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Category Rant

Various regular Wiki contributors have expressed their (very personal, very subjective) views on the world (and especially the Unreal part of it) in rants scattered all over the Wiki.

  • Captain Kewl/Mod PR – Elitist snob, me.
  • EntropicLqd/EntropicOnFatherhood – You want children? Think twice.
  • Mychaeel/Modding Etiquette – How to make people like your mod.
  • Mychaeel/Mod Startups – Why many mod ideas are doomed in the moment they're made public, and how to prevent that.
  • Piglet/Finishing things – About making 'things' that you can actually finish
  • Tarquin/Mumblings – Mumblings on the Wiki and other stuff.
  • Tarquin/Perl – Tarquin's take on Perl. Watch him making progress as he continuously wraps his mind more and more around that crazy language. (It's perhaps also a journal, maybe I should move it there – Tarquin)
  • Tarquin/Rants – More mumblings on the Wiki and other stuff, and the direction this whole project takes. Warning: Tarquin writes rants under the influence of whatever happens to be passing (usually low blood sugar), and while they are a good exposition of his (alleged) cavalier attitude and so forth, they do not necessarily express his current opinion.
  • Will/Skill – General whining about higher-level UT players are obsessed with skill
  • Wormbo/Rants – A place Wormbo uses irregularly to get rid of his "aggressions" when dealing with coding related problems
  • RegularX/Rants – on mod making, beta testing and dealing with the general public

If you wish to add a rant to this list, feel free.

This page is also a Category page, which means you can find all the rants clicking the title above. This performs a search on the phrase "Category Rant". To make a page appear in these results, just add [[Category Rant]] at the bottom of it.

Category Category – this page is itself a member of the category of all categories ;)


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