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Standard Unreal Object Definition/Discuss

Discussion of code implenetations embedded in the Header File STANDARD UNREAL OBJECT DEFINITION

NFG: One of the reasons that I suggested we post this header file is that it contains the C++ components that actually assign the data types and relevant code abstractions integral to the creation of the BSP Tree Node structure that governs rendering of the scene during gameplay in Unreal Tournament. This is fundamental to realistic 3D real time scene rendering and collision detection, both expensive processes in terms CPU speed and maximum capacity. If you examine the file, you will notice that it clearly requires other components to complete the Core Engine implementation of the interacting objects in the game environment.

And, the issue of code optimization so that the rendering object can achieve a decent frame rate utilizing minimum processor computation is still, obviously, a Humongeous Mystery in the UnrealEd Community. Authors of C++ Mods (for whom the 432 Headers were publicly released by Epic, otstensibly) will need to be aware of this information.

What I'd like to know is: does anyone actually read this stuff? (I mean, besides [Tim Sweeney's Mom]? and Tarquin?

Tarquin: I'm sure there'll be sombody who'll find it useful. :-) It's all beyond me, I'm afraid.

Tarquin, I sent an e-mail to Epic Games asking for permission to post the Publicly Released 432 C++ Headers for Unreal Tournament on this website. Here is the response. NFG

That's a great response. I've reinstated the page from the server archive. – Tarquin


E-Mail from Mark Rein, Epic Games, Re: 432 Publicly Released Headers

   Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 00:45:23 -0500 
   From:  Mark Rein <mrein@epicgames.com> [Add to Address Book] 
   To:  <nebulous.person@excite.com> 
   Subject:  RE: 432 Publicly Released Headers Inquiry 
   I don't see any problem with you posting anything we've already put out 
   in the public domain - go for it. 
   BTW, great site! I'm going to pass your email along to the guys so they 
   can see the good working being done there. 
   Mark Rein, 
   Epic Games Inc. 
   Visit us at http://www.epicgames.com 
 == Original Message ==  
   From: Randy Weber [31] 
   Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 5:02 PM 
   To: mrein@epicgames.com 
   Subject: 432 Publicly Released Headers Inquiry 
   Dear M. Rein, 
   I have a simple question in regards to the Publicly Released 432 C++ 
   Headers for Unreal Tournament available on the Epic Games, Unreal 
   Website. A number of members of the Unreal Tournament mapping community 
   are collaborating on a project to document and provide information about 
   UnrealEd 2 for level design. 
   The site is located at: 
   And, we were wondering if we could post some of these C++ Header Files, 
   in the format that Epic Games has provided them, on our website. The 
   material is clearly copyrighted by Epic Games, and we don't want to 
   infringe on the copyright just to display the Source Code if this is 
   unacceptable to Epic Games. 
   Thank you for your consideration. Please respond either to myself, or to 
   the project leader at your convenience: 
   Thank you, Randy Weber 

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