tesseract  3.05.02
tesseract::TessBaseAPI Class Reference

#include <baseapi.h>

Public Member Functions

 TessBaseAPI ()
virtual ~TessBaseAPI ()
void SetInputName (const char *name)
const char * GetInputName ()
void SetInputImage (Pix *pix)
Pix * GetInputImage ()
int GetSourceYResolution ()
const char * GetDatapath ()
void SetOutputName (const char *name)
bool SetVariable (const char *name, const char *value)
bool SetDebugVariable (const char *name, const char *value)
bool GetIntVariable (const char *name, int *value) const
bool GetBoolVariable (const char *name, bool *value) const
bool GetDoubleVariable (const char *name, double *value) const
const char * GetStringVariable (const char *name) const
void PrintVariables (FILE *fp) const
bool GetVariableAsString (const char *name, STRING *val)
int Init (const char *datapath, const char *language, OcrEngineMode mode, char **configs, int configs_size, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_vec, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_values, bool set_only_non_debug_params)
int Init (const char *datapath, const char *language, OcrEngineMode oem)
int Init (const char *datapath, const char *language)
const char * GetInitLanguagesAsString () const
void GetLoadedLanguagesAsVector (GenericVector< STRING > *langs) const
void GetAvailableLanguagesAsVector (GenericVector< STRING > *langs) const
int InitLangMod (const char *datapath, const char *language)
void InitForAnalysePage ()
void ReadConfigFile (const char *filename)
void ReadDebugConfigFile (const char *filename)
void SetPageSegMode (PageSegMode mode)
PageSegMode GetPageSegMode () const
char * TesseractRect (const unsigned char *imagedata, int bytes_per_pixel, int bytes_per_line, int left, int top, int width, int height)
void ClearAdaptiveClassifier ()
void SetImage (const unsigned char *imagedata, int width, int height, int bytes_per_pixel, int bytes_per_line)
void SetImage (Pix *pix)
void SetSourceResolution (int ppi)
void SetRectangle (int left, int top, int width, int height)
void SetThresholder (ImageThresholder *thresholder)
Pix * GetThresholdedImage ()
Boxa * GetRegions (Pixa **pixa)
Boxa * GetTextlines (const bool raw_image, const int raw_padding, Pixa **pixa, int **blockids, int **paraids)
Boxa * GetTextlines (Pixa **pixa, int **blockids)
Boxa * GetStrips (Pixa **pixa, int **blockids)
Boxa * GetWords (Pixa **pixa)
Boxa * GetConnectedComponents (Pixa **cc)
Boxa * GetComponentImages (const PageIteratorLevel level, const bool text_only, const bool raw_image, const int raw_padding, Pixa **pixa, int **blockids, int **paraids)
Boxa * GetComponentImages (const PageIteratorLevel level, const bool text_only, Pixa **pixa, int **blockids)
int GetThresholdedImageScaleFactor () const
void DumpPGM (const char *filename)
PageIteratorAnalyseLayout ()
PageIteratorAnalyseLayout (bool merge_similar_words)
int Recognize (ETEXT_DESC *monitor)
int RecognizeForChopTest (ETEXT_DESC *monitor)
bool ProcessPages (const char *filename, const char *retry_config, int timeout_millisec, TessResultRenderer *renderer)
bool ProcessPagesInternal (const char *filename, const char *retry_config, int timeout_millisec, TessResultRenderer *renderer)
bool ProcessPage (Pix *pix, int page_index, const char *filename, const char *retry_config, int timeout_millisec, TessResultRenderer *renderer)
ResultIteratorGetIterator ()
MutableIteratorGetMutableIterator ()
char * GetUTF8Text ()
char * GetHOCRText (ETEXT_DESC *monitor, int page_number)
char * GetHOCRText (int page_number)
char * GetTSVText (int page_number)
char * GetBoxText (int page_number)
char * GetUNLVText ()
bool DetectOrientationScript (int *orient_deg, float *orient_conf, const char **script_name, float *script_conf)
char * GetOsdText (int page_number)
int MeanTextConf ()
int * AllWordConfidences ()
bool AdaptToWordStr (PageSegMode mode, const char *wordstr)
void Clear ()
void End ()
int IsValidWord (const char *word)
bool IsValidCharacter (const char *utf8_character)
bool GetTextDirection (int *out_offset, float *out_slope)
void SetDictFunc (DictFunc f)
void SetProbabilityInContextFunc (ProbabilityInContextFunc f)
void SetFillLatticeFunc (FillLatticeFunc f)
bool DetectOS (OSResults *)
void GetFeaturesForBlob (TBLOB *blob, INT_FEATURE_STRUCT *int_features, int *num_features, int *feature_outline_index)
void RunAdaptiveClassifier (TBLOB *blob, int num_max_matches, int *unichar_ids, float *ratings, int *num_matches_returned)
const char * GetUnichar (int unichar_id)
const DawgGetDawg (int i) const
int NumDawgs () const
Tesseracttesseract () const
OcrEngineMode oem () const
void InitTruthCallback (TruthCallback *cb)
CubeRecoContextGetCubeRecoContext () const
void set_min_orientation_margin (double margin)
void GetBlockTextOrientations (int **block_orientation, bool **vertical_writing)
BLOCK_LIST * FindLinesCreateBlockList ()

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * Version ()
static size_t getOpenCLDevice (void **device)
static void CatchSignals ()
static void ClearPersistentCache ()
static ROWFindRowForBox (BLOCK_LIST *blocks, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
static ROWMakeTessOCRRow (float baseline, float xheight, float descender, float ascender)
static TBLOBMakeTBLOB (Pix *pix)
static void NormalizeTBLOB (TBLOB *tblob, ROW *row, bool numeric_mode)
static void DeleteBlockList (BLOCK_LIST *block_list)

