Publications Citing MuPAD-Combinat

MuPAD-Combinat was an open-source algebraic combinatorics package for the computer algebra system MuPAD. It has now been reincarnated into SageMath-Combinat, with the same mission statement: to provide an extensible toolbox for computer exploration in algebraic combinatorics, and foster code sharing between researchers in this area.

Below is a list of publications that cite the algebraic combinatorics framework developed by the MuPAD-Combinat team. This list is also available in BibTeX format. The publications listed in each section are sorted in chronological order. Where two or more items are published in the same year, these items are sorted alphabetically by the authors' last names.


  1. Nicolas M. Thiéry. Algebraic invariants of graphs: a study based on computer exploration. ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, volume 34, number 3, pages 9--20, 2000.
  2. Pouzet Maurice and Nicolas M. Thiéry. Invariants alg{é}briques de graphes et reconstruction. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{é}mie des Sciences. S{é}rie I. Math{é}matique, volume 333, number 9, pages 821--826, 2001.
  3. Nicolas M. Thiéry. Computing Minimal Generating Sets of Invariant Rings of Permutation Groups with SAGBI-Gr{ö}bner Basis. In Robert Cori, Jacques Mazoyer, Michel Morvan, and Rémy Mosseri (ed.). Discrete Models: Combinatorics, Computation, and Geometry, DM-CCG 2001. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, DMTCS Proceedings, volume AA, pages 315--328, 2001.
  4. Nantel Bergeron, Florent Hivert, and Jean-Yves Thibon. The peak algebra and the Hecke-Clifford algebras at q=0. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, volume 107, number 1, pages 1--19, 2004.
  5. Alain Denise, Marie-Claude Gaudel, and S.-D. Gouraud. A Generic Method for Statistical Testing. ISSRE '04: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering. IEEE Computer Society, pages 25--34, 2004.
  6. Francois Descouens. Un algorithme de g{é}n{é}ration des tableaux de rubans et de calcul de polyn{ô}me de spin. 10{è}mes Journ{é}es Montoises. 2004.
  7. Florent Hivert and Nicolas M. Thiéry. MuPAD-Combinat, an open-source package for research in algebraic combinatorics. S{é}minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, volume 51, 2004.
  8. Florent Hivert and Nicolas M. Thiéry. Deformation of symmetric functions and the rational Steenrod algebra. In H. E. A. Eddy Campbell and David L. Wehlau (ed.). Invariant Theory in All Characteristics. American Mathematical Society, pages 91--125, 2004.
  9. Francois Descouens. Ribbon tableaux, rigged configurations and Hall-Littlewood functions at roots of unity. Poster session of 17th Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC'05). Pages 579--586, 2005.
  10. F. Hivert, J.-C. Novelli, and J.-Y. Thibon. The algebra of binary search trees. Theoretical Computer Science, volume 339, number 1, pages 129--165, 2005.
  11. Lipika Deka and Anne Schilling. New fermionic formula for unrestricted Kostka polynomials. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, volume 113, number 7, pages 1435--1461, 2006.
  12. Alain Denise, Marie-Claude Gaudel, Sandrine-Dominique Gouraud, Richard Lassaigne, and Sylvain Peyronnet. Uniform Random Sampling of Traces in Very Large Models. In Johannes Mayer and Robert G. Merkel (ed.). RT 2006: 1st ACM International Workshop on Random Testing. Association for Computing Machinery, pages 10--19, 2006.
  13. Francois Descouens and Alain Lascoux. Non-symmetric Hall-Littlewood polynomials. S{é}minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, volume 54, 2006.
  14. Francois Descouens. Making research on symmetric functions using MuPAD-Combinat. In Andrés Iglesias and Nobuki Takayama (ed.). ICMS 2006: Second International Congress on Mathematical Software. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4151, pages 407--418, 2006.
  15. Francois Descouens and Hideaki Morita. Macdonald polynomials at roots of unity. Poster session of Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC'06). Pages 423--434, 2006.
  16. Florent Hivert and Nicolas M. Thiéry. Representation theories of some towers of algebras related to the symmetric groups and their Hecke algebras. FPSAC'06: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics. 2006.
  17. Conrado Martínez, Xavier Molinero, and Nicolas M. Thiéry. Generaci{ó} ordenada de classes d'estructures combinat{ò}ries (Ordered Generation of Combinatorial Structures). In Jornada de Recerca EPSEM 2006. Remsa S.L. Manresa, pages 83--84, 2006.
