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UnWheel Big Air Timed is a modification to UnWheel. It has been written by Ondra Hosek, AKA Ravu al Hemio.


The mod adds a new gametype in the gametype list, "UnWheel Big Air (T)". The principle of the game is equal to the one of the original Big Air, but instead of accumulating Daredevil-based stunt points, the player must stay in the air as long as possible. For each second spent in air during a stunt, the player receives a point. The first player to hit the set GoalScore wins the game.

UnWheel Big Air Timed is played on traditional Big Air maps.



You may set up the server-side settings while configuring a server under "Game Rules".

For advanced server admins and power users, this is the list of the variables:

Class UWGameBigAirTimed

Variable name Type Description
AirVelocityThreshold float Minimum velocity (in Unreal units) the vehicle must have to receive points for a stunt.
MinAirTimeToCountAsStunt float Minimum time (in seconds) the vehicle must spend in the air during a stunt to receive points.
WheelsUpToStartTimer int Number of wheels that must be in the air during a stunt to start the air timer.
bConstantlyUpdateAirTime bool If set to True, the air time is updated every frame while in the air. If set to False, the air time is only updated after the car lands.


You can set up the client-side variables through the HUD settings menu for this game type. The client-side variables configure the special effects played when a stunt is made. Note that the special effects are only played in single player mode and demos.

The list for the power users:

Class UWAirTimerSV

Variable name Type Description
bSomeCoolFX bool Activates or deactivates the special effects.
FXRotSpeed int Speed (in Unreal units per frame) with which the camera should rotate around the car during a stunt.
FXFOV float Field of view (zooming factor) of the camera during a stunt. The original FoV is restored when the car lands.
FXStartThreshold float Time (in seconds) after which the special effects will start after a stunt was detected.
FXSlowMoSpeed float Slow motion factor of the game during special effects. (1.0 is normal game speed, 0.5 is half, 2.0 is double)
FXMotionBlur bool Activates or deactivates the Motion Blur camera filter during a stunt.
FXMBlurAlpha float Strength of the motion blur effect.


All right, nice mod. Where can I get it?

Download the latest version in the [forum thread].

Why did you do all this?

I wasn't very happy when UnWheel EC switched from air timing to stunt points; the stunt points seem to be distributed quite unfairly. So, I decided to make an alternative which returned to the concept of air timing, and, as versions went by, new ideas accumulated and were integrated into the gameplay.

More Information

For more information, visit the [forum thread] or contact the author through the means of communication listed on his wiki profile page.


Please only discuss the article here. To discuss the modification, visit the forum thread using the link in the "More Information" section.

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