Protected Member Functions

TESS_LOCAL bool InternalSetImage ()
virtual TESS_LOCAL void Threshold (Pix **pix)
TESS_LOCAL int FindLines ()
void ClearResults ()
TESS_LOCAL LTRResultIteratorGetLTRIterator ()
TESS_LOCAL int TextLength (int *blob_count)
TESS_LOCAL void AdaptToCharacter (const char *unichar_repr, int length, float baseline, float xheight, float descender, float ascender)
TESS_LOCAL PAGE_RESRecognitionPass1 (BLOCK_LIST *block_list)
TESS_LOCAL PAGE_RESRecognitionPass2 (BLOCK_LIST *block_list, PAGE_RES *pass1_result)
TESS_LOCAL void DetectParagraphs (bool after_text_recognition)
TESS_LOCAL const PAGE_RESGetPageRes () const

Static Protected Member Functions

static TESS_LOCAL int TesseractExtractResult (char **text, int **lengths, float **costs, int **x0, int **y0, int **x1, int **y1, PAGE_RES *page_res)

Protected Attributes

 The underlying data object. More...
 For orientation & script detection. More...
 The equation detector. More...
 Image thresholding module. More...
GenericVector< ParagraphModel * > * paragraph_models_
BLOCK_LIST * block_list_
 The page layout. More...
 The page-level data. More...
 Name used by training code. More...
 Name used by debug code. More...
 Current location of tessdata. More...
 Last initialized language. More...
OcrEngineMode last_oem_requested_
 Last ocr language mode requested. More...
bool recognition_done_
 page_res_ contains recognition data. More...
int rect_left_
int rect_top_
int rect_width_
int rect_height_
int image_width_
int image_height_

Detailed Description

Base class for all tesseract APIs. Specific classes can add ability to work on different inputs or produce different outputs. This class is mostly an interface layer on top of the Tesseract instance class to hide the data types so that users of this class don't have to include any other Tesseract headers.

Definition at line 107 of file baseapi.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TessBaseAPI()

tesseract::TessBaseAPI::TessBaseAPI ( )

Definition at line 110 of file baseapi.cpp.

111  : tesseract_(NULL),
112  osd_tesseract_(NULL),
113  equ_detect_(NULL),
114  // Thresholder is initialized to NULL here, but will be set before use by:
115  // A constructor of a derived API, SetThresholder(), or
116  // created implicitly when used in InternalSetImage.
117  thresholder_(NULL),
118  paragraph_models_(NULL),
119  block_list_(NULL),
120  page_res_(NULL),
121  input_file_(NULL),
122  output_file_(NULL),
123  datapath_(NULL),
124  language_(NULL),
126  recognition_done_(false),
127  truth_cb_(NULL),
129  image_width_(0), image_height_(0) {
130  unknown_title_ = "";
131 }
STRING * output_file_
Name used by debug code.
Definition: baseapi.h:873
PAGE_RES * page_res_
The page-level data.
Definition: baseapi.h:871
Tesseract * osd_tesseract_
For orientation & script detection.
Definition: baseapi.h:866
GenericVector< ParagraphModel * > * paragraph_models_
Definition: baseapi.h:869
EquationDetect * equ_detect_
The equation detector.
Definition: baseapi.h:867
bool recognition_done_
page_res_ contains recognition data.
Definition: baseapi.h:877
TruthCallback * truth_cb_
Definition: baseapi.h:878
STRING * language_
Last initialized language.
Definition: baseapi.h:875
ImageThresholder * thresholder_
Image thresholding module.
Definition: baseapi.h:868
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865
OcrEngineMode last_oem_requested_
Last ocr language mode requested.
Definition: baseapi.h:876
STRING * input_file_
Name used by training code.
Definition: baseapi.h:872
BLOCK_LIST * block_list_
The page layout.
Definition: baseapi.h:870
STRING * datapath_
Current location of tessdata.
Definition: baseapi.h:874

◆ ~TessBaseAPI()

tesseract::TessBaseAPI::~TessBaseAPI ( )

Definition at line 133 of file baseapi.cpp.

133  {
134  End();
135 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ CatchSignals()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::CatchSignals ( )

Writes the thresholded image to stderr as a PBM file on receipt of a SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, or SIGBUS signal. (Linux/Unix only).

Definition at line 180 of file baseapi.cpp.

180  {
181 #ifdef __linux__
182  struct sigaction action;
183  memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));
184  action.sa_handler = &signal_exit;
185  action.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND;
186  sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL);
187  sigaction(SIGFPE, &action, NULL);
188  sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, NULL);
189 #else
190  // Warn API users that an implementation is needed.
191  tprintf("CatchSignals has no non-linux implementation!\n");
192 #endif
193 }
void signal_exit(int signal_code)
Definition: globaloc.cpp:52
#define tprintf(...)
Definition: tprintf.h:31

◆ ClearAdaptiveClassifier()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::ClearAdaptiveClassifier ( )

Call between pages or documents etc to free up memory and forget adaptive data.

Definition at line 507 of file baseapi.cpp.

507  {
508  if (tesseract_ == NULL)
509  return;
512 }
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ ClearResults()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::ClearResults ( )

Delete the pageres and block list ready for a new page.

Delete the pageres and clear the block list ready for a new page.

Definition at line 2323 of file baseapi.cpp.

2323  {
2324  if (tesseract_ != NULL) {
2325  tesseract_->Clear();
2326  }
2327  if (page_res_ != NULL) {
2328  delete page_res_;
2329  page_res_ = NULL;
2330  }
2331  recognition_done_ = false;
2332  if (block_list_ == NULL)
2333  block_list_ = new BLOCK_LIST;
2334  else
2335  block_list_->clear();
2336  if (paragraph_models_ != NULL) {
2338  delete paragraph_models_;
2339  paragraph_models_ = NULL;
2340  }
2341  SavePixForCrash(0, NULL);
2342 }
PAGE_RES * page_res_
The page-level data.
Definition: baseapi.h:871
GenericVector< ParagraphModel * > * paragraph_models_
Definition: baseapi.h:869
void delete_data_pointers()
bool recognition_done_
page_res_ contains recognition data.
Definition: baseapi.h:877
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865
BLOCK_LIST * block_list_
The page layout.
Definition: baseapi.h:870
void SavePixForCrash(int resolution, Pix *pix)
Definition: globaloc.cpp:34

◆ FindLines()

int tesseract::TessBaseAPI::FindLines ( )

Find lines from the image making the BLOCK_LIST.

