folly::gen::detail Namespace Reference


class  Append
class  Batch
class  Chain
class  ChunkedRangeSource
class  ClosableMPMCQueue
class  Collect
class  CollectTemplate
class  Composed
class  Composer
class  Concat
class  Contains
class  CopiedSource
class  Count
class  Cycle
class  Dereference
class  Distinct
class  Empty
struct  FBounded
class  FileReader
class  FileWriter
class  Filter
class  First
class  FoldLeft
struct  GeneratorBuilder
class  GroupBy
class  GroupByAdjacent
class  GuardImpl
class  Indirect
class  InfiniteImpl
class  Interleave
class  IsEmpty
class  IStreamByLine
class  Map
class  MergeTuples
class  Min
class  Order
class  Parallel
class  PMap
class  RangeConcat
class  RangeImpl
class  RangeSource
class  RangeWithStepImpl
class  Reduce
class  ReferencedSource
class  Sample
class  SeqImpl
class  Sequence
class  SeqWithStepImpl
class  SingleCopy
class  SingleReference
class  Skip
class  SplitStringSource
class  SplitTo
class  Stride
class  StringResplitter
class  Sub
class  Sum
class  Take
class  TypeAssertion
class  Unsplit
class  UnsplitBuffer
class  Until
class  Unwrap
class  UnwrapOr
struct  ValueTypeOfRange
class  Visit
class  Window
class  Yield
class  Zip


template<class T >
T && operator| (Optional< T > &&opt, UnwrapOr< T > &&fallback)
template<class T >
Toperator| (Optional< T > &opt, UnwrapOr< T > &fallback)
template<class T >
const Toperator| (const Optional< T > &opt, const UnwrapOr< T > &fallback)
template<class T , class U , class R = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same<T, U>::value, typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
operator| (Optional< T > &&opt, UnwrapOr< U > &&fallback)
template<class T , class U , class R = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same<T, U>::value, typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
operator| (const Optional< T > &opt, UnwrapOr< U > &&fallback)
template<class T , class U , class R = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same<T, U>::value, typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
operator| (Optional< T > &&opt, const UnwrapOr< U > &fallback)
template<class T , class U , class R = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same<T, U>::value, typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
operator| (const Optional< T > &opt, const UnwrapOr< U > &fallback)
template<class T >
T && operator| (Optional< T > &&opt, const Unwrap &)
template<class T >
Toperator| (Optional< T > &opt, const Unwrap &)
template<class T >
const Toperator| (const Optional< T > &opt, const Unwrap &)
template<class... Types1, class... Types2>
auto add_to_tuple (std::tuple< Types1... > t1, std::tuple< Types2... > t2) -> std::tuple< Types1..., Types2... >
template<class... Types1, class Type2 >
auto add_to_tuple (std::tuple< Types1... > t1, Type2 &&t2) -> decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::move(t1), std::make_tuple(std::forward< Type2 >(t2))))
template<class Type1 , class... Types2>
auto add_to_tuple (Type1 &&t1, std::tuple< Types2... > t2) -> decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(std::forward< Type1 >(t1)), std::move(t2)))
template<class Type1 , class Type2 >
auto add_to_tuple (Type1 &&t1, Type2 &&t2) -> decltype(std::make_tuple(std::forward< Type1 >(t1), std::forward< Type2 >(t2)))
auto byLineImpl (File file, char delim, bool keepDelimiter)
size_t splitPrefix (StringPiece &in, StringPiece &prefix, char delimiter)
size_t splitPrefix (StringPiece &in, StringPiece &prefix, StringPiece delimiter)
size_t splitPrefix (StringPiece &in, StringPiece &prefix, MixedNewlines)
const char * ch (const unsigned char *p)
template<class Callback >
bool consumeFixedSizeChunks (Callback &cb, StringPiece &s, uint64_t maxLength)
template<class Callback >
bool consumeBufferPlus (Callback &cb, IOBuf &buf, StringPiece &s, uint64_t n)
template<class Target , class = void>
Target passthrough (Target target)

Function Documentation

template<class... Types1, class... Types2>
auto folly::gen::detail::add_to_tuple ( std::tuple< Types1... >  t1,
std::tuple< Types2... >  t2 
) -> std::tuple<Types1..., Types2...>

Definition at line 153 of file Combine-inl.h.

