The Faded Grove

The final project I have gotten to work on from my enrollment at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment. What a journey it has been, and getting the chance to work with a lovely group of people. My role for this project was as a Audio/Game Programmer. The main tasks for this role were handling logic to handle the player (animator control, health, movement, etc.), to audio logic for the player, ceratin elements of the overall game, and some logic into a puzzle or two.

On a more personal note, when just starting out at AIE, I had almost no knowledge in coding/programming. It was gonna be an uphill battle from the start, there were times where I was near the edge of failing the course. But, if there is one thing learned from my enrollment at AIE, is that I have what it takes. Graduating from AIE and comparing how I started, and to see myself come so far, makes me feel proud of myself. To where the future takes me, I'm not sure, but whatever life throws at me, I know I can succeed!


  • Custom audio logic with different functions, stop all audio attached to the script, play at different delays, play a selected clip, loop through a list of clips, or play a clip in a list on a case-by-case basis.
  • Examples

  • Gaining/Losing health
  • Menu audio, clicking/hovering over options
  • Player attacking, movement, taking damage, and triggering after certain dialogue has occured
  • Logic to handle health system, player controller and animator controller.
  • Examples

  • When the player has full health, taken damage, when to apply invincibility, and when to remove that as well.
  • How the player moves around in the scene, and when they interact with the pulling/push object.
  • Handling the animation states, when the player attacks, moves, pulls/pushes, and have taken damage.
Puzzle Mechanic (Pull/Push Block)
  • Detecting based on which side the player is next to the block, and when the player is also facing the block, when they begin to pull/push, the block will move in the correct direction.
  • Accounting for the player to correcting the position/rotation to make sure when they begin to pull/push, their original positioning does not interfere with being able to complete the puzzle.

More Information


Alexis Serna - Gameplay & Sound Programmer

Audrey Meyer - Art Director, Rigger, Environment & Character FX artist

Elli-Aliisa Viljamaa - Character & Concept Artist, Rigger, Animator

Erika Amos - Character & Concept Artist

Joshua Livingston - Level & Gameplay Desinger

Joshua Yang - Gameplay Systems Engineer, Build Engineer

Kylie Walker - UX/UI Artist, Marketing Artist

Marcel Dao - AI Programming, FX

Travis Benton - Character & Concept Artist, Rigger, Animator

Xan Farley - Producer, Narrative Designer


All images/videos provided were not taken by myself, other group members were responsible for the media provided.


To download, head to the link provided below Link