0 on success.

Find lines from the image making the BLOCK_LIST.

Definition at line 2260 of file baseapi.cpp.

2260  {
2261  if (thresholder_ == NULL || thresholder_->IsEmpty()) {
2262  tprintf("Please call SetImage before attempting recognition.");
2263  return -1;
2264  }
2265  if (recognition_done_)
2266  ClearResults();
2267  if (!block_list_->empty()) {
2268  return 0;
2269  }
2270  if (tesseract_ == NULL) {
2271  tesseract_ = new Tesseract;
2273  }
2274  if (tesseract_->pix_binary() == NULL)
2276  if (tesseract_->ImageWidth() > MAX_INT16 ||
2278  tprintf("Image too large: (%d, %d)\n",
2280  return -1;
2281  }
2286  if (equ_detect_ == NULL && datapath_ != NULL) {
2287  equ_detect_ = new EquationDetect(datapath_->string(), NULL);
2288  }
2290  }
2292  Tesseract* osd_tess = osd_tesseract_;
2293  OSResults osr;
2294  if (PSM_OSD_ENABLED(tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode) && osd_tess == NULL) {
2295  if (strcmp(language_->string(), "osd") == 0) {
2296  osd_tess = tesseract_;
2297  } else {
2298  osd_tesseract_ = new Tesseract;
2300  datapath_->string(), NULL, "osd", OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY,
2301  NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, false) == 0) {
2302  osd_tess = osd_tesseract_;
2305  } else {
2306  tprintf("Warning: Auto orientation and script detection requested,"
2307  " but osd language failed to load\n");
2308  delete osd_tesseract_;
2309  osd_tesseract_ = NULL;
2310  }
2311  }
2312  }
2314  if (tesseract_->SegmentPage(input_file_, block_list_, osd_tess, &osr) < 0)
2315  return -1;
2316  // If Devanagari is being recognized, we use different images for page seg
2317  // and for OCR.
2318  tesseract_->PrepareForTessOCR(block_list_, osd_tess, &osr);
2319  return 0;
2320 }
int SegmentPage(const STRING *input_file, BLOCK_LIST *blocks, Tesseract *osd_tess, OSResults *osr)
bool PSM_OSD_ENABLED(int pageseg_mode)
Definition: publictypes.h:179
virtual TESS_LOCAL void Threshold(Pix **pix)
Definition: baseapi.cpp:2217
void SetEquationDetect(EquationDetect *detector)
void set_source_resolution(int ppi)
int GetSourceYResolution() const
Definition: thresholder.h:90
const char * string() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:201
Tesseract * osd_tesseract_
For orientation & script detection.
Definition: baseapi.h:866
#define MAX_INT16
Definition: host.h:52
Pix * pix_binary() const
EquationDetect * equ_detect_
The equation detector.
Definition: baseapi.h:867
void PrepareForTessOCR(BLOCK_LIST *block_list, Tesseract *osd_tess, OSResults *osr)
bool recognition_done_
page_res_ contains recognition data.
Definition: baseapi.h:877
#define tprintf(...)
Definition: tprintf.h:31
STRING * language_
Last initialized language.
Definition: baseapi.h:875
bool IsEmpty() const
Return true if no image has been set.
Definition: thresholder.cpp:50
ImageThresholder * thresholder_
Image thresholding module.
Definition: baseapi.h:868
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865
int init_tesseract(const char *arg0, const char *textbase, const char *language, OcrEngineMode oem, char **configs, int configs_size, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_vec, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_values, bool set_only_init_params)
Definition: tessedit.cpp:290
void InitAdaptiveClassifier(bool load_pre_trained_templates)
Definition: adaptmatch.cpp:527
STRING * input_file_
Name used by training code.
Definition: baseapi.h:872
BLOCK_LIST * block_list_
The page layout.
Definition: baseapi.h:870
STRING * datapath_
Current location of tessdata.
Definition: baseapi.h:874

◆ GetAvailableLanguagesAsVector()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetAvailableLanguagesAsVector ( GenericVector< STRING > *  langs) const

Returns the available languages in the vector of STRINGs.

Definition at line 368 of file baseapi.cpp.

369  {
370  langs->clear();
371  if (tesseract_ != NULL) {
372 #ifdef _WIN32
373  STRING pattern = tesseract_->datadir + "/*." + kTrainedDataSuffix;
374  char fname[_MAX_FNAME];
375  WIN32_FIND_DATA data;
376  BOOL result = TRUE;
377  HANDLE handle = FindFirstFile(pattern.string(), &data);
378  if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
379  for (; result; result = FindNextFile(handle, &data)) {
380  _splitpath(data.cFileName, NULL, NULL, fname, NULL);
381  langs->push_back(STRING(fname));
382  }
383  FindClose(handle);
384  }
385 #else // _WIN32
386  DIR *dir;
387  struct dirent *dirent;
388  char *dot;
390  STRING extension = STRING(".") + kTrainedDataSuffix;
392  dir = opendir(tesseract_->datadir.string());
393  if (dir != NULL) {
394  while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
395  // Skip '.', '..', and hidden files
396  if (dirent->d_name[0] != '.') {
397  if (strstr(dirent->d_name, extension.string()) != NULL) {
398  dot = strrchr(dirent->d_name, '.');
399  // This ensures that .traineddata is at the end of the file name
400  if (strncmp(dot, extension.string(),
401  strlen(extension.string())) == 0) {
402  *dot = '\0';
403  langs->push_back(STRING(dirent->d_name));
404  }
405  }
406  }
407  }
408  closedir(dir);
409  }
410 #endif
411  }
412 }
#define TRUE
Definition: capi.h:45
#define BOOL
Definition: capi.h:44
STRING datadir
Definition: ccutil.h:65
#define DIR
Definition: polyaprx.cpp:39
int push_back(T object)
const char * string() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:201
Definition: strngs.h:44
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ GetBoolVariable()

bool tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetBoolVariable ( const char *  name,
bool *  value 
) const

Definition at line 234 of file baseapi.cpp.

