Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
2 #include "rewrite_net.h"
3 #include "caffe2/core/operator.h"
4 #include "caffe2/utils/proto_utils.h"
5 #include <unordered_map>
6 #include <unordered_set>
9 #include "../android/AndroidGLContext.h"
10 #endif
12 namespace caffe2 {
14 struct Analysis {
15  struct SSA {
16  using BlobVersions = std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t>;
17  BlobVersions inVersions;
18  BlobVersions outVersions;
19  };
20  std::vector<SSA> ssa;
21  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> inUsages;
22 };
24 static Analysis analyzeNet(const NetDef& net) {
25  Analysis::SSA::BlobVersions frontier;
26  Analysis analysis;
28  auto play = [&](size_t i, const OperatorDef& op) {
29  Analysis::SSA::BlobVersions inVersions;
30  for (const auto& s : op.input()) {
31  inVersions[s] = frontier[s];
32  analysis.inUsages[s][frontier[s]].push_back(i);
33  }
34  Analysis::SSA::BlobVersions outVersions;
35  for (const auto& s : op.output()) {
36  if (frontier.find(s) != frontier.end()) {
37  frontier[s] += 1;
38  }
39  outVersions[s] = frontier[s];
40  }
41  analysis.ssa.push_back(Analysis::SSA{inVersions, outVersions});
42  };
44  for (auto i = 0; i < net.op_size(); ++i) {
45  play(i, net.op(i));
46  }
47  return analysis;
48 }
50 static void insertCopyToGPUOp(NetDef& predictNet, const std::string& cpu_blob) {
51  auto* op = predictNet.add_op();
52  op->set_name("CopyToOpenGL");
53  op->set_type("CopyToOpenGL");
54  op->add_input(cpu_blob);
55  op->add_output(cpu_blob + "_M");
56 }
58 static void insertCopyFromGPUOp(NetDef& predictNet, const std::string& cpu_blob) {
59  // add argument "is_last" to the last op to signal this is the last operator before the
60  // CopyFromOpenGL op
61  auto* last_op = predictNet.mutable_op(predictNet.op_size() - 1);
62  auto* arg = last_op->add_arg();
63  arg->set_name("is_last");
64  arg->set_i(1);
66  auto* op = predictNet.add_op();
67  op->set_name("CopyFromOpenGL");
68  op->set_type("CopyFromOpenGL");
69  op->add_input(cpu_blob + "_M");
70  op->add_output(cpu_blob);
71 }
73 static NetDef insertInputOutputCopyOps(const NetDef& def, std::unordered_set<std::string>& glOps) {
74  // Do some validation of the outputs. For this version, we require:
75  // - a single input (first element of external_input()) is consumed by the NetDef
76  // - a single output (first element of external_output()) is produced by the NetDef.
77  // - the input is consumed by def.op(0), and this is the only consumer.
78  // - the output is produced by def.op(-1).
79  CAFFE_ENFORCE_GE(def.external_input_size(), 1);
80  CAFFE_ENFORCE_GE(def.external_output_size(), 1);
81  auto analysis = analyzeNet(def);
82  // enforce a single use of the input blob.
83  CAFFE_ENFORCE_GE(def.op_size(), 1);
85  const auto& inputBlob = def.external_input(0);
86  // Enforce that the input blob has a single usage - in the first operator.
87  CAFFE_ENFORCE(analysis.inUsages[inputBlob][0] == (std::vector<size_t>{0}));
88  // Enforce that the external_output(0) blob is produced by the last operator in this sequence.
89  const auto& outputBlob = def.external_output(0);
90  CAFFE_ENFORCE(analysis.ssa.back().outVersions.find(outputBlob) !=
91  analysis.ssa.back().outVersions.end());
92  const auto& outputBlobVersion = analysis.ssa.back().outVersions[outputBlob];
93  // This should hold true by definition of the SSA analysis.
