Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2017-present Facebook, Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <string>
20 #include <type_traits>
21 #include <vector>
23 namespace {
24 // This struct is different in every translation unit. We use template
25 // instantiations to define inline freestanding methods. Since the
26 // methods are inline it is fine to define them in multiple translation
27 // units, but the instantiation itself would be an ODR violation if it is
28 // present in the program more than once. By tagging the instantiations
29 // with this struct, we avoid ODR problems for the instantiation while
30 // allowing the resulting methods to be inline-able. If you think that
31 // seems hacky keep reading...
32 struct FollyMemoryDetailTranslationUnitTag {};
33 } // namespace
34 namespace folly {
35 namespace detail {
36 void unsafeStringSetLargerSize(std::string& s, std::size_t n);
37 template <typename T>
38 void unsafeVectorSetLargerSize(std::vector<T>& v, std::size_t n);
39 } // namespace detail
41 /*
42  * This file provides helper functions resizeWithoutInitialization()
43  * that can resize std::string or std::vector without constructing or
44  * initializing new elements.
45  *
46  * IMPORTANT: These functions can be unsafe if used improperly. If you
47  * don't write to an element with index >= oldSize and < newSize, reading
48  * the element can expose arbitrary memory contents to the world, including
49  * the contents of old strings. If you're lucky you'll get a segfault,
50  * because the kernel is only required to fault in new pages on write
51  * access. MSAN should be able to catch problems in the common case that
52  * the string or vector wasn't previously shrunk.
53  *
54  * Pay extra attention to your failure paths. For example, if you try
55  * to read directly into a caller-provided string, make sure to clear
56  * the string when you get an I/O error.
57  *
58  * You should only use this if you have profiling data from production
59  * that shows that this is not a premature optimization. This code is
60  * designed for retroactively optimizing code where touching every element
61  * twice (or touching never-used elements once) shows up in profiling,
62  * and where restructuring the code to use fixed-length arrays or IOBuf-s
63  * would be difficult.
64  *
65  * NOTE: Just because .resize() shows up in your profile (probably
66  * via one of the intrinsic memset implementations) doesn't mean that
67  * these functions will make your program faster. A lot of the cost
68  * of memset comes from cache misses, so avoiding the memset can mean
69  * that the cache miss cost just gets pushed to the following code.
70  * resizeWithoutInitialization can be a win when the contents are bigger
71  * than a cache level, because the second access isn't free in that case.
72  * It can be a win when the memory is already cached, so touching it
73  * doesn't help later code. It can also be a win if the final length
74  * of the string or vector isn't actually known, so the suffix will be
75  * chopped off with a second call to .resize().
76  */
86 inline void resizeWithoutInitialization(std::string& s, std::size_t n) {
87  if (n <= s.size()) {
88  s.resize(n);
89  } else {
90  // careful not to call reserve unless necessary, as it causes
91  // shrink_to_fit on many platforms
92  if (n > s.capacity()) {
93  s.reserve(n);
94  }
96  }
97 }
120 template <
121  typename T,
122  typename = typename std::enable_if<
125 void resizeWithoutInitialization(std::vector<T>& v, std::size_t n) {
126  if (n <= v.size()) {
127  v.resize(n);
128  } else {
129  if (n > v.capacity()) {
130  v.reserve(n);
131  }
133  }
134 }
136 namespace detail {
138 #if defined(_LIBCPP_STRING)
139 // libc++
141 } // namespace detail
142 } // namespace folly
143 template void std::string::__set_size(std::size_t);
144 namespace folly {
145 namespace detail {
147 template <typename Tag, typename T, typename A, A Ptr__set_size>
148 struct MakeUnsafeStringSetLargerSize {
149  friend void unsafeStringSetLargerSize(
150  std::basic_string<T>& s,
151  std::size_t n) {
152  // s.__set_size(n);
153  (s.*Ptr__set_size)(n);
154  (&s[0])[n] = '\0';
155  }
156 };
157 template struct MakeUnsafeStringSetLargerSize<
158  FollyMemoryDetailTranslationUnitTag,
159  char,
160  void (std::string::*)(std::size_t),
161  &std::string::__set_size>;
163 #elif defined(_GLIBCXX_USE_FB)
164 // FBString
166 template <typename Tag, typename T, typename A, A Ptrstore_>
167 struct MakeUnsafeStringSetLargerSize {
168  friend void unsafeStringSetLargerSize(
169  std::basic_string<T>& s,
170  std::size_t n) {
171  // s.store_.expandNoinit(n - s.size(), false);
172  (s.*Ptrstore_).expandNoinit(n - s.size(), false);
173  }
174 };
175 template struct MakeUnsafeStringSetLargerSize<
176  FollyMemoryDetailTranslationUnitTag,
177  char,
178  std::fbstring_core<char>(std::string::*),
179  &std::string::store_>;
