

Font families can be changed by overwriting Sass variables, stored in _variables.scss file. Also if it is an external font, you need to provide a link to that font either in your HTML file or lt-style.scss file (in sass folder).

Lets copy-paste new google fonts in lt-style.scss file.

@import "|Titan+One"; @import "";

Now we can change Sass variables in _variables.scss file.

$font-family-header: "Nosifer", cursive; $font-family-body: "Titan One", cursive;
font family change

Font sizes can be adjusted in lt-style.scss file by overwriting CSS variables in a :root pseudo-class. Please keep in mind that the framework uses responsive typography. Hence, you might want to adjust font sizes also in media queries which you can find in the same document.

--base-font-size: 1.3em; --h1-font-size: 3.5em; --h2-font-size: 2.7em;
font size change