Rolling On

"We hit a bunch of memory issues which resulted in frantic ripping out and putting back in of a lot, so ended up with a good bit of stuff that barely didn't make it in. All in all really fun jam!" - Matt McCord (Art, Design, Music & Related Programming)

This project marked the first time I have had the chance, to work along side someone else to create a Game Boy project. This Global Game Jam project, I was tasked of handling most of the game programming. In this page, you will get to take a look at some of my contributations to this project! (Global Game Jam submission)


January 29th, 2021
  • Scene management - being able to keep track of the player and handling certain events at certain points during the game. Handling the scrolling background and display the correct area at the current moment.
January 28th, 2021
  • Player controller - movement, jumping, keeping track of it's position currently and, handling it's states of animation.
  • Player is a meta-sprite which was created with six sprites. Each sprite is moving at the same time, and each will change when jumping, and moving.

More Information


Alexis Serna - Design & Game Programming

Matt McCord - Art, Design, Music & Related Programming

Download 32 KB

Installation Instructions

Grab a Game Boy emulator if you don't have one (bgb is a great emulator to use!). Download the .gb file, and load it in to your GameBoy emulator.

Repository Link

Tools Used

Audio/Tracker - OpenMPT

Backgrounds/Sprites/Tiles - Game Boy Map Builder & Game Boy Tile Designer

Developer Kit - Game Boy Development Kit

Emulator - BGB GameBoy Emulator



January 29th, 2021
  • Scene management - being able to keep track of the player and handling certain events at certain points during the game. Handling the scrolling background and display the correct area at the current moment.
January 28th, 2021
  • Player controller - movement, jumping, keeping track of it's position currently and, handling it's states of animation.
  • Player is a meta-sprite which was created with six sprites. Each sprite is moving at the same time, and each will change when jumping, and moving.