Unity Projects

Welcome to the Unity projects main page! My first introduction to the Unity game engine was around in 2016. In this section, you will find games, projects, and prototypes that have been created using the Unity game engine.

What's New?

The Bigger Picture

February 6th - February 21st, 2022 (Released)

An artist remembers how to see the bigger picture (Buddy Up Jam: Winter 2022 submission).


Day of Juniper

September 23rd - October 25th, 2021 (Released)

A 2D adventure game with light platforming and focus on exploration and world building through a dex and journal that will help keep track of objectives and things learned (Buddy Up Jam submission).

dFTR - Unity!

April 10th - April 14th, 2021 (On hold)

Transforming the original project for the Game Boy, and creating it onto a more modern game engine.

The Bigger Picture

February 6th - February 21st, 2022 (Released)

An artist remembers how to see the bigger picture. (Buddy Up Jam: Winter 2022 submission)


August 6th - August 11th, 2021 (Released)

First-Person Multiplayer Spleef where the objective of the game is to run around and try to be the last person standing (Weekly Game Jam - Week 213 submission).