234  {
235  BoolParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam<BoolParam>(
237  if (p == NULL) return false;
238  *value = (BOOL8)(*p);
239  return true;
240 }
GenericVector< BoolParam * > bool_params
Definition: params.h:45
tesseract::ParamsVectors * GlobalParams()
Definition: params.cpp:33
unsigned char BOOL8
Definition: host.h:46
ParamsVectors * params()
Definition: ccutil.h:63
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ GetDatapath()

const char * tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetDatapath ( )

Definition at line 948 of file baseapi.cpp.

948  {
949  return tesseract_->datadir.c_str();
950 }
STRING datadir
Definition: ccutil.h:65
const char * c_str() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:212
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ GetDoubleVariable()

bool tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetDoubleVariable ( const char *  name,
double *  value 
) const

Definition at line 248 of file baseapi.cpp.

248  {
249  DoubleParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam<DoubleParam>(
251  if (p == NULL) return false;
252  *value = (double)(*p);
253  return true;
254 }
tesseract::ParamsVectors * GlobalParams()
Definition: params.cpp:33
GenericVector< DoubleParam * > double_params
Definition: params.h:47
ParamsVectors * params()
Definition: ccutil.h:63
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ GetInitLanguagesAsString()

const char * tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetInitLanguagesAsString ( ) const

Returns the languages string used in the last valid initialization. If the last initialization specified "deu+hin" then that will be returned. If hin loaded eng automatically as well, then that will not be included in this list. To find the languages actually loaded use GetLoadedLanguagesAsVector. The returned string should NOT be deleted.

Definition at line 344 of file baseapi.cpp.

344  {
345  return (language_ == NULL || language_->string() == NULL) ?
346  "" : language_->string();
347 }
const char * string() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:201
STRING * language_
Last initialized language.
Definition: baseapi.h:875

◆ GetInputImage()

Pix * tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetInputImage ( )

Definition at line 940 of file baseapi.cpp.

940 { return tesseract_->pix_original(); }
Pix * pix_original() const
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ GetInputName()

const char * tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetInputName ( )

These functions are required for searchable PDF output. We need our hands on the input file so that we can include it in the PDF without transcoding. If that is not possible, we need the original image. Finally, resolution metadata is stored in the PDF so we need that as well.

Definition at line 942 of file baseapi.cpp.

942  {
943  if (input_file_)
944  return input_file_->c_str();
945  return NULL;
946 }
const char * c_str() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:212
STRING * input_file_
Name used by training code.
Definition: baseapi.h:872

◆ GetIntVariable()

bool tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetIntVariable ( const char *  name,
int *  value 
) const

Returns true if the parameter was found among Tesseract parameters. Fills in value with the value of the parameter.

Definition at line 226 of file baseapi.cpp.

226  {
227  IntParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam<IntParam>(
229  if (p == NULL) return false;
230  *value = (inT32)(*p);
231  return true;
232 }
tesseract::ParamsVectors * GlobalParams()
Definition: params.cpp:33
GenericVector< IntParam * > int_params
Definition: params.h:44
int inT32
Definition: host.h:35
ParamsVectors * params()
Definition: ccutil.h:63
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ GetLoadedLanguagesAsVector()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetLoadedLanguagesAsVector ( GenericVector< STRING > *  langs) const

Returns the loaded languages in the vector of STRINGs. Includes all languages loaded by the last Init, including those loaded as dependencies of other loaded languages.

Definition at line 354 of file baseapi.cpp.

355  {
356  langs->clear();
357  if (tesseract_ != NULL) {
358  langs->push_back(tesseract_->lang);
359  int num_subs = tesseract_->num_sub_langs();
360  for (int i = 0; i < num_subs; ++i)
361  langs->push_back(tesseract_->get_sub_lang(i)->lang);
362  }
363 }
Definition: ccutil.h:67
int push_back(T object)
Tesseract * get_sub_lang(int index) const
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865
int num_sub_langs() const

◆ GetLTRIterator()

LTRResultIterator * tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetLTRIterator ( )

Return an LTR Result Iterator – used only for training, as we really want to ignore all BiDi smarts at that point. delete once you're done with it.

Get a left-to-right iterator to the results of LayoutAnalysis and/or Recognize. The returned iterator must be deleted after use.

Definition at line 1237 of file baseapi.cpp.

1237  {
1238  if (tesseract_ == NULL || page_res_ == NULL)
1239  return NULL;
1240  return new LTRResultIterator(
1244 }
PAGE_RES * page_res_
The page-level data.
Definition: baseapi.h:871
int GetScaledYResolution() const
Definition: thresholder.h:93
ImageThresholder * thresholder_
Image thresholding module.
Definition: baseapi.h:868
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ getOpenCLDevice()

size_t tesseract::TessBaseAPI::getOpenCLDevice ( void **  data)

If compiled with OpenCL AND an available OpenCL device is deemed faster than serial code, then "device" is populated with the cl_device_id and returns sizeof(cl_device_id) otherwise *device=NULL and returns 0.

Definition at line 160 of file baseapi.cpp.

160  {
161 #ifdef USE_OPENCL
163  ds_device device = OpenclDevice::getDeviceSelection();
164  if (device.type == DS_DEVICE_OPENCL_DEVICE) {
165  *data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(new cl_device_id);
166  memcpy(*data, &device.oclDeviceID, sizeof(cl_device_id));
167  return sizeof(cl_device_id);
168  }
169 #endif
170 #endif
172  *data = NULL;
173  return 0;
174 }

◆ GetPageSegMode()

PageSegMode tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetPageSegMode ( ) const

Return the current page segmentation mode.

Definition at line 465 of file baseapi.cpp.