References folly::gen::move.

Referenced by folly::gen::detail::MergeTuples::operator()().

154  {
155  return std::tuple_cat(std::move(t1), std::move(t2));
156 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class... Types1, class Type2 >
auto folly::gen::detail::add_to_tuple ( std::tuple< Types1... >  t1,
Type2 &&  t2 
) -> decltype( std::tuple_cat(std::move(t1), std::make_tuple(std::forward<Type2>(t2))))

Definition at line 159 of file Combine-inl.h.

References std::tr1::make_tuple(), and folly::gen::move.

160  {
161  return std::tuple_cat(
162  std::move(t1), std::make_tuple(std::forward<Type2>(t2)));
163 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
tuple make_tuple()
Definition: gtest-tuple.h:675
template<class Type1 , class... Types2>
auto folly::gen::detail::add_to_tuple ( Type1 &&  t1,
std::tuple< Types2... >  t2 
) -> decltype( std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(std::forward<Type1>(t1)), std::move(t2)))

Definition at line 166 of file Combine-inl.h.

References std::tr1::make_tuple(), and folly::gen::move.

167  {
168  return std::tuple_cat(
169  std::make_tuple(std::forward<Type1>(t1)), std::move(t2));
170 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
tuple make_tuple()
Definition: gtest-tuple.h:675
template<class Type1 , class Type2 >
auto folly::gen::detail::add_to_tuple ( Type1 &&  t1,
Type2 &&  t2 
) -> decltype( std::make_tuple(std::forward<Type1>(t1), std::forward<Type2>(t2)))

Definition at line 173 of file Combine-inl.h.

References std::tr1::make_tuple().

174  {
175  return std::make_tuple(std::forward<Type1>(t1), std::forward<Type2>(t2));
176 }
tuple make_tuple()
Definition: gtest-tuple.h:675
auto folly::gen::detail::byLineImpl ( File  file,
char  delim,
bool  keepDelimiter 

Definition at line 121 of file File-inl.h.

References folly::gen::fromFile(), folly::gen::move, and folly::gen::resplit().

Referenced by folly::gen::byLine(), and folly::gen::byLineFull().

121  {
122  // clang-format off
123  return fromFile(std::move(file))
124  | eachAs<StringPiece>()
125  | resplit(delim, keepDelimiter);
126  // clang-format on
127 }
S resplit(char delimiter, bool keepDelimiter=false)
Definition: String.h:56
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
S fromFile(File file, size_t bufferSize=4096)
Definition: File.h:38
const char* folly::gen::detail::ch ( const unsigned char *  p)

Definition at line 91 of file String-inl.h.

Referenced by consumeBufferPlus(), and folly::gen::StreamSplitter< Callback >::flush().

91  {
92  return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(p);
93 }
template<class Callback >
bool folly::gen::detail::consumeBufferPlus ( Callback &  cb,
IOBuf buf,
StringPiece s,
uint64_t  n 

Definition at line 113 of file String-inl.h.

References folly::Range< Iter >::advance(), folly::IOBuf::append(), ch(), folly::IOBuf::clear(), folly::Range< Iter >::data(), folly::IOBuf::data(), folly::IOBuf::length(), folly::IOBuf::reserve(), and folly::IOBuf::writableTail().

Referenced by folly::gen::StreamSplitter< Callback >::operator()().

113  {
114  buf.reserve(0, n);
115  memcpy(buf.writableTail(),, n);
116  buf.append(n);
117  s.advance(n);
118  if (!cb(StringPiece(detail::ch(, buf.length()))) {
119  return false;
120  }
121  buf.clear();
122  return true;
123 }
auto ch
static set< string > s
Range< const char * > StringPiece
template<class Callback >
bool folly::gen::detail::consumeFixedSizeChunks ( Callback &  cb,
StringPiece s,
uint64_t  maxLength 

Definition at line 97 of file String-inl.h.

