Computop - PayPal

Front-End Integration

To adjust frontend appearance, provide following templates in your theme directory:


State Machine Integration

The Computop provides a demo state machine for PayPal payment method which implements Authorization/Capture flow.

To enable the demo state machine, extend the configuration with the following values:

    ComputopConfig::PAYMENT_METHOD_PAY_PAL => 'ComputopPayPal',

$config[OmsConstants::ACTIVE_PROCESSES] = [

PayPal Payment Flow:

  1. There is a radio button on "Payment" step. After submit order customer will be redirected to the to Computop (Paygate form implementation). The GET consists of 3 parameters:
    • data (encrypted parameters, e.g. currency, amount, description);
    • length (length of 'data' parameter);
    • merchant id (assigned by Computop);
  2. By default, on success the customer will be redirected to "Success" step. The response contains payId On error, the customer will be redirected to "Payment" step with the error message by default. Response data is stored in the DB.
  3. Authorization is added right after success init action by default. Capture/Refund and Cancel actions are implemented in the admin panel (on manage order). On requests, Spryker will use payId parameter stored in the DB to identify a payment.


See also:


Last review date: Feb. 20th, 2018