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Well Tarquin said to paste the code... So here it is in its n00b glory.

//Written by Robin Murray Nov 2001 (]Bs[Highlander)
//for use in UNF-OF-dome
//Is a gravitational point source.
//ie: a point in space that effects all the pawns in its radius of effect (collision radius)

class blackhole extends effects;

var() float force; //multiplier that u can use to change the force exerted.
var vector me2target;
var bool bEnabled;
var pawn target;
var float temp;
var float temp2;

simulated function prebeginplay()
        //disabled to start <- fix me... ah well jus use timed trigger to disable it
        bEnabled = false;

simulated function tick(float deltatime)
        //log("in tick");
        foreach TouchingActors(class 'pawn',target){ //go through pawns
            //log("in foreach");
            if ((Target != None) && (Target.Region.Zone != None)) {//if there is a target there...
            Target.Velocity -=force*((Target.Region.Zone.ZoneGravity*DeltaTime)-me2target); //change velocity
        }//of foreach

simulated function trigger(actor Other, pawn EventInstigator)//toggle it on or off
        if (bEnabled)
            benabled = false;
            log("blackhole disabled");
            benabled = true;
            log("blackhole enabled");
//Written by Robin Murray Nov 2001 (]Bs[Highlander)
//for use in UNF-OF-dome
//Is a gravitational area that is not a zone.
class gravityactor extends effects;

var() float force; //multiplier that u can use to change the force exerted.
var() vector direction;
var bool bEnabled;
var pawn target;
var float temp;
var float temp2;

simulated function prebeginplay()
        //disabled to start <- fix me... ah well jus use timed trigger to disable it
        bEnabled = false;
simulated function tick(float deltatime)
        //log("in tick");
        foreach TouchingActors(class 'pawn',target){ //go through pawns
            //log("in foreach");
            if ((Target != None) && (Target.Region.Zone != None)) {//if there is a target there...
            Target.Velocity -=force*((Target.Region.Zone.ZoneGravity*DeltaTime)-direction); //change velocity
        }//of foreach
simulated function trigger(actor Other, pawn EventInstigator)//toggle it on or off
        if (bEnabled)
            benabled = false;
            log("blackhole disabled");
            benabled = true;
            log("blackhole enabled");
// GravityZoneInfo.
//Written By Robin Murray Nov 2001 (]Bs[Highlander)
// unfhighlander@hotmail.com
//For use in UNF-OF-dome
//Will toggle zone gravity and velocity between two sets of values on trigger
class GravityZoneInfo expands ZoneInfo;

var() vector NewZoneGrav;
var vector OldZoneGrav;
var() vector NewZoneVelocity;
var vector OldZoneVelocity;
function Trigger ( Actor Other, pawn EventInstigator )
    OldZoneGrav = ZoneGravity;
    NewZoneGrav = OldZonegrav;
    OldZoneVelocity = ZoneVelocity;
    ZoneVelocity = NewZoneVelocity;
    NewZoneVelocity = OldZoneVelocity;  
//Written by Robin Murray Nov 2001 (]Bs[Highlander)
//for use in UNF-OF-dome
//is a whirlwind effect.

class whirlwind extends effects;
var() float force; //multiplier that u can use to change the force exerted.
var() int zcomponent; //move up or down?
var() bool bClockwise;
var vector me2target;
var vector tempvector;
var bool bEnabled;
var pawn target;
var float temp;
var float temp2;

simulated function prepare()
        //disabled to start <- fix me... ah well jus use timed trigger to disable it
        bEnabled = false;

simulated function tick(float deltatime)
        //log("in tick");
        foreach TouchingActors(class 'pawn',target){ //go through pawns
            //log("in foreach");
            if ((Target != None) && (Target.Region.Zone != None)) {//if there is a target there...
            //ok  now need to get vector at right angles to this 1...
            me2target.z = zcomponent; //up or down movement
            tempvector.x = 0;
            tempvector.y = 0;
            tempvector.z = 1; //going up
            if (bClockwise) {
            tempvector = me2target cross tempvector;
                tempvector = tempvector cross me2target;
            //now i have vector at right angles to vertical line in middle
            tempvector = tempvector + me2target;
            Target.Velocity -=force*((Target.Region.Zone.ZoneGravity*DeltaTime)-tempvector);    //change velocity
        }//of foreach

simulated function trigger(actor Other, pawn EventInstigator)//toggle it on or off
        if (bEnabled)
            benabled = false;
            log("blackhole disabled");
            benabled = true;
            log("blackhole enabled");

Foxpaw: Did this work as you expected? I haven't been able to apply PHYS_Falling to something that is PHYS_Walking. It always just reverts instantly back to PHYS_Walking because it's touching the ground so it things it just landed. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Also, would you mind if I cleaned up the above a bit? There's some variables declared that don't get used at all, and some stray log statements and whatnot. It's your personal page though so it's up to you.

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