Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2018-present Facebook, Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <functional>
20 #include <string>
22 #include <folly/Range.h>
23 #include <folly/Traits.h>
25 #include <folly/hash/Hash.h>
27 namespace folly {
29 // folly::HeterogeneousAccessEqualTo<T>, and
30 // folly::HeterogeneousAccessHash<T> are functors suitable as defaults
31 // for containers that support heterogeneous access. When possible, they
32 // will be marked as transparent. When no transparent implementation
33 // is available then they fall back to std::equal_to and std::hash
34 // respectively. Since the fallbacks are not marked as transparent,
35 // heterogeneous lookup won't be available in that case. A corresponding
36 // HeterogeneousAccessLess<T> could be easily added if desired.
37 //
38 // If T can be implicitly converted to a StringPiece or
39 // to a Range<T::value_type const*> that is hashable, then
40 // HeterogeneousAccess{EqualTo,Hash}<T> will be transparent without any
41 // additional work. In practice this is true for T that can be convered to
42 // StringPiece or Range<IntegralType const*>. This includes std::string,
43 // std::string_view (when available), std::array, folly::Range,
44 // std::vector, and folly::small_vector.
45 //
46 // Additional specializations of HeterogeneousAccess*<T> should go in
47 // the header that declares T. Don't forget to typedef is_transparent to
48 // void and folly_is_avalanching to std::true_type in the specializations.
50 template <typename T, typename Enable>
51 struct HeterogeneousAccessEqualTo : std::equal_to<T> {};
53 template <typename T, typename Enable>
54 struct HeterogeneousAccessHash : std::hash<T> {
56 };
60 namespace detail {
62 template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
64  using type = char;
65 };
67 // We assume that folly::hasher<folly::Range<T const*>> won't be enabled
68 // when it would be lower quality than std::hash<U> for a U that is
69 // convertible to folly::Range<T const*>.
70 template <typename T>
72  T,
73  void_t<decltype(
74  std::declval<hasher<Range<typename T::value_type const*>>>()(
75  std::declval<Range<typename T::value_type const*>>()))>> {
76  using type = std::remove_const_t<typename T::value_type>;
77 };
79 template <typename T>
80 using TransparentlyConvertibleToRange = std::is_convertible<
81  T,
84 template <typename T>
86  using is_transparent = void;
88  template <typename U1, typename U2>
89  bool operator()(U1 const& lhs, U2 const& rhs) const {
90  return Range<T const*>{lhs} == Range<T const*>{rhs};
91  }
93  // This overload is not required for functionality, but
94  // guarantees that replacing std::equal_to<std::string> with
95  // HeterogeneousAccessEqualTo<std::string> is truly zero overhead
96  bool operator()(std::string const& lhs, std::string const& rhs) const {
97  return lhs == rhs;
98  }
99 };
101 template <typename T>
103  using is_transparent = void;
106  private:
107  template <typename U>
108  static std::size_t hashImpl(Range<U const*> piece) {
109  return hasher<Range<U const*>>{}(piece);
110  }
112  static std::size_t hashImpl(StringPiece piece) {
113 #if defined(_GLIBCXX_STRING)
114  return std::_Hash_impl::hash(piece.begin(), piece.size());
115 #elif defined(_LIBCPP_STRING)
116  return std::__do_string_hash(piece.begin(), piece.end());
117 #else
118  return hasher<StringPiece>{}(piece);
119 #endif
120  }
122  public:
123  template <typename U>
124  std::size_t operator()(U const& stringish) const {
125  return hashImpl(Range<T const*>{stringish});
126  }
128  // Neither this overload nor the platform-conditional compilation
129  // is required for functionality, but implementing it this
130  // way guarantees that replacing std::hash<std::string> with
131  // HeterogeneousAccessHash<std::string> is actually zero overhead
132  // in the case that the underlying implementations make different
133  // optimality tradeoffs (short versus long string performance, for
134  // example). If folly::hasher<StringPiece> dominated the performance
135  // of std::hash<std::string> then we should consider using it all of
136  // the time.
137  std::size_t operator()(std::string const& str) const {
138 #if defined(_GLIBCXX_STRING) || defined(_LIBCPP_STRING)
139  return std::hash<std::string>{}(str);
140 #else
141  return hasher<StringPiece>{}(str);
142 #endif
143  }
144 };
146 } // namespace detail
148 template <typename T>
150  T,
151  std::enable_if_t<detail::TransparentlyConvertibleToRange<T>::value>>
153  typename detail::ValueTypeForTransparentConversionToRange<T>::type> {
154 };
156 template <typename T>
158  T,
159  std::enable_if_t<detail::TransparentlyConvertibleToRange<T>::value>>
161  typename detail::ValueTypeForTransparentConversionToRange<T>::type> {
162 };
164 } // namespace folly
std::size_t operator()(U const &stringish) const
bool operator()(U1 const &lhs, U2 const &rhs) const
STL namespace.
constexpr size_type size() const
Definition: Range.h:431
static std::size_t hashImpl(StringPiece piece)
folly::std T
—— Concurrent Priority Queue Implementation ——
Definition: AtomicBitSet.h:29
bool_constant< true > true_type
Definition: gtest-port.h:2210
Definition: Traits.h:649
static std::size_t hashImpl(Range< U const * > piece)
type_t< void, Ts... > void_t
Definition: Traits.h:302
std::is_convertible< T, Range< typename ValueTypeForTransparentConversionToRange< T >::type const * >> TransparentlyConvertibleToRange
bool operator()(std::string const &lhs, std::string const &rhs) const
constexpr Iter end() const
Definition: Range.h:455
constexpr Iter begin() const
Definition: Range.h:452
std::size_t operator()(std::string const &str) const
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212