94  CAFFE_ENFORCE(analysis.inUsages[outputBlob].find(outputBlobVersion) ==
95  analysis.inUsages[outputBlob].end());
97  NetDef mdef;
98  mdef.CopyFrom(def);
99  mdef.clear_op();
101  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<size_t>> cpu_blobs, gpu_blobs;
102  cpu_blobs[def.external_input(0)].insert(0);
104  for (auto i = 0; i < def.op_size(); i++) {
105  const auto& currentOp = def.op(i);
106  if (glOps.count(currentOp.type()) > 0) {
107  // OpenGL Op
108  // insert copyToOpenGLOp
109  for (auto j = 0; j < currentOp.input_size(); j++) {
110  auto& input = currentOp.input(j);
111  auto version = analysis.ssa[i].inVersions[input];
112  if (cpu_blobs[input].count(version) > 0) {
113  insertCopyToGPUOp(mdef, input);
114  gpu_blobs[input].insert(version);
115  cpu_blobs[input].erase(version);
116  }
117  // Only the first input should be OpenGL texture
118  // Otherwise, copyToOpenGLOp will be inserted for the weights,
119  // which are outputs of QuantDecode
120  if (currentOp.type().find("OpenGLConv") == 0) {
121  if (j == 0) {
122  break;
123  }
124  }
125  }
127  auto* op = mdef.add_op();
128  op->CopyFrom(currentOp);
130  // swap input blob
131  for (auto j = 0; j < currentOp.input_size(); j++) {
132  auto& input = currentOp.input(j);
133  auto version = analysis.ssa[i].inVersions[input];
134  if (gpu_blobs[input].count(version) > 0) {
135  op->set_input(j, input + "_M");
136  }
137  }
139  // swap output blob
140  for (auto j = 0; j < currentOp.output_size(); j++) {
141  auto& output = currentOp.output(j);
142  auto version = analysis.ssa[i].outVersions[output];
143  op->set_output(j, output + "_M");
144  gpu_blobs[output].insert(version);
145  }
146  // insert copyFromOpenGLOp after the last op if the last op is an OpenGL op
147  if (i == def.op_size() - 1) {
148  insertCopyFromGPUOp(mdef, currentOp.output(0));
149  }
150  } else {
151  // CPU Op
152  // insert copyFromOpenGLOp
153  for (auto j = 0; j < currentOp.input_size(); j++) {
154  auto& input = currentOp.input(j);
155  auto version = analysis.ssa[i].inVersions[input];
156  if (gpu_blobs[input].count(version) > 0) {
157  insertCopyFromGPUOp(mdef, input);
158  }
159  }
160  auto* op = mdef.add_op();
161  op->CopyFrom(currentOp);
162  for (auto j = 0; j < currentOp.output_size(); j++) {
163  auto& output = currentOp.output(j);
164  auto version = analysis.ssa[i].outVersions[output];
165  cpu_blobs[output].insert(version);
166  }
167  }
168  }
169  return mdef;
170 }
172 static bool tryFuseAdjacentOps(const OperatorDef& currentOp,
173  const OperatorDef& nextOp,
174  OperatorDef* fusedOp,
175  std::unordered_set<std::string>& glOps) {
176  // Check for possible invalid opportunities.
177  if (currentOp.output_size() != 1 || nextOp.output_size() != 1) {
178  return false;
179  }
180  // The fused op cannot be inplace
181  if (currentOp.output(0) != nextOp.input(0) || currentOp.input(0) == nextOp.output(0)) {
182  return false;
183  }
185  static const std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, std::string> fusionOpportunities = {
186  {{"OpenGLInstanceNorm", "OpenGLPRelu"}, "OpenGLInstanceNormPRelu"},
187  {{"OpenGLConv", "OpenGLPRelu"}, "OpenGLConvPRelu"},
188  {{"OpenGLConv", "OpenGLRelu"}, "OpenGLConvRelu"},
189  {{"OpenGLConvTranspose", "OpenGLPRelu"}, "OpenGLConvTransposePRelu"}};
190  auto it = fusionOpportunities.find({currentOp.type(), nextOp.type()});
191  if (it == fusionOpportunities.end()) {
192  return false;
193  }
195  glOps.insert(it->second);
196  fusedOp->CopyFrom(currentOp);
197  fusedOp->set_output(0, nextOp.output(0));
198  fusedOp->set_type(it->second);
199  for (auto i = 1; i < nextOp.input_size(); i++) {
200  fusedOp->add_input(nextOp.input(i));
201  }
202  return true;
203 }
205 static NetDef runOpenGLFusion(const NetDef& def, std::unordered_set<std::string>& glOps) {
206  CHECK_GE(def.op_size(), 1);
207  NetDef mdef;
208  mdef.CopyFrom(def);
209  mdef.clear_op();
210  auto i = 0;
212  while (i < def.op_size()) {
213  if (i == def.op_size() - 1) {
214  VLOG(2) << "Last operator, skipping";
215  auto* op = mdef.add_op();
216  op->CopyFrom(def.op(i));
217  i += 1;
218  continue;
219  }
221  const auto& currentOp = def.op(i);
222  const auto& nextOp = def.op(i + 1);
223  OperatorDef fusedOp;
224  if (tryFuseAdjacentOps(currentOp, nextOp, &fusedOp, glOps)) {
225  VLOG(2) << "Found an adjacent fusion for: " << currentOp.type() << ", " << nextOp.type();
226  // We can fuse.
227  auto* op = mdef.add_op();
228  op->CopyFrom(fusedOp);
229  i += 2;
230  continue;
231  }
232  VLOG(2) << "No fusion available for: " << currentOp.type() << ", " << nextOp.type();
233  // Just emit the current type.
