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UT2004 :: Actor >> HudOverlay >> ScriptedHudOverlay (Package: Gameplay)

Used by Action_DrawHUDMaterial to draw a material on the local player's HUD during a matinee sequence.


These properties are hidden.

Material HUDMaterial
The material to be drawn to the player's HUD.
float PosX
Can either be a multiple of the screen width or an actual screen X position.
float PosY
Can either be a multiple of the screen height or an actual screen Y position.
float Width
Can either be a multiple of the HUDMaterial width or an actual material width.
float Height
Can either be a multiple of the HUDMaterial height or an actual material height.


Render( Canvas C )
Using Canvas.DrawTile(), this draws the HUDMaterial to the over the player's HUD.

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