Game Boy Projects

Welcome to the Game Boy projects main page! I started programming / making Game Boy games when I was attending the Academy of Interactive Entertainment in 2018. At some point during that time, we were allowed to explore and create anything to our hearts content. It reminded me of my youth and my first handheld was the Game Boy. I still remember firing up Super Mario Land and absolutley loving it. This passion led me to experiment and create games, projects, and prototypes.

What's New?

Action Adventure Template

February 20th - April 20th, 2021 (On hold)

Issue with collision. Player in certain directions would clip into tile, causing issues being able to move.


Action-Adventure Template

February 20th - April 20th, 2021 (On hold)

Creating a basis sample project/template that I can use for future projects.

Retro Jam 2021

March 4th - March 12th, 2021 (Prototype)

Taking a game and redesign it for a retro console within a span of a week (Retro Jam 2021 submission).

Rolling On

January 28th - January 30th, 2021 (Released)

First non-solo project, working along side someone else to create a Game Boy project (Global Game Jam submission).