181 #elif defined(_GLIBCXX_STRING) && _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI
182 // libstdc++ new implementation with SSO
184 } // namespace detail
185 } // namespace folly
186 template void std::string::_M_set_length(std::size_t);
187 namespace folly {
188 namespace detail {
190 template <typename Tag, typename T, typename A, A Ptr_M_set_length>
191 struct MakeUnsafeStringSetLargerSize {
192  friend void unsafeStringSetLargerSize(
193  std::basic_string<T>& s,
194  std::size_t n) {
195  // s._M_set_length(n);
196  (s.*Ptr_M_set_length)(n);
197  }
198 };
199 template struct MakeUnsafeStringSetLargerSize<
200  FollyMemoryDetailTranslationUnitTag,
201  char,
202  void (std::string::*)(std::size_t),
203  &std::string::_M_set_length>;
205 #elif defined(_GLIBCXX_STRING)
206 // libstdc++ old implementation
208 } // namespace detail
209 } // namespace folly
210 template std::string::_Rep* std::string::_M_rep() const;
211 template void std::string::_Rep::_M_set_length_and_sharable(std::size_t);
212 namespace folly {
213 namespace detail {
215 template <
216  typename Tag,
217  typename T,
218  typename A,
219  A Ptr_M_rep,
220  typename B,
221  B Ptr_M_set_length_and_sharable>
222 struct MakeUnsafeStringSetLargerSize {
223  friend void unsafeStringSetLargerSize(
224  std::basic_string<T>& s,
225  std::size_t n) {
226  // s._M_rep()->_M_set_length_and_sharable(n);
227  auto rep = (s.*Ptr_M_rep)();
228  (rep->*Ptr_M_set_length_and_sharable)(n);
229  }
230 };
231 template struct MakeUnsafeStringSetLargerSize<
232  FollyMemoryDetailTranslationUnitTag,
233  char,
234  std::string::_Rep* (std::string::*)() const,
235  &std::string::_M_rep,
236  void (std::string::_Rep::*)(std::size_t),
237  &std::string::_Rep::_M_set_length_and_sharable>;
239 #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
240 // MSVC
242 inline void unsafeStringSetLargerSize(std::string& s, std::size_t n) {
243  s._Eos(n);
244 }
246 #else
247 #warning "No implementation for resizeWithoutInitialization of std::string"
248 #endif
250 // This machinery bridges template expansion and macro expansion
252  namespace folly { \
253  namespace detail { \
254  void unsafeVectorSetLargerSizeImpl(std::vector<TYPE>& v, std::size_t); \
255  template <> \
256  inline void unsafeVectorSetLargerSize<TYPE>( \
257  std::vector<TYPE> & v, \
258  std::size_t n) { \
259  unsafeVectorSetLargerSizeImpl(v, n); \
260  } \
261  } \
262  }
264 #if defined(_LIBCPP_VECTOR)
265 // libc++
267 template <typename Tag, typename T, typename A, A Ptr__end_>
268 struct MakeUnsafeVectorSetLargerSize {
269  friend void unsafeVectorSetLargerSizeImpl(std::vector<T>& v, std::size_t n) {
270  // v.__end_ += (n - v.size());
271  using Base = std::__vector_base<T, std::allocator<T>>;
272  static_assert(
273  std::is_standard_layout<std::vector<T>>::value &&
274  sizeof(std::vector<T>) == sizeof(Base),
275  "reinterpret_cast safety conditions not met");
276  reinterpret_cast<Base&>(v).*Ptr__end_ += (n - v.size());
277  }
278 };
281  template struct folly::detail::MakeUnsafeVectorSetLargerSize< \
282  FollyMemoryDetailTranslationUnitTag, \
283  TYPE, \
284  TYPE*(std::__vector_base<TYPE, std::allocator<TYPE>>::*), \
285  &std::vector<TYPE>::__end_>; \
288 #elif defined(_GLIBCXX_VECTOR)
289 // libstdc++
291 template <
292  typename Tag,
293  typename T,
294  typename A,
295  A Ptr_M_impl,
296  typename B,
297  B Ptr_M_finish>
298 struct MakeUnsafeVectorSetLargerSize : std::vector<T> {
299  friend void unsafeVectorSetLargerSizeImpl(std::vector<T>& v, std::size_t n) {
300  // v._M_impl._M_finish += (n - v.size());
301  (v.*Ptr_M_impl).*Ptr_M_finish += (n - v.size());
302  }
303 };
306  template struct folly::detail::MakeUnsafeVectorSetLargerSize< \
307  FollyMemoryDetailTranslationUnitTag, \
308  TYPE, \
309  std::vector<TYPE>::_Vector_impl( \
310  std::_Vector_base<TYPE, std::allocator<TYPE>>::*), \
311  &std::vector<TYPE>::_M_impl, \
312  TYPE*(std::vector<TYPE>::_Vector_impl::*), \
313  &std::vector<TYPE>::_Vector_impl::_M_finish>; \
316 #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
317 // MSVC
320  extern inline void unsafeVectorSetLargerSizeImpl( \
321  std::vector<TYPE>& v, std::size_t n) { \
322  v._Mylast() += (n - v.size()); \
323  } \
326 #else
327 #warning "No implementation for resizeWithoutInitialization of std::vector"
328 #endif
330 } // namespace detail
331 } // namespace folly
336 #endif
#define T(v)
Definition: http_parser.c:233
auto v
std::unique_ptr< int > A
PskType type
void unsafeStringSetLargerSize(std::string &s, std::size_t n)
—— Concurrent Priority Queue Implementation ——
Definition: AtomicBitSet.h:29
void unsafeVectorSetLargerSize(std::vector< T > &v, std::size_t n)
void resizeWithoutInitialization(std::vector< T > &v, std::size_t n)
AtomicCounter< T, DeterministicAtomic > Base
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
static set< string > s
#define B(name, bit)
Definition: CpuId.h:178