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Land Of The Dead/NavigationPoint


bool bAutoBuilt
bool bDestinationOnly
bool bEndPoint
int bestPathWeight
bool bForceNoStrafing
bool bMustBeReachable
bool bNoAutoConnect
bool bNotBased
bool bPathsChanged
bool bSourceOnly
bool bSpecialForced
bool bSpecialMove
bool bTransientEndPoint
int cost
int FearCost
Pickup InventoryCache
float InventoryDist
NavigationPoint nextNavigationPoint
NavigationPoint nextOrdered
array<ReachSpec> PathList
NavigationPoint previousPath
NavigationPoint prevOrdered
bool taken
int TransientCost
int visitedWeight


bool bAlwaysUseStrafing
bool bBlocked
bool bNeverUseStrafing
bool bOneWayPath
bool bPropagatesSound
int ExtraCost
name ForcedPaths[4]
array<NavigationPoint> IgnoredList
The IgnoredList is a dynamic array of NavigationPoints that will be ignored when building. This is an extension apparently added to this particular build of the engine. it is unlike ProscribedPath, in that when doing a "Rebuild Paths" from the editor, no lines will be made from this point to the other points listed in this array, and that there is a theoretically infinite number of Nav Points that you can ignore.
name ProscribedPaths[4]


MoverClosed( )
MoverOpened( )
PostBeginPlay( )
bool ProceedWithMove(Pawn Other )


bool Accept(actor Incoming, actor Source )
float DetourWeight(Pawn Other,float PathWeight )
int SpecialCost(Pawn Seeker, ReachSpec Path )
bool SuggestMovePreparation(Pawn Other )

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