  18. Jean-Christophe Novelli and Jean-Yves Thibon. Construction of dendriform trialgebras. Comptes Rendus Math{é}matique. Acad{é}mie des Sciences Paris S{é}rie I, volume 342, number 6, pages 365--369, 2006.
  19. Janvier Nzeutchap. Finding polynomials to count lattice points. Computer explorations with MuPAD-Combinat. Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique (CARI'06). Pages 59--66, 2006.
  20. Janvier Nzeutchap. Dual Graded Graphs and Fomin's r-correspondences associated to the Hopf Algebras of Planar Binary Trees, Quasi-symmetric Functions and Noncommutative Symmetric Functions. Poster session of 18th Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics. Pages 632--644, 2006.
  21. Francois Descouens. An algorithm for generating ribbon tableaux and spin polynomials. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, volume 9, number 2, pages 51--58, 2007.
  22. Sergey Mozgovoy. A computational criterion for the Kac conjecture. Journal of Algebra, volume 318, number 2, pages 669--679, 2007.
  23. Jean-Christophe Novelli and Jean-Yves Thibon. Hopf algebras and dendriform structures arising from parking functions. Fundamenta Mathematicae, volume 193, pages 189--241, 2007.
  24. Johan Oudinet. Uniform Random Walks in Very Large Models. RT '07: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Random Testing. ACM Press, pages 26--29, 2007.
  25. Francois Descouens. Ribbon tableaux, ribbon rigged configurations and Hall-Littlewood functions at roots of unity. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, volume 115, number 3, pages 361--375, 2008.
  26. Francois Descouens and Hideaki Morita. Factorization formulas for Macdonald polynomials. European Journal of Combinatorics, volume 29, number 2, pages 395--410, 2008.
  27. Florent Hivert, Anne Schilling, and Nicolas M. Thiéry. Hecke group algebras as degenerate affine Hecke algebras. DMTCS Proceedings, volume AJ, pages 611--624, 2008.
  28. Jean-Christophe Novelli and Jean-Yves Thibon. Noncommutative Symmetric Functions and Lagrange Inversion. Advances in Applied Mathematics, volume 40, number 1, pages 8--35, 2008.
  29. Anne Schilling. Combinatorial structure of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type $D\sp {(1)}\sb n,B\sp {(1)}\sb n,A\sp {(2)}\sb{2n-1}$. Journal of Algebra, volume 319, number 7, pages 2938--2962, 2008.
  30. Alain Denise, Marie-Claude Gaudel, Sandrine-Dominique Gouraud, Richard Lassaigne, Johan Oudinet, and Sylvain Peyronnet. Coverage-Biased Random Exploration of Large Models and Application to Testing. Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, technical report number 1494, 2008-06.
  31. Florent Hivert and Nicolas M. Thiéry. The Hecke group algebra of a Coxeter group and its representation theory. Journal of Algebra, volume 321, number 8, pages 2230--2258, 2009.
  32. Florent Hivert, Jean-Christophe Novelli, Lenny Tevlin, and Jean-Yves Thibon. Permutation statistics related to a class of noncommutative symmetric functions and generalizations of the Genocchi numbers. Selecta Mathematica, volume 15, number 1, pages 105--119, 2009.
  33. Florent Hivert, Anne Schilling, and Nicolas M. Thiéry. Hecke group algebras as quotients of affine Hecke algebras at level 0. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, volume 116, number 4, pages 844--863, 2009.
  34. Jean-Christophe Novelli and Jean-Yves Thibon. A one-parameter family of dendriform identities. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, volume 116, number 4, pages 864--874, 2009.
  35. Jean-Christophe Novelli and Jean-Yves Thibon. Superization and (q,t)-specialization in combinatorial Hopf algebras. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, volume 16, number 2, 2009.
  36. Janvier Nzeutchap. Young-Fibonacci insertion, tableauhedron and Kostka numbers. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, volume 116, number 1, pages 143--167, 2009.
  37. Jason Bandlow, Anne Schilling, and Nicolas M. Thiéry. On the uniqueness of promotion operators on tensor products of type A crystals. J. Algebraic Combinatorics, volume 31, pages 217--251, 2010.
  38. Anne Schilling and Qiang Wang. Promotion Operator on Rigged Configurations of Type A. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, volume 17, 2010.
  39. Thomas Lam, Anne Schilling, and Mark Shimozono. Schubert Polynomials for the affine Grassmannian of the symplectic group. Mathematische Zeitschrift, volume 264, number 4, pages 765--811, 2010-04.
  40. Marie-Claude David and Nicolas M. Thiéry. Exploration of finite-dimensional Kac Algebras and lattices of intermediate subfactors of irreducible inclusions. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, volume 10, number 5, pages 995--1106, 2011.


