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Ravu al Hemio (Real Name: Ondra Hosek)


Hello, I am nicknamed Ravu al Hemio, live in Vienna, Austria, and UT2004 is one of my favourite games.


Uhh... none, really, even though I do play the annoying fan and technical support for the UnWheel mod. I have also written my own mod for this mod; you'd better check out the UnWheel forums for more info.


External Contributions That Might Be Of Interest

Personal pages

  • A rant about UED - a nice place for you UED haters to discuss how and why it sucks :D

Contact info

You can contact me using


GRAFIK: Welcome to the Unreal Wiki! :)

RavuAlHemio: Thanks ;)

EntropicLqd: Welecome to the Wiki. Hope you enjoy your stay here :)

RavuAlHemio: Oh yes, I will. You have a lot of useful resources over here ;)

MythOpus: Welcome To The Wiki! Yay Vienna!!! And Sweet Name :O

RavuAlHemio: Thanks ;) Where do you come from?

MythOpus: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada :)

Tarquin: Hi, welcome!

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