Code Design and Data Structures

Coding is challenging, but rewarding. Figuring out the issue whether that be through some crazy solution, or giving it a day and coming back realizing that one small change was needed is what I love about coding. Code can always be improved/optimized which is the purpose of this subject, understanding and using different types of containers, lists, to better help manage and organize code.

Recent Updates

December 7th, 2018
  • Best lap logic has been implemented.
  • This logic will take the time from each lap, sort them into a list from least to greatest and display the fastest/smallest time.
  • A lap system has been built, there are three laps in total, and each lap the player has completed, will record and display the amount of time the player took to complete the lap.
December 3rd, 2018
  • A checkpoint system has set up.
  • After the player passes through a checkpoint, if they head out of bounds, they will be reset to the last checkpoint activated.
  • The player controls have been created and implemented.
  • Their speed will increase as the player accelerates, after a certain speed, they will be given the option to increase their speed.
  • If done correctly, their speed will increase even further. If not done correctly, their speed will plummet back to 0.

More Information

Download 918 KB

Installation Instructions

Download the .zip folder and extract it. Launch the executable (.exe).

Repository Link

Tools Used

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - Visual Studio

Open-Source Software - Raylib



December 7th, 2018
  • Best lap logic has been implemented.
  • This logic will take the time from each lap, sort them into a list from least to greatest and display the fastest/smallest time.
  • A lap system has been built, there are three laps in total, and each lap the player has completed, will record and display the amount of time the player took to complete the lap.
December 3rd, 2018
  • A checkpoint system has set up.
  • After the player passes through a checkpoint, if they head out of bounds, they will be reset to the last checkpoint activated.
  • The player controls have been created and implemented.
  • Their speed will increase as the player accelerates, after a certain speed, they will be given the option to increase their speed.
  • If done correctly, their speed will increase even further. If not done correctly, their speed will plummet back to 0.