465  {
466  if (tesseract_ == NULL)
467  return PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK;
468  return static_cast<PageSegMode>(
469  static_cast<int>(tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode));
470 }
Assume a single uniform block of text. (Default.)
Definition: publictypes.h:160
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ GetSourceYResolution()

int tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetSourceYResolution ( )

Definition at line 952 of file baseapi.cpp.

952  {
954 }
int GetSourceYResolution() const
Definition: thresholder.h:90
ImageThresholder * thresholder_
Image thresholding module.
Definition: baseapi.h:868

◆ GetStringVariable()

const char * tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetStringVariable ( const char *  name) const

Returns the pointer to the string that represents the value of the parameter if it was found among Tesseract parameters.

Definition at line 242 of file baseapi.cpp.

242  {
243  StringParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam<StringParam>(
245  return (p != NULL) ? p->string() : NULL;
246 }
tesseract::ParamsVectors * GlobalParams()
Definition: params.cpp:33
GenericVector< StringParam * > string_params
Definition: params.h:46
ParamsVectors * params()
Definition: ccutil.h:63
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ GetVariableAsString()

bool tesseract::TessBaseAPI::GetVariableAsString ( const char *  name,

Get value of named variable as a string, if it exists.

Definition at line 257 of file baseapi.cpp.

257  {
258  return ParamUtils::GetParamAsString(name, tesseract_->params(), val);
259 }
static bool GetParamAsString(const char *name, const ParamsVectors *member_params, STRING *value)
Definition: params.cpp:141
ParamsVectors * params()
Definition: ccutil.h:63
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ Init() [1/3]

int tesseract::TessBaseAPI::Init ( const char *  datapath,
const char *  language,
OcrEngineMode  oem,
char **  configs,
int  configs_size,
const GenericVector< STRING > *  vars_vec,
const GenericVector< STRING > *  vars_values,
bool  set_only_non_debug_params 

Instances are now mostly thread-safe and totally independent, but some global parameters remain. Basically it is safe to use multiple TessBaseAPIs in different threads in parallel, UNLESS: you use SetVariable on some of the Params in classify and textord. If you do, then the effect will be to change it for all your instances.

Start tesseract. Returns zero on success and -1 on failure. NOTE that the only members that may be called before Init are those listed above here in the class definition.

The datapath must be the name of the parent directory of tessdata and must end in / . Any name after the last / will be stripped. The language is (usually) an ISO 639-3 string or NULL will default to eng. It is entirely safe (and eventually will be efficient too) to call Init multiple times on the same instance to change language, or just to reset the classifier. The language may be a string of the form [~]<lang>[+[~]<lang>]* indicating that multiple languages are to be loaded. Eg hin+eng will load Hindi and English. Languages may specify internally that they want to be loaded with one or more other languages, so the ~ sign is available to override that. Eg if hin were set to load eng by default, then hin+~eng would force loading only hin. The number of loaded languages is limited only by memory, with the caveat that loading additional languages will impact both speed and accuracy, as there is more work to do to decide on the applicable language, and there is more chance of hallucinating incorrect words. WARNING: On changing languages, all Tesseract parameters are reset back to their default values. (Which may vary between languages.) If you have a rare need to set a Variable that controls initialization for a second call to Init you should explicitly call End() and then use SetVariable before Init. This is only a very rare use case, since there are very few uses that require any parameters to be set before Init.

If set_only_non_debug_params is true, only params that do not contain "debug" in the name will be set.

The datapath must be the name of the data directory (no ending /) or some other file in which the data directory resides (for instance argv[0].) The language is (usually) an ISO 639-3 string or NULL will default to eng. If numeric_mode is true, then only digits and Roman numerals will be returned.

: 0 on success and -1 on initialization failure.

Definition at line 274 of file baseapi.cpp.

278  {
279  PERF_COUNT_START("TessBaseAPI::Init")
280  // Default language is "eng".
281  if (language == NULL) language = "eng";
282  // If the datapath, OcrEngineMode or the language have changed - start again.
283  // Note that the language_ field stores the last requested language that was
284  // initialized successfully, while tesseract_->lang stores the language
285  // actually used. They differ only if the requested language was NULL, in
286  // which case tesseract_->lang is set to the Tesseract default ("eng").
287  if (tesseract_ != NULL &&
288  (datapath_ == NULL || language_ == NULL ||
289  *datapath_ != datapath || last_oem_requested_ != oem ||
290  (*language_ != language && tesseract_->lang != language))) {
291  delete tesseract_;
292  tesseract_ = NULL;
293  }
294  // PERF_COUNT_SUB("delete tesseract_")
295 #ifdef USE_OPENCL
296  OpenclDevice od;
297  od.InitEnv();
298 #endif
299  PERF_COUNT_SUB("OD::InitEnv()")
300  bool reset_classifier = true;
301  if (tesseract_ == NULL) {
302  reset_classifier = false;
303  tesseract_ = new Tesseract;
305  datapath, output_file_ != NULL ? output_file_->string() : NULL,
306  language, oem, configs, configs_size, vars_vec, vars_values,
307  set_only_non_debug_params) != 0) {
308  return -1;
309  }
310  }
311  PERF_COUNT_SUB("update tesseract_")
312  // Update datapath and language requested for the last valid initialization.
313  if (datapath_ == NULL)
314  datapath_ = new STRING(datapath);
315  else
316  *datapath_ = datapath;
317  if ((strcmp(datapath_->string(), "") == 0) &&
318  (strcmp(tesseract_->datadir.string(), "") != 0))
319  *datapath_ = tesseract_->datadir;
321  if (language_ == NULL)
322  language_ = new STRING(language);
323  else
324  *language_ = language;
326  // PERF_COUNT_SUB("update last_oem_requested_")
327  // For same language and datapath, just reset the adaptive classifier.
328  if (reset_classifier) {
330  PERF_COUNT_SUB("tesseract_->ResetAdaptiveClassifier()")
331  }
333  return 0;
334 }
STRING * output_file_
Name used by debug code.
Definition: baseapi.h:873
OcrEngineMode oem() const
Definition: baseapi.h:761
const char * string() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:201
Definition: strngs.h:44
STRING * language_
Last initialized language.
Definition: baseapi.h:875
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865
OcrEngineMode last_oem_requested_
Last ocr language mode requested.
Definition: baseapi.h:876
int init_tesseract(const char *arg0, const char *textbase, const char *language, OcrEngineMode oem, char **configs, int configs_size, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_vec, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_values, bool set_only_init_params)
Definition: tessedit.cpp:290
STRING * datapath_
Current location of tessdata.
Definition: baseapi.h:874

◆ Init() [2/3]

int tesseract::TessBaseAPI::Init ( const char *  datapath,
const char *  language,
OcrEngineMode  oem 

Definition at line 237 of file baseapi.h.

