strand.h File Reference

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class  folly::pushmi::strand_executor< E, Executor >
struct  folly::pushmi::strand_queue_receiver< E, Executor >
class  folly::pushmi::strand_item< E >
class  folly::pushmi::strand_queue_base< E >
class  folly::pushmi::strand_queue< E, Executor >
struct  folly::pushmi::strand_queue_receiver< E, Executor >
class  folly::pushmi::strand_executor< E, Executor >
class  folly::pushmi::strand_executor_factory_fn< E, ExecutorFactory >
class  folly::pushmi::same_executor_factory_fn< Exec >


 —— Concurrent Priority Queue Implementation ——


template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator< (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator> (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator== (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator!= (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator<= (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator>= (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
requires Invocable< ExecutorFactory & > &&Executor< invoke_result_t< ExecutorFactory & > > &&ConcurrentSequence< invoke_result_t< ExecutorFactory & > > auto folly::pushmi::strands (ExecutorFactory ef)
requires Executor< Exec > &&ConcurrentSequence< Exec > auto folly::pushmi::strands (Exec ex)