k, ArgTs&&... vCtorArg);
273  /*
274  * find --
275  *
276  * Returns the iterator to the element if found, otherwise end().
277  *
278  * As an optional feature, the type of the key to look up (LookupKeyT) is
279  * allowed to be different from the type of keys actually stored (KeyT).
280  *
281  * This enables use cases where materializing the key is costly and usually
282  * redudant, e.g., canonicalizing/interning a set of strings and being able
283  * to look up by StringPiece. To use this feature, LookupHashFcn must take
284  * a LookupKeyT, and LookupEqualFcn must take KeyT and LookupKeyT as first
285  * and second parameter, respectively.
286  *
287  * See folly/test/ArrayHashMapTest.cpp for sample usage.
288  */
289  template <
290  typename LookupKeyT = key_type,
291  typename LookupHashFcn = hasher,
292  typename LookupEqualFcn = key_equal>
293  iterator find(LookupKeyT k);
295  template <
296  typename LookupKeyT = key_type,
297  typename LookupHashFcn = hasher,
298  typename LookupEqualFcn = key_equal>
299  const_iterator find(LookupKeyT k) const;
301  /*
302  * erase --
303  *
304  * Erases key k from the map
305  *
306  * Returns 1 iff the key is found and erased, and 0 otherwise.
307  */
308  size_type erase(key_type k);
310  /*
311  * clear --
312  *
313  * Wipes all keys and values from primary map and destroys all secondary
314  * maps. Primary map remains allocated and thus the memory can be reused
315  * in place. Not thread safe.
316  *
317  */
318  void clear();
320  /*
321  * size --
322  *
323  * Returns the exact size of the map. Note this is not as cheap as typical
324  * size() implementations because, for each AtomicHashArray in this AHM, we
325  * need to grab a lock and accumulate the values from all the thread local
326  * counters. See folly/ThreadCachedInt.h for more details.
327  */
328  size_t size() const;
330  bool empty() const {
331  return size() == 0;
332  }
334  size_type count(key_type k) const {
335  return find(k) == end() ? 0 : 1;
336  }
338  /*
339  * findAt --
340  *
341  * Returns an iterator into the map.
342  *
343  * idx should only be an unmodified value returned by calling getIndex() on
344  * a valid iterator returned by find() or insert(). If idx is invalid you
345  * have a bug and the process aborts.
346  */
348  SimpleRetT ret = findAtInternal(idx);
349  DCHECK_LT(ret.i, numSubMaps());
350  return iterator(
351  this,
352  ret.i,
353  subMaps_[ret.i].load(std::memory_order_relaxed)->makeIter(ret.j));
354  }
355  const_iterator findAt(uint32_t idx) const {
356  return const_cast<AtomicHashMap*>(this)->findAt(idx);
357  }
359  // Total capacity - summation of capacities of all submaps.
360  size_t capacity() const;
362  // Number of new insertions until current submaps are all at max load factor.
363  size_t spaceRemaining() const;
366  const int numMaps = numMapsAllocated_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
367  for (int i = 0; i < numMaps; ++i) {
368  SubMap* map = subMaps_[i].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
369  map->setEntryCountThreadCacheSize(newSize);
370  }
371  }
373  // Number of sub maps allocated so far to implement this map. The more there
374  // are, the worse the performance.
375  int numSubMaps() const {
376  return numMapsAllocated_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
377  }
380  iterator it(this, 0, subMaps_[0].load(std::memory_order_relaxed)->begin());
381  it.checkAdvanceToNextSubmap();
382  return it;
383  }
385  const_iterator begin() const {
386  const_iterator it(
387  this, 0, subMaps_[0].load(std::memory_order_relaxed)->begin());
388  it.checkAdvanceToNextSubmap();
389  return it;
390  }
393  return iterator();
394  }
396  const_iterator end() const {
397  return const_iterator();
398  }
400  /* Advanced functions for direct access: */
402  inline uint32_t recToIdx(const value_type& r, bool mayInsert = true) {
403  SimpleRetT ret =
404  mayInsert ? insertInternal(r.first, r.second) : findInternal(r.first);
405  return encodeIndex(ret.i, ret.j);
406  }
408  inline uint32_t recToIdx(value_type&& r, bool mayInsert = true) {
409  SimpleRetT ret = mayInsert ? insertInternal(r.first, std::move(r.second))
410  : findInternal(r.first);
411  return encodeIndex(ret.i, ret.j);
412  }
414  inline uint32_t
415  recToIdx(key_type k, const mapped_type& v, bool mayInsert = true) {
416  SimpleRetT ret = mayInsert ? insertInternal(k, v) : findInternal(k);
417  return encodeIndex(ret.i, ret.j);
418  }
420  inline uint32_t recToIdx(key_type k, mapped_type&& v, bool mayInsert = true) {
421  SimpleRetT ret =
422  mayInsert ? insertInternal(k, std::move(v)) : findInternal(k);
423  return encodeIndex(ret.i, ret.j);
424  }
426  inline uint32_t keyToIdx(const KeyT k, bool mayInsert = false) {
427  return recToIdx(value_type(k), mayInsert);
428  }
430  inline const value_type& idxToRec(uint32_t idx) const {
431  SimpleRetT ret = findAtInternal(idx);
432  return subMaps_[ret.i].load(std::memory_order_relaxed)->idxToRec(ret.j);
433  }
435  /* Private data and helper functions... */
437  private:
438  // This limits primary submap size to 2^31 ~= 2 billion, secondary submap
439  // size to 2^(32 - kNumSubMapBits_ - 1) = 2^27 ~= 130 million, and num subMaps
440  // to 2^kNumSubMapBits_ = 16.