237  {
238  return Init(datapath, language, oem, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, false);
239  }
OcrEngineMode oem() const
Definition: baseapi.h:761
int Init(const char *datapath, const char *language, OcrEngineMode mode, char **configs, int configs_size, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_vec, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_values, bool set_only_non_debug_params)
Definition: baseapi.cpp:274

◆ Init() [3/3]

int tesseract::TessBaseAPI::Init ( const char *  datapath,
const char *  language 

Definition at line 240 of file baseapi.h.

240  {
241  return Init(datapath, language, OEM_DEFAULT, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, false);
242  }
int Init(const char *datapath, const char *language, OcrEngineMode mode, char **configs, int configs_size, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_vec, const GenericVector< STRING > *vars_values, bool set_only_non_debug_params)
Definition: baseapi.cpp:274

◆ InitForAnalysePage()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::InitForAnalysePage ( )

Init only for page layout analysis. Use only for calls to SetImage and AnalysePage. Calls that attempt recognition will generate an error.

Definition at line 432 of file baseapi.cpp.

432  {
433  if (tesseract_ == NULL) {
434  tesseract_ = new Tesseract;
436  }
437 }
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865
void InitAdaptiveClassifier(bool load_pre_trained_templates)
Definition: adaptmatch.cpp:527

◆ InitLangMod()

int tesseract::TessBaseAPI::InitLangMod ( const char *  datapath,
const char *  language 

Init only the lang model component of Tesseract. The only functions that work after this init are SetVariable and IsValidWord. WARNING: temporary! This function will be removed from here and placed in a separate API at some future time.

Definition at line 420 of file baseapi.cpp.

420  {
421  if (tesseract_ == NULL)
422  tesseract_ = new Tesseract;
423  else
425  return tesseract_->init_tesseract_lm(datapath, NULL, language);
426 }
int init_tesseract_lm(const char *arg0, const char *textbase, const char *language)
Definition: tessedit.cpp:465
static void ResetToDefaults(ParamsVectors *member_params)
Definition: params.cpp:204
ParamsVectors * params()
Definition: ccutil.h:63
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ InternalSetImage()

bool tesseract::TessBaseAPI::InternalSetImage ( )

Common code for setting the image. Returns true if Init has been called.

Common code for setting the image.

Definition at line 2200 of file baseapi.cpp.

2200  {
2201  if (tesseract_ == NULL) {
2202  tprintf("Please call Init before attempting to set an image.");
2203  return false;
2204  }
2205  if (thresholder_ == NULL)
2206  thresholder_ = new ImageThresholder;
2207  ClearResults();
2208  return true;
2209 }
#define tprintf(...)
Definition: tprintf.h:31
ImageThresholder * thresholder_
Image thresholding module.
Definition: baseapi.h:868
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ PrintVariables()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::PrintVariables ( FILE *  fp) const

Print Tesseract parameters to the given file.

Definition at line 262 of file baseapi.cpp.

262  {
264 }
ParamsVectors * params()
Definition: ccutil.h:63
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865
static void PrintParams(FILE *fp, const ParamsVectors *member_params)
Definition: params.cpp:179

◆ ReadConfigFile()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::ReadConfigFile ( const char *  filename)

Read a "config" file containing a set of param, value pairs. Searches the standard places: tessdata/configs, tessdata/tessconfigs and also accepts a relative or absolute path name. Note: only non-init params will be set (init params are set by Init()).

Read a "config" file containing a set of parameter name, value pairs. Searches the standard places: tessdata/configs, tessdata/tessconfigs and also accepts a relative or absolute path name.

Definition at line 444 of file baseapi.cpp.

444  {
446 }
void read_config_file(const char *filename, SetParamConstraint constraint)
Definition: tessedit.cpp:57
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ ReadDebugConfigFile()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::ReadDebugConfigFile ( const char *  filename)

Same as above, but only set debug params from the given config file.

Definition at line 449 of file baseapi.cpp.

449  {
451 }
void read_config_file(const char *filename, SetParamConstraint constraint)
Definition: tessedit.cpp:57
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ SetDebugVariable()

bool tesseract::TessBaseAPI::SetDebugVariable ( const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Definition at line 220 of file baseapi.cpp.

220  {
221  if (tesseract_ == NULL) tesseract_ = new Tesseract;
223  tesseract_->params());
224 }
ParamsVectors * params()
Definition: ccutil.h:63
static bool SetParam(const char *name, const char *value, SetParamConstraint constraint, ParamsVectors *member_params)
Definition: params.cpp:97
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ SetInputImage()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::SetInputImage ( Pix *  pix)

Definition at line 938 of file baseapi.cpp.

938 { tesseract_->set_pix_original(pix); }
void set_pix_original(Pix *original_pix)
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ SetInputName()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::SetInputName ( const char *  name)

Set the name of the input file. Needed for training and reading a UNLV zone file, and for searchable PDF output.

Set the name of the input file. Needed only for training and loading a UNLV zone file.

Definition at line 199 of file baseapi.cpp.

199  {
200  if (input_file_ == NULL)
201  input_file_ = new STRING(name);
202  else
203  *input_file_ = name;
204 }
Definition: strngs.h:44
STRING * input_file_
Name used by training code.
Definition: baseapi.h:872

◆ SetOutputName()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::SetOutputName ( const char *  name)

Set the name of the bonus output files. Needed only for debugging.

