The Bigger Picture

An artist remembers how to see the bigger picture. (Buddy Up Jam: Winter 2022 submission)


Playable Director
  • Learn/understand the basic concept and through the use of implementation, create a cutscene.
  • Trigger events/logic from code through the use of Unity's Signal Emitters.
  • Examples

  • Pause/Play cutscene/director
  • Display dialogue and continue from where was left off.
  • Hide/Show objects from the scene
Player Controller
  • Improving my knowledge of physics based movement with logic to handle the player movement/jumping and certain scenarios (ascending/descending from a ladder) with physics (drag/velocity).
  • Handling animation states plus passing information on when the player should change state.
  • Examples

  • Idle -> Movement -> Idle

More Information


Alexis Serna - Gameplay Programmer

Jenny Vi Pham - Writer

John Ryan Falco - Designer

Jonathan Witkin - Artist

Pavel Kovbasyuk - Audio

Tony Payment - Designer


To download, head to the or Repository link provided below Link

Repository Link

Tools Used

Art Assets - Platform tile pack by Evolvers

Game Engine - Unity Game Engine

Project Management - Miro