  1. Nicolas M. Thiéry. Invariants alg{é}briques de graphes et reconstruction; une {é}tude exp{é}rimentale. PhD thesis, Université Lyon I, 1999.
  2. Sandrine-Dominique Gouraud. Utilisation des Structures Combinatoires pour le Test Statistique. PhD thesis, Université Paris XI, 2004.
  3. Xavier Molinero Albareda. Ordered Generation of Classes of Combinatorial Structures. PhD thesis, Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Inform{à}tics, 2005.
  4. Lipika Deka. Fermionic Formulas For Unrestricted Kostka Polynomials And Superconformal Characters. PhD thesis, Department of Mathematics, 2005.
  5. Francois Descouens. Combinatoire des tableaux de rubans et des polyn{ô}mes de Kostka g{é}n{é}ralis{é}s. PhD thesis, Laboratoire d'informatique Gaspard-Monge, 2007-06.
  6. J. Vives. Generaci{ó} ordenada d'estructures combinat{ò}ries en MuPAD-Combinat (Ordered Generation of Combinatorial Structures in MuPAD-Combinat). Universitat Polit{è}cnica de Catalunya, Spain, Bachelor thesis, 2008.



  1. Nicolas M. Thiéry. Algebraic invariants of graphs; An experimental study. Poster, ISSAC'99, Vancouver, Canada, 1999.
  2. Nicolas M. Thiéry. PerMuVAR}, a library for computing in invariant rings of permutation groups. Software demonstration, MEGA 2000, Bath, UK, 2000.
  3. Gerard Duchamp, Hatem Hadj Kacem, and Eric Laugerotte. An unexpected application of minimization theory to module decompositions. arXiv:cs/0405060, 2004.
  4. N. Bergeron, F. Descouens, and M. Zabrocki. A non-commutative generalization of k-Schur functions. arXiv:0804.0944, 2008.
  5. N. Bergeron, F. Descouens, and M. Zabrocki. A Filtration of (q,t)-Catalan numbers. arXiv:0806.3046, 2008.
  6. Jean-Christophe Novelli and Jean-Yves Thibon. Free quasi-symmetric functions and descent algebras for wreath products, and noncommutative multi-symmetric functions. arXiv:0806.3682, 2008.
  7. Nicolas M. Thiéry. Algèbre Combinatoire et Effective; des graphes aux algèbres de Kac via l'exploration informatique. Mémoire d'{Ha}bilitation à Diriger des Recherches, 2008.
  8. Jean-Christophe Novelli, Jean-Yves Thibon, and Lauren K. Williams. Combinatorial Hopf algebras, noncommutative Hall-Littlewood functions, and permutation tableaux. arXiv:0804.0995, 2009.

Citing MuPAD-Combinat

If you use MuPAD-Combinat in a book, paper, website, etc., please reference MuPAD-Combinat as you would cite any journal or book, using the following reference:
  author = {Florent Hivert and Nicolas M. Thi\'ery},
  title = {Mu{PAD}-{C}ombinat, an open-source package for research in algebraic combinatorics},
  journal = {S\'em. Lothar. Combin.},
  fjournal = {S\'eminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire},
  volume = {51},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {Art. B51z, 70 pp. (electronic)},
  mrclass = {05-00 (05-04)},
  mrnumber = {MR2080390 (2005c:05001)},
  note = {\texttt{}},