Set the name of the output files. Needed only for debugging.

Definition at line 207 of file baseapi.cpp.

207  {
208  if (output_file_ == NULL)
209  output_file_ = new STRING(name);
210  else
211  *output_file_ = name;
212 }
STRING * output_file_
Name used by debug code.
Definition: baseapi.h:873
Definition: strngs.h:44

◆ SetPageSegMode()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::SetPageSegMode ( PageSegMode  mode)

Set the current page segmentation mode. Defaults to PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK. The mode is stored as an IntParam so it can also be modified by ReadConfigFile or SetVariable("tessedit_pageseg_mode", mode as string).

Set the current page segmentation mode. Defaults to PSM_AUTO. The mode is stored as an IntParam so it can also be modified by ReadConfigFile or SetVariable("tessedit_pageseg_mode", mode as string).

Definition at line 458 of file baseapi.cpp.

458  {
459  if (tesseract_ == NULL)
460  tesseract_ = new Tesseract;
462 }
Definition: pgedit.cpp:116
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ SetVariable()

bool tesseract::TessBaseAPI::SetVariable ( const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Set the value of an internal "parameter." Supply the name of the parameter and the value as a string, just as you would in a config file. Returns false if the name lookup failed. Eg SetVariable("tessedit_char_blacklist", "xyz"); to ignore x, y and z. Or SetVariable("classify_bln_numeric_mode", "1"); to set numeric-only mode. SetVariable may be used before Init, but settings will revert to defaults on End().

Note: Must be called after Init(). Only works for non-init variables (init variables should be passed to Init()).

Definition at line 214 of file baseapi.cpp.

214  {
215  if (tesseract_ == NULL) tesseract_ = new Tesseract;
217  tesseract_->params());
218 }
ParamsVectors * params()
Definition: ccutil.h:63
static bool SetParam(const char *name, const char *value, SetParamConstraint constraint, ParamsVectors *member_params)
Definition: params.cpp:97
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ TesseractRect()

char * tesseract::TessBaseAPI::TesseractRect ( const unsigned char *  imagedata,
int  bytes_per_pixel,
int  bytes_per_line,
int  left,
int  top,
int  width,
int  height 

Recognize a rectangle from an image and return the result as a string. May be called many times for a single Init. Currently has no error checking. Greyscale of 8 and color of 24 or 32 bits per pixel may be given. Palette color images will not work properly and must be converted to 24 bit. Binary images of 1 bit per pixel may also be given but they must be byte packed with the MSB of the first byte being the first pixel, and a 1 represents WHITE. For binary images set bytes_per_pixel=0. The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded as UTF8 and must be freed with the delete [] operator.

Note that TesseractRect is the simplified convenience interface. For advanced uses, use SetImage, (optionally) SetRectangle, Recognize, and one or more of the Get*Text functions below.

Recognize a rectangle from an image and return the result as a string. May be called many times for a single Init. Currently has no error checking. Greyscale of 8 and color of 24 or 32 bits per pixel may be given. Palette color images will not work properly and must be converted to 24 bit. Binary images of 1 bit per pixel may also be given but they must be byte packed with the MSB of the first byte being the first pixel, and a one pixel is WHITE. For binary images set bytes_per_pixel=0. The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded as UTF8 and must be freed with the delete [] operator.

Definition at line 485 of file baseapi.cpp.

489  {
490  if (tesseract_ == NULL || width < kMinRectSize || height < kMinRectSize)
491  return NULL; // Nothing worth doing.
493  // Since this original api didn't give the exact size of the image,
494  // we have to invent a reasonable value.
495  int bits_per_pixel = bytes_per_pixel == 0 ? 1 : bytes_per_pixel * 8;
496  SetImage(imagedata, bytes_per_line * 8 / bits_per_pixel, height + top,
497  bytes_per_pixel, bytes_per_line);
498  SetRectangle(left, top, width, height);
500  return GetUTF8Text();
501 }
const int kMinRectSize
Definition: baseapi.cpp:84
void SetImage(const unsigned char *imagedata, int width, int height, int bytes_per_pixel, int bytes_per_line)
Definition: baseapi.cpp:521
void SetRectangle(int left, int top, int width, int height)
Definition: baseapi.cpp:558
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865

◆ TextLength()

int tesseract::TessBaseAPI::TextLength ( int *  blob_count)

Return the length of the output text string, as UTF8, assuming one newline per line and one per block, with a terminator, and assuming a single character reject marker for each rejected character. Also return the number of recognized blobs in blob_count.

Return the length of the output text string, as UTF8, assuming liberally two spacing marks after each word (as paragraphs end with two newlines), and assuming a single character reject marker for each rejected character. Also return the number of recognized blobs in blob_count.

Definition at line 2351 of file baseapi.cpp.

2351  {
2352  if (tesseract_ == NULL || page_res_ == NULL)
2353  return 0;
2355  PAGE_RES_IT page_res_it(page_res_);
2356  int total_length = 2;
2357  int total_blobs = 0;
2358  // Iterate over the data structures to extract the recognition result.
2359  for (page_res_it.restart_page(); page_res_it.word () != NULL;
2360  page_res_it.forward()) {
2361  WERD_RES *word = page_res_it.word();
2362  WERD_CHOICE* choice = word->best_choice;
2363  if (choice != NULL) {
2364  total_blobs += choice->length() + 2;
2365  total_length += choice->unichar_string().length() + 2;
2366  for (int i = 0; i < word->reject_map.length(); ++i) {
2367  if (word->reject_map[i].rejected())
2368  ++total_length;
2369  }
2370  }
2371  }
2372  if (blob_count != NULL)
2373  *blob_count = total_blobs;
2374  return total_length;
2375 }
const STRING & unichar_string() const
Definition: ratngs.h:525
inT32 length() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:196
inT32 length() const
Definition: rejctmap.h:236
PAGE_RES * page_res_
The page-level data.
Definition: baseapi.h:871
WERD_CHOICE * best_choice
Definition: pageres.h:219
int length() const
Definition: ratngs.h:301
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865
WERD * word
Definition: pageres.h:175
REJMAP reject_map
Definition: pageres.h:271

◆ Threshold()

void tesseract::TessBaseAPI::Threshold ( Pix **  pix)

Run the thresholder to make the thresholded image. If pix is not NULL, the source is thresholded to pix instead of the internal IMAGE.