234  auto* op = mdef.add_op();
235  op->CopyFrom(currentOp);
236  i += 1;
237  }
238  return mdef;
239 }
241 void dumpDefForOpenGL(const NetDef& d) {
242  for (const auto& op : d.op()) {
243  LOG(INFO) << op.input(0) << " -> " << op.type() << " -> " << op.output(0);
244  }
245 }
247 // // For debugging
248 // void dumpDefForOpenGL(const NetDef &net) {
249 // for (const auto &op : net.op()) {
250 // printf("***Operator: %s\n", op.type().c_str());
251 // for (auto input : op.input()) {
252 // printf("\tInput: %s\n", input.c_str());
253 // }
254 //
255 // for (auto output : op.output()) {
256 // printf("\tOutput: %s\n", output.c_str());
257 // }
258 // }
259 //}
261 NetDef rewritePredictNetForOpenGL(const NetDef& predictNet, bool useTextureInput, bool useTiling, bool runFusion) {
262  CAFFE_ENFORCE_GE(predictNet.op_size(), 1);
263  NetDef net;
264  net.CopyFrom(predictNet);
266  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> replacements(
267  {{"OpenGLPackedInt8BGRANHWCToNCHWCStylizerPreprocess",
268  useTextureInput ? "OpenGLTextureToTextureStylizerPreprocess"
269  : "OpenGLTensorToTextureStylizerPreprocess"},
270  {"OpenGLBRGNCHWCToPackedInt8BGRAStylizerDeprocess",
271  useTextureInput ? "OpenGLTextureToTextureStylizerDeprocess"
272  : "OpenGLTextureToTensorStylizerDeprocess"}});
274  std::unordered_set<std::string> openGLOps; // Used to insert copy ops
275  bool needCopyOps = false;
277  const auto& opKeyList = CPUOperatorRegistry()->Keys();
278  auto opKeySet = std::set<std::string>(opKeyList.begin(), opKeyList.end());
280 #ifdef CAFFE2_ANDROID
281  // TODO: debug InstanceNorm models on Mali devices
282  AndroidGLContext* context = (AndroidGLContext*)GLContext::getGLContext();
283  if (context->get_platform() == Mali) {
284  opKeySet.erase("OpenGLInstanceNorm");
285  opKeySet.erase("OpenGLInstanceNormPRelu");
286  }
287 #endif
288  for (auto i = 0; i < net.op_size(); ++i) {
289  auto* op = net.mutable_op(i);
290  string openGLOp = std::string("OpenGL") + op->type();
291  if (replacements.count(openGLOp) > 0) {
292  openGLOp = replacements[openGLOp];
293  }
295  if (opKeySet.find(openGLOp) != opKeySet.end()) {
296  op->set_type(openGLOp);
297  openGLOps.insert(openGLOp);
299  if (useTiling) {
300  auto* arg = op->add_arg();
301  arg->set_name("tiling");
302  arg->set_i(1);
303  }
304  } else {
305  needCopyOps = true;
306  }
307  }
309  if (useTextureInput && needCopyOps) {
310  CAFFE_THROW("OpenGL operator missing");
311  }
313  if (runFusion) {
314  net = runOpenGLFusion(net, openGLOps);
315  }
317  if (net.op(0).type() == replacements["OpenGLPackedInt8BGRANHWCToNCHWCStylizerPreprocess"]) {
318  // For end-to-end testing
319  if (net.op(net.op_size() - 1).type() !=
320  replacements["OpenGLBRGNCHWCToPackedInt8BGRAStylizerDeprocess"]) {
321  auto* last_op = net.mutable_op(net.op_size() - 1);
322  auto output = last_op->output(0) + "M";
323  last_op->set_output(0, output);
324  auto* copy_op = net.add_op();
325  copy_op->set_name("CopyFromOpenGL");
326  copy_op->set_type("CopyFromOpenGL");
327  copy_op->add_input(output);
328  // rename output blob in case input and output blob has the same name
329  copy_op->add_output(net.external_output(0));
330  }
331  } else {
332  if (!useTextureInput) {
333  needCopyOps = true;
334  }
335  }
337  // copy ops are needed when the input is not a texture
338  if (needCopyOps) {
339  // For non style transfer cases
340  net = insertInputOutputCopyOps(net, openGLOps);
341  }
343  return net;
344 }
346 bool tryConvertToOpenGL(const NetDef& initNet,
347  const NetDef& predictNet,
348  NetDef* glPredictNet,
349  bool useTextureInput,
350  bool useTiling,
351  bool runFusion) {
352  try {
353  // Throws if unsupported operators are found.
354  *glPredictNet = rewritePredictNetForOpenGL(predictNet, useTextureInput, useTiling, runFusion);
355  dumpDefForOpenGL(*glPredictNet);
356  // Throws if unsupported parameters are found.
357  Workspace ws;
358  ws.RunNetOnce(initNet);
359  ws.CreateNet(*glPredictNet);
360  LOG(INFO) << "OpenGL is successfully enabled";
361  return true;
362  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
363  LOG(ERROR) << "Caught exception trying to convert NetDef to OpenGL: " << e.what();
364  return false;
365  }
366 }
367 } // namespace caffe2
A global dictionary that holds information about what Caffe2 modules have been loaded in the current ...