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Stream Your Content with Google Cast

With Google Cast you make it easy for users to include your content as part of their viewing on TV and listening on audio systems. All they need is a TV with a Chromecast plugged in, an Android TV or a Cast for audio device connected to their audio system.

Cast Remote Display lets you cast a second display directly to the TV while running a primary display on the sender. Native games can provide real-time interaction on the TV and user control on the hand-held device. Graphics-intensive apps can now take full advantage of multiscreen experiences via Cast.

Google Cast is a great way to add value and convenience to your content consumption apps, and extend their engagement with your users.

Find out how to get your app Google Cast-ready.


  • Cast devices can be low-power devices with memory, CPU, and GPU limitations, so the receiver application should be as lightweight as possible.
  • User interaction should only take place on the Cast sender (phone, tablet, or Chrome browser), not the Cast receiver.
  • While content is loading, provide animated loading indicators and use transitions to help make things feel faster on the Cast sender interface.
  • Let users know your app is “Google Card-enabled” in your store listing and use the Google Cast badge on your website and marketing materials.