References folly::Range< Iter >::advance(), folly::Range< Iter >::begin(), folly::Range< Iter >::empty(), and folly::Range< Iter >::size().

Referenced by folly::gen::StreamSplitter< Callback >::operator()().

97  {
98  while (!s.empty()) {
99  auto num_to_add = s.size();
100  if (maxLength) {
101  num_to_add = std::min<uint64_t>(num_to_add, maxLength);
102  }
103  if (!cb(StringPiece(s.begin(), num_to_add))) {
104  return false;
105  }
106  s.advance(num_to_add);
107  }
108  return true;
109 }
static set< string > s
Range< const char * > StringPiece
template<class T >
T&& folly::gen::detail::operator| ( Optional< T > &&  opt,
UnwrapOr< T > &&  fallback 

Definition at line 2380 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::gen::move, and T.

2380  {
2381  if (T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
2382  return std::move(*p);
2383  }
2384  return std::move(fallback.value());
2385 }
#define T(v)
Definition: http_parser.c:233
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class T >
T& folly::gen::detail::operator| ( Optional< T > &  opt,
UnwrapOr< T > &  fallback 

Definition at line 2388 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::Optional< Value >::get_pointer(), T, and folly::gen::detail::UnwrapOr< T >::value().

2388  {
2389  if (T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
2390  return *p;
2391  }
2392  return fallback.value();
2393 }
#define T(v)
Definition: http_parser.c:233
template<class T >
const T& folly::gen::detail::operator| ( const Optional< T > &  opt,
const UnwrapOr< T > &  fallback 

Definition at line 2396 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::Optional< Value >::get_pointer(), T, type, value, and folly::gen::detail::UnwrapOr< T >::value().

2396  {
2397  if (const T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
2398  return *p;
2399  }
2400  return fallback.value();
2401 }
#define T(v)
Definition: http_parser.c:233
template<class T , class U , class R = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same<T, U>::value, typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
R folly::gen::detail::operator| ( Optional< T > &&  opt,
UnwrapOr< U > &&  fallback 

Definition at line 2410 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::gen::move, T, type, and value.

2410  {
2411  if (T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
2412  return std::move(*p);
2413  }
2414  return std::move(fallback.value());
2415 }
#define T(v)
Definition: http_parser.c:233
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class T , class U , class R = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same<T, U>::value, typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
R folly::gen::detail::operator| ( const Optional< T > &  opt,
UnwrapOr< U > &&  fallback 

Definition at line 2423 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::Optional< Value >::get_pointer(), folly::gen::move, T, type, and value.

2423  {
2424  if (const T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
2425  return *p;
2426  }
2427  return std::move(fallback.value());
2428 }
#define T(v)
Definition: http_parser.c:233
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class T , class U , class R = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same<T, U>::value, typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
R folly::gen::detail::operator| ( Optional< T > &&  opt,
const UnwrapOr< U > &  fallback 

Definition at line 2436 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::gen::move, T, type, value, and folly::gen::detail::UnwrapOr< T >::value().

2436  {
2437  if (T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
2438  return std::move(*p);
2439  }
2440  return fallback.value();
2441 }
#define T(v)
Definition: http_parser.c:233
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class T , class U , class R = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same<T, U>::value, typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
R folly::gen::detail::operator| ( const Optional< T > &  opt,
const UnwrapOr< U > &  fallback 

Definition at line 2449 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::Optional< Value >::get_pointer(), and folly::gen::detail::UnwrapOr< T >::value().

2449  {
2450  if (const T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
2451  return *p;
2452  }
2453  return fallback.value();
2454 }
#define T(v)
Definition: http_parser.c:233
template<class T >
T&& folly::gen::detail::operator| ( Optional< T > &&  opt,
const Unwrap  

Definition at line 2465 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::gen::move.

