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RSS\RDF Porcessing. Part of LibHTTP.

Either RSS or RDF format is accepted.

Note: the HTML special chars are NOT fixed, you have to do this yourself

Note: Don't pound the webserver with requests, cache your results


bool bSizeBugFix
if set to false it will not strip the entry size to 512 bytes


int LastUpdate
Last time this source had been fetched, you have to do this yourself
bool rssEnabled
true if this feed is enabled
string rssHost
name of this object
string rssLocation
download location
int rssUpdateInterval
minutes between updates, make this a nice value like 45 minutes


string ChannelDescription
Channel description as defined in the RSS file
string ChannelLink
Channel link as defined in the RSS file
string ChannelTitle
Channel title as defined in the RSS file
array<RDFRentry> Entries
the current content



RDF\RSS item record

string Desc
description of the RDF Entry
string Link
link of the RDF Entry
string Title
title of the RDF Entry


bool getLine( )
fill the line buffer
string getTag(out array<string> Args )
retreive a tag with arguments
string getToNextTag( )
string getWord( )
get another word from the buffer
int ParseRDFData(array<string> inp )
Main function to parse the input data
bool _channel(array<string> Args )
bool _item(array<string> Args )
bool _rdf( )

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