Run the thresholder to make the thresholded image, returned in pix, which must not be NULL. *pix must be initialized to NULL, or point to an existing pixDestroyable Pix. The usual argument to Threshold is Tesseract::mutable_pix_binary().

Definition at line 2217 of file baseapi.cpp.

2217  {
2218  ASSERT_HOST(pix != NULL);
2219  if (*pix != NULL)
2220  pixDestroy(pix);
2221  // Zero resolution messes up the algorithms, so make sure it is credible.
2222  int y_res = thresholder_->GetScaledYResolution();
2223  if (y_res < kMinCredibleResolution || y_res > kMaxCredibleResolution) {
2224  // Use the minimum default resolution, as it is safer to under-estimate
2225  // than over-estimate resolution.
2226  tprintf("Warning. Invalid resolution %d dpi. Using %d instead.\n",
2227  y_res, kMinCredibleResolution);
2229  }
2230  PageSegMode pageseg_mode =
2231  static_cast<PageSegMode>(
2232  static_cast<int>(tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode));
2233  thresholder_->ThresholdToPix(pageseg_mode, pix);
2237  if (!thresholder_->IsBinary()) {
2240  } else {
2242  tesseract_->set_pix_grey(NULL);
2243  }
2244  // Set the internal resolution that is used for layout parameters from the
2245  // estimated resolution, rather than the image resolution, which may be
2246  // fabricated, but we will use the image resolution, if there is one, to
2247  // report output point sizes.
2248  int estimated_res = ClipToRange(thresholder_->GetScaledEstimatedResolution(),
2251  if (estimated_res != thresholder_->GetScaledEstimatedResolution()) {
2252  tprintf("Estimated resolution %d out of range! Corrected to %d\n",
2253  thresholder_->GetScaledEstimatedResolution(), estimated_res);
2254  }
2255  tesseract_->set_source_resolution(estimated_res);
2256  SavePixForCrash(estimated_res, *pix);
2257 }
void set_pix_thresholds(Pix *thresholds)
void set_pix_grey(Pix *grey_pix)
virtual void GetImageSizes(int *left, int *top, int *width, int *height, int *imagewidth, int *imageheight)
T ClipToRange(const T &x, const T &lower_bound, const T &upper_bound)
Definition: helpers.h:115
int GetScaledYResolution() const
Definition: thresholder.h:93
void SetSourceYResolution(int ppi)
Definition: thresholder.h:86
void set_source_resolution(int ppi)
const int kMaxCredibleResolution
Definition: baseapi.cpp:108
virtual void ThresholdToPix(PageSegMode pageseg_mode, Pix **pix)
const int kMinCredibleResolution
Definition: baseapi.cpp:106
virtual Pix * GetPixRectGrey()
#define tprintf(...)
Definition: tprintf.h:31
virtual Pix * GetPixRectThresholds()
ImageThresholder * thresholder_
Image thresholding module.
Definition: baseapi.h:868
Tesseract * tesseract_
The underlying data object.
Definition: baseapi.h:865
int GetScaledEstimatedResolution() const
Definition: thresholder.h:106
bool IsBinary() const
Returns true if the source image is binary.
Definition: thresholder.h:75
#define ASSERT_HOST(x)
Definition: errcode.h:84
void SavePixForCrash(int resolution, Pix *pix)
Definition: globaloc.cpp:34

◆ Version()

const char * tesseract::TessBaseAPI::Version ( )

Returns the version identifier as a static string. Do not delete.

Definition at line 140 of file baseapi.cpp.

140  {
141 #if defined(GIT_REV) && (defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG))
142  return GIT_REV;
143 #else
145 #endif
146 }
Definition: baseapi.h:23

Member Data Documentation

◆ block_list_

BLOCK_LIST* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::block_list_

The page layout.

Definition at line 870 of file baseapi.h.

◆ datapath_

STRING* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::datapath_

Current location of tessdata.

Definition at line 874 of file baseapi.h.

◆ equ_detect_

EquationDetect* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::equ_detect_

The equation detector.

Definition at line 867 of file baseapi.h.

◆ input_file_

STRING* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::input_file_

Name used by training code.

Definition at line 872 of file baseapi.h.

◆ language_

STRING* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::language_

Last initialized language.

Definition at line 875 of file baseapi.h.

◆ last_oem_requested_

OcrEngineMode tesseract::TessBaseAPI::last_oem_requested_

Last ocr language mode requested.

Definition at line 876 of file baseapi.h.

◆ osd_tesseract_

Tesseract* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::osd_tesseract_

For orientation & script detection.

Definition at line 866 of file baseapi.h.

◆ output_file_

STRING* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::output_file_

Name used by debug code.

Definition at line 873 of file baseapi.h.

◆ page_res_

PAGE_RES* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::page_res_

The page-level data.

Definition at line 871 of file baseapi.h.

◆ paragraph_models_

GenericVector<ParagraphModel *>* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::paragraph_models_

Definition at line 869 of file baseapi.h.

◆ recognition_done_

bool tesseract::TessBaseAPI::recognition_done_

page_res_ contains recognition data.

Definition at line 877 of file baseapi.h.

◆ tesseract_

Tesseract* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::tesseract_

The underlying data object.

Definition at line 865 of file baseapi.h.

◆ thresholder_

ImageThresholder* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::thresholder_

Image thresholding module.

Definition at line 868 of file baseapi.h.

◆ truth_cb_

TruthCallback* tesseract::TessBaseAPI::truth_cb_

Definition at line 878 of file baseapi.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: