Retro Jam 2021

Within a span of a week, my task was to take a game and redesign it for a retro console. One of the first ideas that came to my head was to "demake" the Sega Genesis title Bonanza Bros.™ Of course, it did come with its set of challenges. But the one thing I am proud of learning within that week was messing around, and creating something with the artificial intelligence (Retro Jam 2021 submission).

Recent Updates

March 12th, 2021
  • The finishing touches, the player can shoot, look at him go!
  • Logic was created in order to handle the animation changes when the player's state changed (example: jumping -> moving, moving -> shooting and vice versa).
  • Artificial Intelligence was created for the guard. They will turn left/right and if the player is in view, they will move towards them.
March 8th, 2021
  • Creation of the guard. Using the Game Boy Tile Designer, each sprite which are 8x8 pixels are created. Then they are combined together in order to create a bigger sprite, or meta-sprite in this case.
March 4th, 2021
  • The player has been created using 4 sprites, thus, turing into a meta-sprite. When the player moves for example, each individual sprite will have to be moved at the same time.

More Information

Download 32 KB

Installation Instructions

Grab a Game Boy emulator if you don't have one (bgb is a great emulator to use!). Download the .gb file, and load it in to your GameBoy emulator. Link

Repository Link

Tools Used

Backgrounds/Sprites/Tiles - Game Boy Map Builder & Game Boy Tile Designer

Developer Kit - Game Boy Development Kit

Emulator - BGB GameBoy Emulator



March 12th, 2021
  • The finishing touches, the player can shoot, look at him go!
  • Logic was created in order to handle the animation changes when the player's state changed (example: jumping -> moving, moving -> shooting and vice versa).
  • Artificial Intelligence was created for the guard. They will turn left/right and if the player is in view, they will move towards them.
March 8th, 2021
  • Creation of the guard. Using the Game Boy Tile Designer, each sprite which are 8x8 pixels are created. Then they are combined together in order to create a bigger sprite, or meta-sprite in this case.
March 4th, 2021
  • The player has been created using 4 sprites, thus, turing into a meta-sprite. When the player moves for example, each individual sprite will have to be moved at the same time.