Payment Integration - Computop


Partner Information


Computop is a leading international Payment Service Provider that enables merchants and white label customers to process global multichannel payments. Computop’s state of the art and wholly owned payment platform Computop Paygate offers seamless solutions for mobile, online and in store payment transactions. All transactions processed by Computop Paygate are secure as our platform is PCI certified.

Computop offers a global payment management solution that is connected to over 350 payment methods and acquirer connections worldwide, customizable fraud prevention, tokenization and other value added services like currency conversion and debt management that result in secure transaction processing and higher conversion rates.

Paygate is scalable and favoured by merchants in the travel, gaming, gambling, digital, hospitality, and the retail industry. Prebuilt payment and fraud management integration cartridges or modules are available for leading ERP and shop system solutions including demandware, hybris, intershop, Magento, and IBM Websphere.

Founded in 1997, Computop is a global player for the 21st century. Headquartered in Bamberg, Germany, the company has sales operations in New York, London, and Shanghai. Computop is trusted by the largest global brands worldwide including Samsung, The Otto Group, C&A, Fossil, Metro Cash & Carry, and Swarovski.

General Information

We integrate with a wide range of payment methods that can be configured according to your needs and convenience. Payment method flows are configured using state machines.

The SprykerEco.Computop spryker-eco/computop bundle provides integration Spryker e-commerce system with Computop industry partner. It requires the SprykerEco.ComputopApi spryker-eco/computop-api bundle that provides the REST Client for making API calls to the Computop Payment Provider.

The SprykerEco.Computop bundle includes integration with:

  • Checkout process - payment forms with all necessary fields that are required to make payment request, save order information and so on.
  • OMS (Order Management System) - state machines, all necessary commands for making modification requests and conditions for changing orders status accordingly.

The SprykerEco.Computop bundle provides the following payment methods:


To install the payment provider, run:

composer require spryker-eco/computop


All the necessary configurations can be found in:

Configuration Key Type Description
$config[ComputopApiConstants::MERCHANT_ID] string Computop merchant identifier.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::BLOWFISH_PASSWORD] string Password for blowfish hashing.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::HMAC_PASSWORD] string Password for hmac hashing.
$config[ComputopConstants::PAYDIREKT_SHOP_KEY] string Shop key for Paydirect payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::IDEAL_ISSUER_ID] string Issuer ID for Ideal payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::PAY_NOW_INIT_ACTION] string Init API call endpoint for PayNow payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::CREDIT_CARD_INIT_ACTION] string Init API call endpoint for Credit Card payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::PAYPAL_INIT_ACTION] string Init API call endpoint for PayPal payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::DIRECT_DEBIT_INIT_ACTION] string Init API call endpoint for Direct Debit payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::SOFORT_INIT_ACTION] string Init API call endpoint for Sofort payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::PAYDIREKT_INIT_ACTION] string Init API call endpoint for Paydirect payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::IDEAL_INIT_ACTION] string Init API call endpoint for Ideal payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::EASY_CREDIT_INIT_ACTION] string Init API call endpoint for Easy Credit payment method.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::EASY_CREDIT_STATUS_ACTION] string Status API call endpoint for Easy Credit payment method.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::EASY_CREDIT_AUTHORIZE_ACTION] string Authorize API call endpoint for Easy Credit payment method.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::AUTHORIZE_ACTION] string Authorize API call endpoint.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::CAPTURE_ACTION] string Capture API call endpoint.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::REVERSE_ACTION] string Reserve API call endpoint.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::INQUIRE_ACTION] string Inquire API call endpoint.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::REFUND_ACTION] string Refund API call endpoint.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::RESPONSE_MAC_REQUIRED] array MAC is required for methods (to check MAC on response).
$config[ComputopConstants::CREDIT_CARD_TEMPLATE_ENABLED] bool Is custom template enabled for Credit Card payment method.
$config[ComputopConstants::CREDIT_CARD_TX_TYPE] string TX TYPE for Credit Card payment method (empty string).
$config[ComputopConstants::PAY_NOW_TX_TYPE] string TX TYPE for PayNow payment method (empty string).
$config[ComputopConstants::PAY_PAL_TX_TYPE] string TX TYPE for PayPal payment method (Auth).
$config[ComputopConstants::PAYMENT_METHODS_WITHOUT_ORDER_CALL] array Array of payment methods without order call.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::PAYMENT_METHODS_CAPTURE_TYPES] array Array with mapping payment methods and their capture types (MANUAL or AUTO).
$config[ComputopConstants::CRIF_ENABLED] bool Is CRIF risk check enabled.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::CRIF_ACTION] string CRIF API call endpoint.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::CRIF_PRODUCT_NAME] string QuickCheckConsumer or CreditCheckConsumer or QuickCheckBusiness or CreditCheckBusiness or IdentCheckConsume.
$config[ComputopApiConstants::CRIF_LEGAL_FORM] string PERSON or COMPANY or UNKNOWN.
$config[ComputopConstants::CRIF_GREEN_AVAILABLE_PAYMENT_METHODS] array List of payment methods available with green response code.
$config[ComputopConstants::CRIF_YELLOW_AVAILABLE_PAYMENT_METHODS] array List of payment methods available with yellow response code.
$config[ComputopConstants::CRIF_RED_AVAILABLE_PAYMENT_METHODS] array List of payment methods available with red response code.

Also you have to add payment methods to State Machine (OMS) configuration in the config_default.php file:

Integration into Project

Update CheckoutPageDependencyProvider to add payment subform plugins, payment method handlers, provide Computop client and UtilText service:

Extend ShipmentStep if you want to use CRIF risk check payment methods filtering logic:

Add PayNow Checkout step if you want to use this payment method in your project:

Extend PlaceOrder checkout step to add PayNow payment method data in QuoteTransfer (necessary only for PayNow payment method):

Add Easy Credit Checkout step if you want to use this payment method in your project:

Extend SummaryOrder Checkout step to add Easy Credit fees information on summary page (necessary only for Easy Credit payment method):

Extend StepFactory to add/update necessary checkout steps:

Extend CheckoutPageFactory for project level StepFactory usage:

Extend CheckoutPage CheckoutController to add PayNow and EasyCredit step actions (if you use these payment methods):

Extend CheckoutPageControllerProvider to define PayNow and EasyCredit step actions (if you use these payment methods):

Change CheckoutPageControllerProvider from core to project level in YvesBootstrap (if you use PayNow or Easy Credit payment methods):

Extend payment twig to add Computop payment methods:

Add paynow checkout step template if you want to use this payment method:

Add easy-credit-summary molecule is you want to use Easy Credit payment method:

Extend summary twig to add Easy Credit fees information (necessary for Easy Credit payment method):

Add controller provider:

Add checkout plugins:

Add OMS commands and conditions:

Extend PaymentDependencyProvider to add payment method filter plugin (if you want to use CRIF risk check):

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See also: