template<std::size_t N> |
constexpr int | folly::pushmi::detail::sum_impl (int const (&rgi)[N], int i=0, int state=0) noexcept |
template<int... Is> |
constexpr int | folly::pushmi::detail::sum_impl () noexcept |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class...Args)(concept True)(Args...), true) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, template< class... > class C)(concept Valid)(T, C), True< C< T > >) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, template< class... > class Trait, class...Args)(concept Satisfies)(T, Trait, Args...), static_cast< bool >(Trait< T >::type::value)) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, class U) concept Same, PUSHMI_PP_IS_SAME(T, U)&&PUSHMI_PP_IS_SAME(U, T)) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(bool...Bs)(concept And)(Bs...), and_v< Bs... >) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(bool...Bs)(concept Or)(Bs...), or_v< Bs... >) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Object, requires(T *p)(*p, implicitly_convertible_to< const volatile void * >(p))) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, class...Args)(concept Constructible)(T, Args...),) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept MoveConstructible, Constructible< T, T >) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class From, class To) concept ConvertibleTo, requires(From(&f)())(static_cast< To >(f()))&&std::is_convertible< From, To >::value) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class A, class B) concept DerivedFrom, __is_base_of(B, A)) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class A) concept Decayed, Same< A, std::decay_t< A >>) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, class U) concept Assignable, requires(T t, U &&u)(t=(U &&) u, requires_< Same< decltype(t=(U &&) u), T >>)&&Same< T, T & >) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept EqualityComparable, requires(remove_cvref_t< T > const &t)(implicitly_convertible_to< bool >(t==t), implicitly_convertible_to< bool >(t!=t))) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept SemiMovable, Object< T > &&Constructible< T, T > &&ConvertibleTo< T, T >) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Movable, SemiMovable< T > &&Assignable< T &, T >) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Copyable, Movable< T > &&Assignable< T &, const T & > &&ConvertibleTo< const T &, T >) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Semiregular, Copyable< T > &&Constructible< T >) |
| folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Regular, Semiregular< T > &&EqualityComparable< T >) |