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Added in API level 14

Provides access to a few facilities of the Android security subsystems.


KeyChainAliasCallback The KeyChainAliasCallback is the callback for choosePrivateKeyAlias(Activity, KeyChainAliasCallback, String[], Principal[], Uri, String)


KeyChain The KeyChain class provides access to private keys and their corresponding certificate chains in credential storage. 
KeyPairGeneratorSpec This class was deprecated in API level 23. Use KeyGenParameterSpec instead.  
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder This class was deprecated in API level 23. Use KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder instead.  
KeyStoreParameter This class was deprecated in API level 23. Use KeyProtection instead.  
KeyStoreParameter.Builder This class was deprecated in API level 23. Use KeyProtection.Builder instead.  
NetworkSecurityPolicy Network security policy. 


KeyChainException Thrown on problems accessing the KeyChain