2465  {
2466  return std::move(opt.value());
2467 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class T >
T& folly::gen::detail::operator| ( Optional< T > &  opt,
const Unwrap  

Definition at line 2470 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::Optional< Value >::value().

2470  {
2471  return opt.value();
2472 }
template<class T >
const T& folly::gen::detail::operator| ( const Optional< T > &  opt,
const Unwrap  

Definition at line 2475 of file Base-inl.h.

References folly::Optional< Value >::value().

2475  {
2476  return opt.value();
2477 }
template<class Target , class = void>
Target folly::gen::detail::passthrough ( Target  target)

Hack for static for-like constructs

Definition at line 356 of file String-inl.h.

References folly::Delimiter, and FOLLY_PUSH_WARNING.

Referenced by BENCHMARK().

356  {
357  return target;
358 }
size_t folly::gen::detail::splitPrefix ( StringPiece in,
StringPiece prefix,
char  delimiter 

Finds the first occurrence of delimiter in "in", advances "in" past the delimiter. Populates "prefix" with the consumed bytes, including the delimiter.

Returns the number of trailing bytes of "prefix" that make up the delimiter, or 0 if the delimiter was not found.

Definition at line 38 of file String-inl.h.

References folly::Range< Iter >::advance(), folly::Range< Iter >::assign(), folly::Range< Iter >::clear(), folly::Range< Iter >::data(), folly::Range< Iter >::find(), and folly::Range< const char * >::npos.

Referenced by folly::gen::detail::SplitStringSource< DelimiterType >::apply(), and folly::gen::StreamSplitter< Callback >::operator()().

38  {
39  size_t found = in.find(delimiter);
40  if (found != StringPiece::npos) {
41  ++found;
42  prefix.assign(, + found);
43  in.advance(found);
44  return 1;
45  }
46  prefix.clear();
47  return 0;
48 }
bool prefix(Cursor &c, uint32_t expected)
size_t folly::gen::detail::splitPrefix ( StringPiece in,
StringPiece prefix,
StringPiece  delimiter 

As above, but supports multibyte delimiters.

Definition at line 54 of file String-inl.h.

References folly::Range< Iter >::advance(), folly::Range< Iter >::assign(), folly::Range< Iter >::clear(), folly::Range< Iter >::data(), folly::Range< Iter >::find(), folly::Range< const char * >::npos, and folly::Range< Iter >::size().

54  {
55  auto found = in.find(delimiter);
56  if (found != StringPiece::npos) {
57  found += delimiter.size();
58  prefix.assign(, + found);
59  in.advance(found);
60  return delimiter.size();
61  }
62  prefix.clear();
63  return 0;
64 }
bool prefix(Cursor &c, uint32_t expected)
size_t folly::gen::detail::splitPrefix ( StringPiece in,
StringPiece prefix,

As above, but splits by any of the EOL terms: ,
, or

Definition at line 69 of file String-inl.h.

References folly::Range< Iter >::advance(), folly::Range< Iter >::assign(), folly::Range< Iter >::clear(), folly::Range< Iter >::data(), folly::Range< Iter >::find_first_of(), and folly::Range< Iter >::removePrefix().

69  {
70  const auto kCRLF = "\r\n";
71  const size_t kLenCRLF = 2;
73  auto p = in.find_first_of(kCRLF);
74  if (p != std::string::npos) {
75  const auto in_start =;
76  size_t delim_len = 1;
77  in.advance(p);
78  // Either remove an MS-DOS CR-LF 2-byte newline, or eat 1 byte at a time.
79  if (in.removePrefix(kCRLF)) {
80  delim_len = kLenCRLF;
81  } else {
82  in.advance(delim_len);
83  }
84  prefix.assign(in_start,;
85  return delim_len;
86  }
87  prefix.clear();
88  return 0;
89 }
bool prefix(Cursor &c, uint32_t expected)