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CoordinatorLayout.DefaultBehavior Defines the default CoordinatorLayout.Behavior of a View class. 


AppBarLayout.OnOffsetChangedListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an AppBarLayout's vertical offset changes. 
NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener Listener for handling events on navigation items. 
SwipeDismissBehavior.OnDismissListener Callback interface used to notify the application that the view has been dismissed. 
TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener Callback interface invoked when a tab's selection state changes. 


AppBarLayout AppBarLayout is a vertical LinearLayout which implements many of the features of material designs app bar concept, namely scrolling gestures. 
AppBarLayout.Behavior The default AppBarLayout.Behavior for AppBarLayout
AppBarLayout.Behavior.DragCallback Callback to allow control over any AppBarLayout dragging. 
AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior Behavior which should be used by Views which can scroll vertically and support nested scrolling to automatically scroll any AppBarLayout siblings. 
BottomSheetBehavior<V extends View> An interaction behavior plugin for a child view of CoordinatorLayout to make it work as a bottom sheet. 
BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback Callback for monitoring events about bottom sheets. 
BottomSheetDialog Base class for Dialogs styled as a bottom sheet. 
BottomSheetDialogFragment Modal bottom sheet. 
CollapsingToolbarLayout CollapsingToolbarLayout is a wrapper for Toolbar which implements a collapsing app bar. 
CoordinatorLayout CoordinatorLayout is a super-powered FrameLayout
CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<V extends View> Interaction behavior plugin for child views of CoordinatorLayout
CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams Parameters describing the desired layout for a child of a CoordinatorLayout
FloatingActionButton Floating action buttons are used for a special type of promoted action. 
FloatingActionButton.Behavior Behavior designed for use with FloatingActionButton instances. 
FloatingActionButton.OnVisibilityChangedListener Callback to be invoked when the visibility of a FloatingActionButton changes. 
NavigationView Represents a standard navigation menu for application. 
NavigationView.SavedState User interface state that is stored by NavigationView for implementing onSaveInstanceState(). 
Snackbar Snackbars provide lightweight feedback about an operation. 
Snackbar.Callback Callback class for Snackbar instances. 
SwipeDismissBehavior<V extends View> An interaction behavior plugin for child views of CoordinatorLayout to provide support for the 'swipe-to-dismiss' gesture. 
TabItem TabItem is a special 'view' which allows you to declare tab items for a TabLayout within a layout. 
TabLayout TabLayout provides a horizontal layout to display tabs. 
TabLayout.Tab A tab in this layout. 
TabLayout.TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener A ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener class which contains the necessary calls back to the provided TabLayout so that the tab position is kept in sync. 
TabLayout.ViewPagerOnTabSelectedListener A TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener class which contains the necessary calls back to the provided ViewPager so that the tab position is kept in sync. 
TextInputEditText A special sub-class of EditText designed for use as a child of TextInputLayout
TextInputLayout Layout which wraps an EditText (or descendant) to show a floating label when the hint is hidden due to the user inputting text. 