441  static const uint32_t kNumSubMapBits_ = 4;
442  static const uint32_t kSecondaryMapBit_ = 1u << 31; // Highest bit
443  static const uint32_t kSubMapIndexShift_ = 32 - kNumSubMapBits_ - 1;
444  static const uint32_t kSubMapIndexMask_ = (1 << kSubMapIndexShift_) - 1;
445  static const uint32_t kNumSubMaps_ = 1 << kNumSubMapBits_;
446  static const uintptr_t kLockedPtr_ = 0x88ULL << 48; // invalid pointer
448  struct SimpleRetT {
450  size_t j;
451  bool success;
452  SimpleRetT(uint32_t ii, size_t jj, bool s) : i(ii), j(jj), success(s) {}
453  SimpleRetT() = default;
454  };
456  template <
457  typename LookupKeyT = key_type,
458  typename LookupHashFcn = hasher,
459  typename LookupEqualFcn = key_equal,
460  typename LookupKeyToKeyFcn = key_convert,
461  typename... ArgTs>
462  SimpleRetT insertInternal(LookupKeyT key, ArgTs&&... value);
464  template <
465  typename LookupKeyT = key_type,
466  typename LookupHashFcn = hasher,
467  typename LookupEqualFcn = key_equal>
468  SimpleRetT findInternal(const LookupKeyT k) const;
470  SimpleRetT findAtInternal(uint32_t idx) const;
472  std::atomic<SubMap*> subMaps_[kNumSubMaps_];
473  std::atomic<uint32_t> numMapsAllocated_;
475  inline bool tryLockMap(unsigned int idx) {
476  SubMap* val = nullptr;
477  return subMaps_[idx].compare_exchange_strong(
478  val, (SubMap*)kLockedPtr_, std::memory_order_acquire);
479  }
481  static inline uint32_t encodeIndex(uint32_t subMap, uint32_t subMapIdx);
483 }; // AtomicHashMap
485 template <
486  class KeyT,
487  class ValueT,
488  class HashFcn = std::hash<KeyT>,
489  class EqualFcn = std::equal_to<KeyT>,
490  class Allocator = std::allocator<char>>
491 using QuadraticProbingAtomicHashMap = AtomicHashMap<
492  KeyT,
493  ValueT,
494  HashFcn,
495  EqualFcn,
496  Allocator,
498 } // namespace folly
500 #include <folly/AtomicHashMap-inl.h>
int numSubMaps() const
bool empty() const
ahm_iterator< const AtomicHashMap, const value_type, typename SubMap::const_iterator > const_iterator
bool tryLockMap(unsigned int idx)
const_iterator begin() const
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(value_type &&r)
size_type count(key_type k) const
value_type * pointer
std::pair< const KeyT, ValueT > value_type
uint32_t keyToIdx(const KeyT k, bool mayInsert=false)
int32_t KeyT
uint32_t recToIdx(const value_type &r, bool mayInsert=true)
AtomicHashArray< KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn, Allocator, ProbeFcn, KeyConvertFcn > SubMap
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
const_iterator end() const
STL namespace.
auto begin(TestAdlIterable &instance)
Definition: ForeachTest.cpp:56
double val
Definition: String.cpp:273
—— Concurrent Priority Queue Implementation ——
Definition: AtomicBitSet.h:29
value_type & reference
Definition: CPortability.h:133
int32_t ValueT
def load()
const float kGrowthFrac_
static void destroy()
#define FOR_EACH_RANGE(i, begin, end)
Definition: Foreach.h:313
std::ptrdiff_t difference_type
constexpr auto size(C const &c) -> decltype(c.size())
Definition: Access.h:45
void setEntryCountThreadCacheSize(uint32_t newSize)
std::atomic< uint32_t > numMapsAllocated_
KeyConvertFcn key_convert
auto end(TestAdlIterable &instance)
Definition: ForeachTest.cpp:62
Definition: Traits.h:594
SubMap::Config Config
key_equal key_eq() const
uint32_t recToIdx(key_type k, const mapped_type &v, bool mayInsert=true)
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(const value_type &r)
static set< string > s
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(key_type k, mapped_type &&v)
uint64_t value(const typename LockFreeRingBuffer< T, Atom >::Cursor &rbcursor)
SimpleRetT(uint32_t ii, size_t jj, bool s)
uint32_t recToIdx(value_type &&r, bool mayInsert=true)
hasher hash_function() const
uint32_t recToIdx(key_type k, mapped_type &&v, bool mayInsert=true)
void setEntryCountThreadCacheSize(int32_t newSize)
char c
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(key_type k, const mapped_type &v)
KeyT k
const value_type & idxToRec(uint32_t idx) const
const_iterator findAt(uint32_t idx) const
iterator findAt(uint32_t idx)
const value_type & const_reference
ahm_iterator< AtomicHashMap, value_type, typename SubMap::iterator > iterator