folly::padded Namespace Reference




class  Adaptor
class  Iterator
class  Node
class  Node< T, NS, typename detail::NodeValid< T, NS >::type >


template<class Container >
Iterator< typename Container::const_iterator > cbegin (const Container &c)
template<class Container >
Iterator< typename Container::const_iterator > cend (const Container &c)
template<class Container >
Iterator< typename Container::const_iterator > begin (const Container &c)
template<class Container >
Iterator< typename Container::const_iterator > end (const Container &c)
template<class Container >
Iterator< typename Container::iterator > begin (Container &c)
template<class Container >
Iterator< typename Container::iterator > end (Container &c)

Function Documentation

template<class Container >
Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator> folly::padded::begin ( const Container &  c)

Definition at line 329 of file Padded.h.

References cbegin().

Referenced by TEST_F().

329  {
330  return cbegin(c);
331 }
char c
Iterator< typename Container::const_iterator > cbegin(const Container &c)
Definition: Padded.h:319
template<class Container >
Iterator<typename Container::iterator> folly::padded::begin ( Container &  c)

Definition at line 339 of file Padded.h.

Referenced by cbegin().

339  {
340  return Iterator<typename Container::iterator>(std::begin(c));
341 }
Iterator< typename Container::iterator > begin(Container &c)
Definition: Padded.h:339
char c
template<class Container >
Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator> folly::padded::cbegin ( const Container &  c)

Given a container to Node, return iterators to the first element in the first Node / one past the last element in the last Node. Note that the last node is assumed to be full; if that's not the case, subtract from end() as appropriate.

Definition at line 319 of file Padded.h.

References begin().

Referenced by begin(), folly::padded::Adaptor< IntNodeVec >::begin(), folly::IOBuf::begin(), folly::IOBuf::cloneOneInto(), folly::basic_fbstring< char >::insert(), folly::basic_fbstring< E, T, A, Storage >::insertImpl(), folly::basic_fbstring< E, T, A, Storage >::insertImplDiscr(), folly::StringKeyedSetBase< Compare, Alloc >::operator=(), folly::StringKeyedMap< Value, Compare, Alloc >::operator=(), folly::F14VectorSet< Key, Hasher, KeyEqual, Alloc >::operator=(), folly::F14VectorMap< Key, Mapped, Hasher, KeyEqual, Alloc >::operator=(), folly::basic_fbstring< char >::shrink_to_fit(), and TEST_F().

319  {
320  return Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator>(std::begin(c));
321 }
Iterator< typename Container::iterator > begin(Container &c)
Definition: Padded.h:339
char c
template<class Container >
Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator> folly::padded::end ( const Container &  c)

Definition at line 334 of file Padded.h.

References cend().

Referenced by TEST_F().

334  {
335  return cend(c);
336 }
char c
Iterator< typename Container::const_iterator > cend(const Container &c)
Definition: Padded.h:324
template<class Container >
Iterator<typename Container::iterator> folly::padded::end ( Container &  c)

Definition at line 344 of file Padded.h.

Referenced by cend().

344  {
345  return Iterator<typename Container::iterator>(std::end(c));
346 }
char c
Iterator< typename Container::iterator > end(Container &c)
Definition: Padded.h:344