Week 1/9: Eight-Year-Old Almost Abducted, Two Child Abusers

Janurary 16th, 2017

Christmas Dinner; Chinese Food by Robert Couse-Baker / CC BY 2.0

Hi guys! I'm back. Hopefully you guys don't mind the Monday post.

Well here's the news.

1/10: Man Tries to Abduct Eight-Year Old

An Oklahoma man has tried to abduct an 8-year-old kid four days ago, but have still been unable to locate the culprit.

On Jan.6, the 8-year-old boy was in a wrestling tournament with his dad by his side when a man just walked up and carried the boy over to the entrance.

The boy then kicked and screamed and he was let go.

Police still do not know whether this was all an accident.

1/11: 3-Month-Old On Life Support

Today a call came in about a 3-month-old not breathing. Sherling Camacho was horribly beaten and bruised. When doctors examined her, her body showed evidence of past and present bruises.

Police are confusingly wondering who bruised her. It’s either the dad, or her 5-year-old brother. I wonder who?

Her 5-year-old brother was quite aggressive though. When given a baby doll, he slammed it on the table and punched it.

Why is child abuse even a thing? I don’t know.

1/12: Child Abuser is Found to be an Illegal Immigrant

Mingming Chen and Liang Zhao, parents of Ashley Zhao reported her missing on Monday. She was later found in the parents’ restaurant.

Police believe that Chen beat Ashley in the face a couple of times, then called for help.

Chen originally seeked asylum in the U.S. for being persecuted for Falun Gong, but was denied. She later revealed that she had been staying in the U.S. for over 20 years.

Both of them are on $5 million dollar bonds. Liang Zhao is a legal citizen, but Chen is not.

Weird. If you knew you were an illegal immigrant, you certainly wouldn’t want to attract attention to yourself, especially if that attraction was through an crime.

How did they even get a restaurant?

Remember to click the title of each section to find the source.